The answer is economic sanctions against Russia and a renewal of trade in Europe. They will lose the war because they will not have the necessary parts/equipment and for logistical reasons. Charts of Russia since Rasputin show the same cycles. Yes, the big picture is always shown by the outer planets that move very slowly. This includes women and non-white faces. Astrology cuts through the noise about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. As for China, I posted a prediction about that country recently and it just happened. Again, this will affect the market. How do you see the near future for the Baltic countries considering the war in Ukraine? It really depends on the karma from 18 or 19 years ago, which is personal. However, on August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union gathered five Warsaw Pact members for a military invasion of Czechoslovakia. Very, very local, not global, and decided by region, by town, by county, by city. it will be cheap. (Image: Palinchak via Dreamstime). Starting that year, he also noticed that transportation and travel changed radically in the United States, with the beginning of the shift to electric/shared transportation. All possible scenarios must be taken into account, including a false departure from and return from Russia. Here is a better future for humanity. It's like King Arthur with his court and the Knights of the Round Table to try to run, never mind Russia. Will there be global repercussions for our inhumanity towards refugees or can Ukraine/Europe forgive us? It is probably safe to say that the current trajectory of the conflict is going much better for Ukraine than for Russia and that the continuing influx of new weapons from the west will maintain that trajectory. Russias defense industrial base is still intact. Why is that please? Nostradamus has been credited with predicting numerous world events including the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon, the John F Kennedy assassination and the 9/11. Your country is ancient and has seen it all, survived and prospered. This means the end of fossil fuel, supplied by Russia, and the end of mass-consumer manufacturing, supplied by China. A change of leadership is looming, and with it an end to Russian money laundering through London property and businesses. This is the worlds largest interbank payment system and members include more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and regions. The situation with Germany is karmic. Thanks. That's Finland and Sweden. It can seem very predetermined. and Poland? Thank you very much. And these students are from various African countries, India, Morocco, Turkey, etc. It is still early days in the year 2022, we will see if more of his predictions will come true. born in germany, city: Dormagen, 3:58 am, date: 06.30.1964. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You draw your own conclusions. I am heartbroken for Ukraine, especially after today's news from Bucha. Let me see. The way in which this karmic debt is paid is likely to undergo major changes in the EU and euro economy. It's about government support. You can find this story in Search. This is really due to the unusual appearance of the North Node in Taurus, but also Uranus in Taurus and eventually Jupiter in Taurus as well. But he is a man out of time. Money laundering will end. This is because, during the crisis, the rich can buy more assets at a lower price, and when the economy recovers and asset prices start to rise again, the wealth of the rich will increase to record highs. The final decision is yours; There are free tarot card readings on this site to help you navigate. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, Christmas 2020 and Pluto in Aquarius will fulfill for many years after March 2023. We do not have a birth chart of Vladimir Putin that we can trust, so I have no further comment than to say that I believe (on a psychic level) that he is ill and that the illness can be inherited genetically. Support does not respond to questions about comments, as we assume that by posting you have read and understood this comment policy. I don't see any comments on Joe Biden. Today, more than 50 years later, public sentiment in Ukraine is very different from that of Czechoslovakia, and the Ukrainian people are united in their resolve to fight the war. The corruption that President Volodymyr Zelensky is currently working hard to address was normative during the Soviet Union and likely inherited from years of Soviet oppression and twisted indoctrination. Top U.S. intelligence officials repeatedly haveassertedthat Russian forces are using up ammunition faster than it can be produced, but have not offered estimates about Ukraines supplies. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.Thierry. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. Believe It or Not delves into a world of unexplained where truth is stranger than fiction. You sure know all that! "Russia may prevail militarily, but there will be a resistance . Shell is stalling. It could even be about territory, since land value is, of course, part of Taurus/Scorpio. You really need to look at Russia's friends and allies to point out money laundering in Sydney. Thank you very much. Russia has more than 300 banks in the system and even if only the top-ranking Russian banks are removed, it would be quite a financial disaster for the country. I think the technology it was built on, the blockchain, is the most important part here and above all, cryptography and decentralization. (Alex Babenko/Reuters) Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut describe a worsening situation on the ground as Russian . compliments. Those conversations do seem to be happening. Many other European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Turkey, would also be involved in helping Ukraine. Don't get caught up in too many binding agreements like partner and family agreements. This suggests a massive shift in the European Union and NATO in 2023, 2024, 2025 when Pluto (power transformation) enters Aquarius at 0, 1, 2 degrees for the first time in more than 240 years. Thanks. No one on Ukraine's side wants nukes going off, and going nuclear would be the end of Russia. Pluto basically conjuncted factors in your Capricorn stellium early on and will be there until the end. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I might even decide not to go to NY in the end. That's why I wanted to ask about the current government. Now that we have come to discover that the renowned French astrologer Nostradamus correctly predicted the Russian attack on Ukraine - his additional predictions for the coming year are becoming more relevant than ever, including a cruel fate for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Based on your prediction, I think I will sell before March 6th too! He is using mercenaries and the so-called local "militia". Thats been true of our allies.. The old world economic system would always fail. "Russia will become the centre of the world after the conflict," he said on social media recently. The latest news was:Japan sanctions to help impose massive costs on Russia, US says. America is getting old. The zodiac sign he passes through shows where all the control is. Thank you very much. It helps a lot to understand. Thanks for that. Best wishes, Simon. 2023. Finland, as part of one, all or many of these groups, is in a strong position. And I'm glad I was born with a Sun/Mars cazimi, because it gives you the power to overcome anything. 2. I'm also curious how tropical astrological signs work in the southern hemisphere, since they were invented in the northern hemisphere and have seasonal attributes. Both militaries are burning through thousands of artillery rounds a day and are facing challenges to secure more supplies to keep up the fight. Unfortunately, the worst may not be over. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Ukrainian and Russian borders with the Donbass. While neither of us have any Russian or Ukrainian connections, we both have factors affected by the aspects you mentioned above. I have to keep saying this. Putin's Jupiter is in the sign of Aries. Ukraine is fighting back and their courage is inspiring. While Kyiv has made much of its need for 300 main battle tanks, it is worth noting that it conducted effective offensives during the summer that took back large areas without them. Could you take a look at my chart and tell me what would be the best time? Transiting Uranus on Taurus 11 was conjunct natal Saturn on Taurus 11. And it is unpredictable and revolutionary. One caveat is that Russian efforts are not focused solely on Bakhmut but at points along the eastern front, from the border with Kharkiv region down to the occupied south, perhaps to probe for weakness. I would love to know, if I had the time, how will the UK economy perform (or not!) Zelensky stayed in Ukraine and stood up to the bully. He has been behaving irrationally. Share. Despite last years mobilisation, analysts such as Phillips OBrien of St Andrews University believe Russian capabilities are degraded by the war and that those expecting a rerun of the initial invasion last year are wrong. And the other cycle that is crucial here is the cycle of Uranus/North Node in Taurus, the sign of the global economy. My sensitivity and empathy irritate me. A cover-up is not usually seen, unless there is a crisis. We had them in World War I and World War II, but they're not there now. A severe crisis in April, which turned out to be a record COVID-19 case in Shanghai and the Chinese currency facing its worst drop since 2015. It is also the end of money laundering. The blind psychic, Baba Vanga who predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has also said that Russian president, Vladimir Putin will become "Lord of the World". I have some questions:1. What about me and my family in particular now that I have a young child and am buying a new home? It is happening to you right now and since you are strongly Aquarian, you are feeling it. On an astute guess, I would say that the Magnitsky Act will be used well and truly, as Her Majesty The Queen signed it into law in May 2018 and the UK is about to see its coffers filled with lots of Russian money. For Norway, it will be a leadership revolution. Hope this is helpful, Robin. It is very comforting that the evil Putin did not win. Related Topics. My daughter has Venus at 27 Capricorn and Cupid at 12 Pisces and I see conjunctions in both aspects this week. This is now a clash of sustainment and sustainment systems, she said. Anand predicts that this volatility will occur around mid-March, so he advises most investors not to enter the market before mid-March. I think it's worth looking into seriously in the next few years. Simply the best. Community, diversity, equality. But it will be difficult to produce ammunition at levels sufficient to keep up with how much is being used on the battlefield, he said. I appreciate you with all my heart.I know you predicted the end of Trump.In America, there are still plenty of Trump supporters. Well, maybe it's not so shocking if you use astrology. I couldn't help but think of my own placements of 23 to 27 degrees (the main ones! You are psychic and can probably read clouds and ink stains on the wall. I am from Poland. Thanks for writing the article, Jessica! The transiting South Node at 26 Scorpio was in conjunction with natal Mercury at 26 Scorpio. It will also be the beginning of the end of the fossil fuels that are generating the Climate Emergency, since gas and oil are part of history. When will it end? Maybe an ex, or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional and sexual. Putin will not last. 5 March 2022. It will be owned by my sister who was born on March 31, 1992 (then Aries). And there are some other random notes I'd like to pass on, about that whole period. The power of people in one or more new shared global networks. At this stage it doesnt seem that Russia has employed reserves, and is likely using those units to replace casualties, or perhaps waiting for a breakthrough to exploit. Life will be unpredictable in 2022, 2023 and sometimes the world will turn upside down before your eyes, but in the end Bulgaria will get rid of a lot of problems that are not its fault but stem from the wider European scene. An illusory vainglory of past empires, the agony of Pluto in Capricorn? This will need to be verified later as we are only 3 months into the year 2022. Take a look at your Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and Tarot for this and do a three way reading. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. When will Ukraine vs Russia war end in astrology| Prediction of ukraine russia conflict explained. Thank you. I hope the red cloth of the emperor's curtains is not an indication of the "big red button" or Nena's song "99 red balloons". The only reason they won during World War II is that the United States and European countries were helping. Not much. When all this happened as he predicted, the British people began to gradually take notice of this psychic. A cycle is ending. In Moscow, another prominent astrologer, Konstantin Daragan, who made a name for himself by claiming to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, also says Russia will win on . If the world prevents Russia from using SWIFT banking, for example, it can use China's system. They have more soldiers but their equipment is worse, their soldiers are less well-trained than they were, and their ammunition supplies are getting lower.. So far the war has only been concentrated in the east, but now it is beginning to reach the west as well. Russia and Ukraine are collectively responsible for roughly 30 percent of the world's wheat and 19 percent of its corn. Once again, if you make moves in that direction, there will be an economic war against you: trade boycotts and economic sanctions. Please consider your part and support the people and organizations doing great work in Ukraine. We also find Aries-Virgo in the emergency services. There was a well-known Chinese writer, Yu Qiuyu, who shared one of his personal experiences World War II was undoubtedly one of the bloodiest episodes of human history. There is a lot of nonsense online about 'World War 3' and Russia. We've also seen Credit Suisse exposed in a shocking leak, with all its war ties on display. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks Simon. Itll be a challenge for them, Schwartz said. I am a nurse and I travel for my work. However, Craig Hamilton-Parker asserts that eventually Putin will be driven out by the Ukrainians, but it wont be immediate. For the first and last time in his life, Uranus, the planet of commotion, disturbance and confusion, is crossing the 11th of Taurus. Ultimately, though, Yovanovitch said, she believes Ukraine will win the war. The real name of Baba Venga is Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova. This country wants all its planes back so the Russians can't travel inside Russia! It's spiral, we're in. You need to put your work and health first in 2022 and through March 2023 really, so it will be a combination of the realities of COVID-19, your work situation (I include the gym or volunteering in that), and the extra money you could earn or save after may. Because? I have felt the hard times personally as a British citizen.As a premium member, may I ask why Pluto hit me so hard? How is this war affecting the UK economy? This peaks, as I said, when we see a perfect storm of cycles coming together at 26, 27 degrees. Craig Hamilton-Parker compared the invasion with the Prague Spring of 54 years ago. Thanks James I agree with China. Baba Vanga is (was) a hoax. Thanks. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Why? They have tried to buy more chips recently, but Taiwan has not sold them due to sanctions. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". We are before a reborn UN. Even the Russians are donating so much to our armed forces." Using Switzerland as an example, Sweden must now amend what it did in 1938, basically choosing to remain neutral in World War II but allowing Nazi Germany transit rights. Once you realize that this is in fact the true story, you can see that the war in Ukraine will last as long as it takes for money laundering and oil/gas to end. So hard or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional sexual! 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