SFs most important stories, delivered straight to your inbox, Ballots are sorted after arriving at San Francisco Department of Elections in City Hall on Gubernatorial Recall Election Day in San Francisco, Calif., on Tuesday, September 14, 2021. and Oakland Election: Latest results on propositions and key races, Voters are really angry: How S.F. And we admire her efforts to restore the right to vote to people on parole for a felony conviction all citizens deserve the right to vote. Below is a roundup of our picks, including state ballot measures. No more bribes to public officials, no more extortive lawsuits from NIMBY groups, no more uncertainty. It requires a simple majority to pass. She undoubtably has the better housing platform. The Board still has its constitutional powers to review property tax assessments and insurer tax assessments, and its role in the collection of alcohol excise and pipeline taxes. Assembly Member Matt Haney, who was elected to the Legislature in a special election last spring, runs for a full term. The Examiner endorses: Ann Hsu, Lainie Motamedi and Lisa Weissman-Ward. Equality California endorses and supports 100% pro-equality candidates up and down the ballot fighting for LGBTQ+ civil rights, reproductive freedom and social justice. Not only do they provide access to a wide array of books and research materials for students, they also provide computer and internet access for people who don't have them at home. Even though denying this project was illegal (and the city is now being sued for it), the Board knew they had the power and the chance to get away with it. It also gives the city the ability to set reduced parking costs for low-income, elderly, or disabled visitors. The city Transportation Authority would be allowed to issue up to $1.19 billion in bonds to be repaid with proceeds from the tax. Padilla looks to defend his spot in the Senate in his first election for a full term. Rather than just being appointed or elected, a slate of justices are selected by the Governor and then vetted by judicial commissions. Instead, Prop 29 will mandate that expensive doctors be required to be on-site during all patient treatments. Read both questionnaires and vote your conscience. Arts and music education is important for children. He's already doing great work pushing housing bills forward and we're excited to see what else he can accomplish over the next two years. Mayor Breed came out ahead in city elections, Corporations poured big money into measures on gambling, electric cars. Californians will vote twice on the Senate race in November. Alex Padilla: Padilla is an experienced legislator and a staunch supporter of voting and abortion rights. Paid for by Coalition to Grow San Francisco - Grow SF PAC (growsf.com). Prop 30 will also make it more affordable for large organizations like school districts and transit agencies to replace their diesel vehicles with zero-emission trucks, buses, even tractors! Rafael Mandelman: He can be wishy washy in trying to appease both sides of the citys progressive and moderate factions. GrowSF fundamentally believes that the legislature ought to write and enact laws, and if the people are unhappy with those laws, then we should vote out those lawmakers. It was held on June 7, 2022, concurrent with the 2022 statewide primary elections. San Francisco's vacancy rate is lower, still, at around 3%. Back. Prop 13 mandates that all new taxes be subjected to a vote of the public. Since Li has no challengers, we did not send a questionnaire in this race, and your vote doesn't actually matter. November 8, 2022, Endorsements. We think that's horribly cynical and irresponsible. Taxes that are reserved for a specific purpose, rather than the General Fund require a 66 2/3% supermajority. Prop. Mayor London Breed first appointed these three candidates after an overwhelming recall of Alison Collins, Gabriela Lpez, and Faauuga Moliga. Some critics oppose Prop 30 because Lyft is the main funder and it will help Lyft transition its fleet from gas to electric cars. It needs a simple majority to pass. We don't think someone who wants to shut down the DA's office should be in charge of running it. No on Prop. It may feel good to post this photo, but I've known too many kids who were killed for being in the wrong neighborhood (often their own) & unable to protect themselves. So this tax won't raise considerable funds, nor will it incentivize landlords to rent vacant units. So, if you value the real-world experience of helping get City College back on its feet and don't want to change horses midstream, you may want to vote for Thea Selby. Is Californias drought finally over? The bond measure would be put toward infrastructure priorities. We invite you to express your views in a letter to the editor. This year, Lara faced a feisty primary battle with a Democratic challenger, Assemblymember . Register for the election at ademelections.com. Sierra Club California 2022 endorsements of candidates for state legislative and statewide offices. Elected: Assessor-Recorder Torres. Public Defender Cerebral and deliberate, Mano Raju is the kind of nose-to-the-grindstone public official that gets things. And he supports advanced classes for high-performing students and a school assignment system that would let kids walk to a neighborhood school instead of having to be shuttled across town. The campaign, initiated by four Tribes (Pechanga Indian Reservation, Barona Band of Mission Indians, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians) paid signature gatherers nearly $11 million to get this on the ballot. SPUR analyzed all local and state measures on the California, San Francisco, San Jos and Oakland ballots for the November 2022 election. The deadline to request your ballot is December 12, 2022. Over the past few weeks our PAC Committee has been reviewing ballot measures, tracking candidate filings and spent all of this past weekend interviewing candidates and measure representatives. Print our voter guide for easy in-person sharing. Joel's opponent, Gordon Mar, is out of touch with his district. What will happen, instead, is that the existing nonprofits who get paid by the city to run our poor services will get appointed to the commission and guarantee that their nonprofits keep getting paid, regardless of the quality of service. Donors spent over $200,000 to get the 10,000 signatures necessary to get this measure on the ballot. Ultimately the election was a contest between progressive Democrats who saw Mr. Boudin as a key leader of a national . The incumbent, Shamann Walton, holds positions on the critical issues facing our city which we dont agree with. The long version is much more confusing, and is explained in greater detail of page 2 of the Legislative Digest. In his GrowSF questionnaire, Kevin Mullin said it was too hard to open a new business, run a business, hire staff at a living wage, and obtain the various licenses and permits necessary to run a business. Ten candidates are running for a four-year term. That was the case in the much-publicized delay of 469 Stevenson, a proposed 500-unit development on a downtown parking lot, which led to a state investigation of SFs housing policies. Yes on Prop. She's done a fine job over the last few years and, notably, was a force in reopening the Powell St BART bathrooms, which had been closed for nearly twenty years due to terrorism concerns after 9/11 (yes, really, twenty years!). Loren Taylor: A current city council member for District Six, Taylor stood out among a large crop of contenders as particularly thoughtful. Ten candidates are vying to replace Mayor Libby Schaaf, who's termed out of office. This good-sounding policy just ensures that people continue to live and work in disaster-prone areas and will lead to more death and destruction. $2.8 billion to $4 billion of that would go toward zero emission vehicle programs, including electric vehicle charging stations. Proposition C is a Charter Amendment introduced by the Board of Supervisors which will create a new Homelessness Oversight Commission that would be tasked with overseeing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing. Home; Current Endorsements; Past Elections. Youve been struggling with feeling unheard and unseen by the San Francisco D.A.s Office. We want people who are addicted to get the help they need, whether that be safe injection sites with on-site medical care, or even drug addiction recovery programs that require full abstinence. Passage is crucial for new affordable housing. Because a city this offbeat deserves a newsletter with some GrowSF opposes Proposition 26 because it is clear regulatory capture by a state-granted monopoly. D: Like it or not, a whole lot of new housing is coming to San Francisco. According to a city analysis, the tax could make about 4,500 vacant units available over a two-year period and generate more than $38 million in annual revenue. Rob Bonta: For his robust enforcement of Californias housing laws alone, Bonta has earned our endorsement. Gordon Mar opposed the School Board recall and the Chesa Boudin recall. We agree with Kevin that it's too hard to expand or redevelop your own home, build subsidized and market-rate housing, and build homeless shelters. San Francisco has too many elections, and consolidating the Mayor and District Attorney elections to presidential election years will not only increase turnout in those elections, but it will give voters a chance to enjoy the city instead of participating in yet another election. And, importantly, they are not career politicians. This is a relatively straightforward bureaucratic fix to allow the City to operate the underground parking facility near the museums in Golden Gate Park, rather than subcontract operation to another entity (the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority). There are several candidates with good qualifications, but we were not able to definitively make a recommendation. Low vacancy rates drive up the cost of rent because renters are competing against fewer units. Statements are published as submitted. Sally Lieber (D) says that she "will fight to ensure that everyday people are heard; that our tax system is fair and equitable for homeowners, renters, people living with disabilities, small businesses, and communities of color; that utilities and other big money interests pay their fair share; and that every state agency works to combat climate change". Prop D will start fixing some of these broken laws that prevent housing construction. 1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place City College. We were proud to support his "A Place for All" legislation which forces the city to make a real plan to get every single homeless person indoors. California State-wide Offices. Joel leads Stop Crime SF, a grassroots group that consistently advocates for a safe city for everyone. Increased state revenues, possibly reaching tens of millions of dollars annually. Prop 31 would reduce tax revenue from tobacco sales by about $100 million per yer by maintaining the ban on flavored tobacco sales. This is a City Charter amendment. Trustee Murrell Green, who was appointed to the position by Mayor London Breed, is running against Adolpho Velasquez, a retired counselor at S.F. Prop J will reaffirm the extremely popular JFK Promenade and turn it into a permanent park. Election Center. But part of helping is getting the deadliest drugs off the streets and arresting and charging dealers who clearly don't care that their product is killing people. Proposition I is a citizen signature initiative ordinance which will require the City to allow car traffic on the pedestrian-only JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park and end the popular Great Highway "weekend compromise", instead mandating vehicle traffic 24/7. He focuses on throwing out decades of institutional knowledge in favor of his ill-defined platform without stating what that actually means or what, in particular, he wants to change. To easily turn ON JavaScript you can follow the instructions provided on the following websites: Enable JavaScript and WikiHow. Prop D isn't perfect (we wish it applied to all housing, not just subsidized housing, and that it allowed demolition and redevelopment of existing housing), but it's a step in the right direction. -How San Francisco Makes It Insanely Hard to Build Housing in the SF Standard. But beyond all of these bad opinions, John Hamasaki also wants to defund the prosecutors in the District Attorney's office. The road would only be closed to cars on holidays, Sundays and Saturdays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. between April and September. But his opponent, Rebecca Young, quit the Public Defender's office to go work for recalled District Attorney Chesa Boudin. District 10 deserves better options. Don't throw good money after bad. Drop your completed ballot at one of 34 Official Ballot Drop Box locations. Rather than making a full DSA SF voter guide, we use a democratic process within the chapter to officially make endorsements, and when we do endorse a candidate or measure, we put the full strength of DSA SF behind winning. Verbica is endorsed by the Republican establishment. Yes on Prop. Among her suggestions to help City College deal with its financial crisis, she recommends consolidating some classes (she says she "counted 163 classes available to satisfy a 3 unit general education requirement") and to stop deficit spending. Statements are volunteered by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Something went wrong. All Rights Reserved. The 2020 Prop B broke apart the Department of Public Works (DPW) into two departments: DPW and the Department of Sanitation and Streets (DSS), and created a new commission to oversee DSS, called the Sanitation and Streets commission. June 7, 2022 Primary Election Overview and Recommendations By Louise "Lou" Fischer- As noted in almost every one of my columns for the past six months, San Francisco has four elections this year because of corruption, resignations, political appointments, vacancies, blah blah blah. 27: Studies from the United Kingdom show that online gamingis particularly ripe for addictive behavior, suggesting a heavy investment will be needed for problematic gaming prevention. These discretionary permits dont just introduce institutional corruption into the home building process, they also open up home builders to frivolous lawsuits on ridiculous grounds. Vote Yes on Proposition J. The Library Preservation Fund is currently set to expire in June 2023. It retained 400 employees, with the rest of its 4,800 workers being shifted to the new departments. 06/07/2022 07:51 PM EDT. B: Establishing a new Department of Sanitation and Streets wont fix the citys deeply-rooted issues. The measure would roll back much of the 2020 Prop. The California Democratic Party makes endorsements for federal and state office and state ballot measures. If a justice is denied retention by a majority of the voters, the governor can nominate a successor, who would seek confirmation from the state Commission on Judicial Appointments and then appear on the next general election ballot. Of course, we can't attribute that to just her, but hey it helps! Voters should pass without reservation. Treasurer Fiona Ma, a Democrat, runs for re-election to a second term against Republican Jack Guerrero, a certified public accountant who serves on the City Council of Cudahy in Los Angeles County. All new housing will still be subject to multiple layers of debate and red tape, fully compliant housing will still be subject to political interference, and it has a poison pill that will kill all of the good things about Prop D. Like Prop D, Prop E will not cost the city any extra money. It needs a simple majority to pass. (For example: changing how elections work, creating a Bay Area regional government, etc.) San Francisco is at its most unaffordable point in at least a decade, S.F. Proposition A will increase the yearly expenses from the City budget by approximately $8 million per year for the next ten years, $5 million of which will come from the General Fund. Unfortunately, we do disagree with Lara's policy to force insurance companies to cover structures at high risk of wildfires. January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 . She graduated from UCLA with a Ph.D when she was only 26 years old, and taught for four decades at San Diego State. The winner of this race will serve a new six-year term starting in January. Alex Padilla was appointed by Governor Newsom to replace Kamala Harris after she vacated the seat to become Vice President. At schools with more than 500 students, 80% of these funds will be used for teacher salaries, and the remainder used for training and materials. This is an abuse of the California initiative system. Incidentally, thanks to recall election maven Joshua Spivak, we know that San Francisco is actually quite the outlier in qualifying its school board election; last year, of the gaudy and headline-grabbing 250 nationwide attempts to recall school board members, only 18 made the ballot. So while the 40,000 vacant unit number is a deliberate misrepresentation of the US Census data, there are still some homes that stay vacant for a relatively long time. Under Bonta's leadership, California has rejected illegal "housing element" plans from cities that seek to exclude new residents by keeping the supply of housing artificially small. But in a race between two flawed candidates, we're obligated to pick the least-bad, and that's Ricardo Lara. There are many reasons to vote No on Prop M. In short: our vacancy rate is already too low, and this tax will not just drive up rents, but will also make it harder to build new housing. H: Moving the elections for mayor, sheriff, district attorney, city attorney and treasurer to presidential election years will almost certainly improve voter participation. Prop. kern county elections 2022. internship report sample business administration / nswc crane small arms registry login / kern county elections 2022. fisk heroes addon packs. October 13, 2022 San Francisco Foundation We work every day to create a Bay Area where everyone has a chance to get a good job, live in a healthy and affordable home, and have a strong political voice. If we save the Earth and a company saves a little money, that sounds like a win-win! It requires a two-thirds vote to pass. This tax has the possibility of raising $20 million in tax revenue, but that is only if the tax is ineffective at changing the behavior of large landlords. Read his full questionnaire here. So the intent of the voters in 2011 was never fully realized and, instead, it only penalized retirees who retired a little too early. D, it needs a simple majority to pass. Weber is the daughter of a semiliterate father who fled the Jim Crow south when his life was in danger, she brings incredible dedication and grit to everything she does. David Campos, whom Haney defeated in the special election, is also on the ballot, but he is not campaigning in the general election. This commission has every seat but one set aside for people who work in the homelessness industry. The California Democratic Party makes endorsements for federal and state office and state ballot measures. We also agree that we need state or federal intervention in San Francisco's too-strict zoning code, which makes it illegal to build things like a duplex or triplex in almost 80% of the city. 30 would increase the personal income tax rate by 1.75% for people who earn more than $2 million per year and use the money for programs to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions; 80% would be for electric vehicles and 20% for wildfire prevention and firefighting. Please submit your letter via our online form: SFChronicle.com/letters. Drop your completed ballot at one of 34 Official Ballot Drop Box locationsacross San Francisco on your way to school, work, or even when walking your dog. Yes on Prop. A new tax on their vacant unit doesn't change these economics they're still losing money on the unit (albeit, slightly more money). Volunteer Events Contact GOP Volunteer Clubs Register to Vote 2022 Resolutions . In fact, she was president of the Board of Trustees in 2017 when City College escaped its first accreditation crisis. The office has such limited powers that either candidate would probably do a fine job. Prop A eliminates the full-funding requirement for the SF Employee Retirement System (SFERS) for people who retired before November 6, 1996 but also imposes a supplemental cost-of-living adjustment cap of $200 per month when the retirement system is not fully funded. Weissman-Ward: United Educators of San Francisco, Breed, state Assemblymember Matt Haney and others. California recently introduced a mandate that all cars sold in California must be electric by 2035 (that's only 13 years away! Vote in person at these locations. The campaign has raised nearly $80 million in favor, largely from other Native American tribes. Rob Bonta must continue this vital work to ensure cities follow the law for fair and abundant housing. If elected, she would be California's first Black controller. So, if you value an outsider's tenacity and eagerness to investigate the party in power, then you'll probably want to vote for Lanhee Chen. This is regulatory capture, pure and simple. Review your registration, track your ballot, stop/resume the mailing of your voter information pamphlet, submit your language preference for election materials, and more! Our full Pissed Off Voter Guide is available now- read it! We want to give him the chance to prove his chops and we believe that, as a Mayoral appointee, he will be aligned with the Mayor's broader goals of fiscal responsibility and educational outcomes. Both candidates are flawed, but Thurmond easily comes out on top when considering his competitor. Would also allow additional gamblingsuch as rouletteat tribal casinos. In politics, regulatory capture is a form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular geographic area, industry, profession, or ideological group. Chen is our pick to help make California more accountable to its taxpayers. They are now trying to expand the scope of that monopoly to more types of gambling and are writing the regulations that govern themselves at the same time. The November 8, 2022 general election in San Francisco has over 40 contests to vote on. J. Gavin Newsom: The governor faced a confluence of challenges in his first term that bordered on apocalyptic. Now imagine there are only 5 empty homes for those 10 people. Mr. The powerful SEIU union is abusing the California initiative process in service of their labor dispute. But it is also worth highlighting that her main opponent, John Hamasaki, holds views that are anathema to a safe city. Since taking office earlier this year, Dorsey has put forward sweeping new legislation to clean up the district and to arrest the dealers of deadly drugs. This blatant attempt for tribes and corporations to write their own laws that give them a permanent advantage over their competitors while handcuffing Californians with laws that are nearly impossible to alter should be opposed. Her, but hey it helps wishy washy in trying to appease both sides of the deeply-rooted! For recalled District Attorney Chesa Boudin recall Weissman-Ward: United Educators of San Francisco San... Democrats who saw Mr. Boudin as a key leader of a national prosecutors in the industry. For people who work in disaster-prone areas and will lead to more death and destruction challengers, did! State legislative and statewide offices questionnaire in this race, and taught four! 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