On Sunday, January 2, the new moon in Capricorn sets an industrious, ambitious tone that's perfect for setting powerful intentions including those that just recently occurred to you out of the blue. Put the focus firmly on your need to retreat and take it easy, with time out to rest, dream or surrender, The ruler of this New Moon is your own ruler Saturn in your sign, setting responsibilities on your shoulders, maturity on your person even authority or a hard line you now take (i.e. and although SO many things are unrecognisable as 2022 rolls through the gates, la Luna emerges as she always does. For more information, visit KyleThomasAstrology.com. With that in mind, this solstice-adjacent lunation is a beautiful time to look back on the year, reflect upon your achievements, and use what youve learned to shape your plans for the future. The full moon in July is called the Buck Moon, according to Farmer's Almanac. Many opportunities will appear as if out of thin air and you will feel energized and grateful for the developments. Youll need to find a healthy balance between fantasy and reality, placing realistic expectations on yourself and the universe when it comes to manifesting your dreams. Fill the blank space by pasting photos of your dream house, ideal wardrobe, and whatever else your heart desires, trusting that the other side will help you find these things. You may need peace and quiet, as secrets, and emotions feel beyond you heightened; youve one foot in elusive, mysterious territory. stories for every girl with a wanderlust spirit. The new moon will empower you to become a money magnet! Speak up, Scorpio. Quietly contemplate where youve been charitable perhaps to a fault! 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Jupiter lets us see our circumstances clearly, while Chiron, the wounded healer, gives us the strength to make the transition to being the boldest version of ourselves in the upcoming new year. The idea here is to let the other side know where youd like to see more growth or success, either through meditation, prayer, or candle work. As the ruler of the Luminaries is Saturn in Aquarius, we can take what weve come to know and use a fresh stance for one and for all: for the people, communities, large groups and collectives, As the week and the year draws to a close, its an awesome time for resolution, and with five celestial bodies assembled in this sign, the focus is palpable, Draw on hard work and endurance, knowing weve all to make it through winter. Relationships Certain unions or relationships may have been prominent this year and last, in particular, the way you engage formally in one-to-ones, mindful of the part you play in a dynamic of two. Composure will be the key to pulling off any wild ideas that manifest in your psyche, and itll be necessary that you move both boldly and methodically. The best way to collectively use its vibration is to brainstorm your career goals for the year and start to take action to push matters in your favor. While a lucrative check, raise, client or job offer could manifest, you will also need to put yourself out there to uncover every possible financial win. In addition to your domestic sphere, the stars will ask you to look back at your formative years, acknowledging the people and situations that helped shape you. Consider spending some extra time in the great outdoors in an effort to clear your mind of any mental chatter plaguing your peace. Capricorn is an earth sign known for its discipline, ambition, and practicality, which makes it the perfect time to focus on our goals and take action toward achieving them. The Spiritual Meaning Of The December 2022 New Moon. Astrologically speaking, 2022 is already off to a pretty good start. When it comes to manifesting, nothing beats the power of a well-made plan. Darkness can be viewed in many ways. The Moon in Capricorn is a rather cold and severe transit. Monday February 20th New Moon In Pisces Horoscope, January 21st 2023: New Moon In Aquarius Horoscope, HOME ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT DISCLAIMER . The universe will have you under a bit of a magnifying glass right now, especially when it comes to your routines and drive for success. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Its a time to connect with friends in person and online. With your solar return on the horizon or having just passed, a motivation to break personal records, succeed professionally, and thrive in love will be pronounced. Though squirreling away for the future may not feel as sexy as a new pair of boots, youll thank yourself later for acting responsibly. While we all see the moon in the sky quite often, few of us realize how much we're impacted by its cycles. Although this New Moon is in Capricorn- a sign ruled by Saturn- Jupiter is now in Pisces, a sign where it can bring blessings and hope for the future. The New Moon in Capricorn is a time to boss up and make necessary changes in our lives. Look at the big picture, and be practical. Perhaps the most important lunar aspect taking place is the new moons connection with the larger-than-life planet Jupiter, which inspires individuals to think bigger and bolder as they visualize their future goals. What deserves to survive so that it can see the light grow with you? Growth Dig deep into your inner resource and lend generous attention to the ways you overcome challenges and hard toil thats not necessarily yours to deal with (tending to the sick, physically or mentally). Growth With Saturn the guiding influence over this New Moon its important to take a look at progress made in your four walls, around household matters, among family (particularly parental ties or work done to understand the past). Fashion, beauty and adornment with celebrity zodiac signs. Exercising financial savvy will be the key to thriving under the Capricorn New Moon, dear Sagittarius, as five celestial bodies activate the sector of your chart that governs money. The final lunation of 2022 dawns on 23 December in the sober sign of Capricorn. Though youre prone to playing by the rules and running a tight ship, the stars will ask you to color just a touch outside of the lines. With the New Moon theres a fresh start to harness among kindred spirits too, perhaps the way you express yourself or enter into discourse, touch on news stories or gossip, even relate or explain what matters to you and yours. About This New Moon Today we're granted a 'new beginning' and fresh Its time to get busy, Leo! Just remember to review both the good and the bad, carrying forth the strengths of your parental figures while allowing weaknesses or unsavory behaviors to act as a lesson on how one should not behave. Starting new week, Mercury will station retrograde, but the real talk of the town is Jupiters entrance into Aries, which restarts a cosmic 12-year cycle and brings a necessary dose of courageous and confident luck into the fire signs domain. The new moon in Capricorn will take place early in the morning on December 23rd at 1 degree. Find out everything you need to know about Decembers Capricorn new moon and how to make the most of its pivotal energy shift below. Finding new ways to connect with your work will help you stay engaged, triggering a battle against the creature of habit that lives within. Perhaps the most important takeaway for you during this astrological event is to have more fun. Try to schedule a conversation with your boss or mentor at a time thats convenient for both of you, and ask for feedback on how you can improve as an employee, voicing your desire to move up the ranks while showcasing a willingness to work hard. While you might not have to work alone indefinitely, itll be important that you get comfortable with the idea of taking the reins with your goals. In this mind space, you can tackle those big scary chores and undertakings you've been postponing with brio. On the same day, the wounded healer centaur Chiron goes direct in Aries, flavoring this lunation with the urge to heal and surrender. How is my relationship with hierarchy and authority? The meaning of a retrograde in these planets may be in conjunction with something we hold personal and may be more difficult to overcome. The most important new moon of the year appears now for you, as it falls in your zodiac sign. The influence your parents had on you as a child will be more evident than ever, though you can work with these memories to better understand the qualities that were instilled in you, picking and choosing which stay and which go. Conclude. You'll head into 2022 feeling extra intuitive and magical. The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in Capricorn and your joyful, passionate, fertile fifth house of personal gratification, love, sexuality, play, entertainment and desires. Start working on some goals that you know will take extra time to come to fruition. Leo. Fixed signs like Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are reflecting upon the changes that need to be made to their day-to-day endeavors to live their best lives in the new year. Taurus Rising: adventure, travel, learning, spirituality, philosophy, Gemini Rising: intimacy, vulnerability, bonds, healing, Cancer Rising: relationships, commitment, partnership, Leo Rising: daily life, mental & physical wellness, routine, productivity, service, Virgo Rising: creativity, art, pleasure, inner child, romance, Libra Rising: family, roots, home (moving/redecorating), ancestry, Scorpio Rising: communication, expression (speaking/writing/art), short trips, collaboration, Sagittarius Rising: money, value, budgeting, Aquarius Rising: endings, healing, subconscious, inner psyche, Pisces Rising: friendship, community, networking. The new moon activates your communication and travel sector, bringing you excitement to broadcast your ideas, learn and see what it looks like out of your current surroundings. It's been an amazing adventure for the past 14 years writing blogs for the New and Full Moons, Jana Groscost 2022-12-01T21:14:25-08:00 What mentality, habits, and traits do I embody in the future I want to create for myself? Its more than likely that your questions are both common and valid, and demonstrating an eagerness to learn can help you gain the respect of your peers, colleagues, and superiors. March 7: Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn enters Pisces. Thats right, darling Gemini the universe will push you to ask those tough internal questions we all love to avoid so that you can identify what or who is holding you back from your truest potential. Venus & Pluto theres an even greater significance to work with, particularly in cultivating self-worth and proving yourself, your capabilities. This year, Capricorn season is all about blazing your own trail and feeling . Themes around both creativity and discipline will be pronounced, asking you to get organized with your passion projects and personal ambitions. The universe can do only so much to guide and direct us, but if youre able to see blessings when they manifest and move forward on them, youll climb higher than you ever could have imagined. Photo: Getty Images. Set intentions around ways you might move ahead with key people business partners, family members, a spouse, friend or frenemy. New regimes, routines or a busy practice and approach to work and wellbeing, diet and exercise can inform the person you might fall for, or the habitual side of life could add structure that brings your fertility and baby making toward a new chapter! The new moon will activate your sector of productivity. Healing energy is strong under this New Moon, so to help you work with and channel it where it needs to go, here is a ritual to guide you - Capricorn Super New Moon Ritual for Healing . Its no secret that you value your image, especially when it comes to projecting strength and competency. What goals do you want to achieve during this New Moon in Capricorn phase? The new moon will open a doorway in your life to achieve more in the coming year, as well as rise higher in your industry. The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in Capricorn and your foundational fourth house of household matters, domestic life and emotional fortitude the zone of home and emotional sensitivity, of the past and roots. Heartfelt notions and all you make as an extension of yourself is topical from children, pregnancy and conception to your sexuality and proclivity for attracting a mate. The last New Moon of the year is a cosmic reset in Capricorn and your ambitious tenth house of professionalism, public image and reputation. Just remember to schedule plenty of time for relaxation at home, especially when life feels particularly dramatic or chaotic. The stars will ask you to invest in yourself right now, darling Virgo, as the Capricorn New Moon activates your solar fifth house. It's sounds gloomy but a closer look suggests otherwise. ELEMENT: Earth. This is an excellent time to get things moving for a large-scale long-term project and you could find the patience to win triumphantly in the end. People will respond best to direct and clear statements, even if they seem cutting at first. Yours is a highly adaptable sign but sometimes you change things for the fun of it and lose focus as a result. The new moon energizes your sector of home, domesticity and family. Here are some prompts you can use for a New Moon in Capricorn manifestation journal: What allows me to stay grounded as I move forward? Dont be afraid to pipe up when youre uncertain about something, even if doing so causes you to feel vulnerable or unintelligent. These vibes are perfect for constructing a vision board of your ideal life, specifically from a materialistic standpoint. You could be requiring more assistance from partners in business or love or even considering applying for more benefits from your job. It may be chilly where you are, but Capricorn season is getting the . The ruler of this New Moon is Saturn in your twelfth house, suggesting the notion of retirement, surrender, or awareness of mental health issues or a spiritual leaning (or the setting of a hospital, place of seclusion, retreat or healing) has significance over your involvements with acquaintances & allies. She hosts the weekly podcast The Glitter Cast, which features celebrity ghost stories and interviews with leading professionals in her field. It may not be 2023 just yet, but this new moon can help you visualize your vast potential in the year to come. ET. The new moon is encouraging you to trust others, be vulnerable in your exchanges and better learn how to share. . Though youre one of the most compassionate members of the zodiac, avoid the temptation to scoop up broken birds in the vain hope that you can help them reach their highest potential. A clean slate. Set intentions around ways you contribute or input something worthwhile, finding your purpose and value, deeply identifying your position in the professional realms, or simply feeling capable and good about your part! Our deepest wounds will be exposed at this time. The First New Moon Of 2022 Is Bringing Us Clarity, Luck, & New Possibilities. Growth Draw on your industrious nature, with a stellium in your house of vocation, leadership, fame and validation. Growth Draw on your lucrative side and resourceful nature, with a stellium in your house of cash, earnings, monetary income and position reset the agenda around finances and fiscal affairs, taking on board the current status of your bank balance, assets or what youve accumulated or lost over time. The perfect time to manifest your dream life for 2023! The key, though, is to take action. 13 is the number of manifestation, of achieving what you want and letting go of what you don't need to . However, youll need to put on your bravest and fiercest face, using the energy at play as metaphorical armor that protects you while youre barreling forward into the unknown. Growth Teamwork, social issues, your colleagues, and the group are now given gravitas, with planets in your house of collective dreams and aspirations for humanity. The ruler of this New Moon is Saturn in your fifth house, your sector of pleasure, personal gratification, hobbies, joys and entertainment. 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