"And if I am a master [plural adonai], where is My respect? Write, replied He; whoever wishes to err may err.12 And again, Rabbi Simlai said: Wherever you find a point supporting the heretics [e.g., Trinitarians], you find the refutation at its side. They asked him again: What is meant by, AND GOD SAID: LET US MAKE MAN? Read what follows, replied he: Not, and gods created man is written here, but And God created (Gen. 7)., Another Professor of Semitic languages Dr. Gleason Archer wrote: This first-person plural can hardly be a mere editorial or royal plural that refers to the speaker alone, for no such usage is demonstrable anywhere else in biblical Hebrew. The Hebrew 'honorific plural' [im] was never used . Is this true? Understanding the various terms used in this discussion: C. History of the "Plural of Majesty" argument: D. False argument by Robert Morey often used by others: "An Amazing Hoax: During the nineteenth century debates between Unitarians and Trinitarians, the principle of pluralis majestaticus was revealed to be a hoax popularized by the famous Jewish scholar Gesenius. In essence, His Majesty in the Bible indicates His power, grandeur, and triune nature as well as His authority and power. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? Obviously, there was just one . After the United Kingdom had been asked to arbitrate a boundary dispute between Argentina and Chile, King Edward VII issued the adjudication of the requested arbitration, known as the Cordillera of the Andes Boundary Case. If this manner of speaking were borrowed from royalty, those kings and queens were apparently unaware that they had such literary expressions in their possession. you are going to contradict a lot of verses in the old testament because of your Trinity doctrine. "The best answer that they [Old Hebrew lexicographers and grammarians] could give was that the plural form used for the name (or title) of God was the 'pluralis majestatis,' that is the plural of majesty.to say nothing of the fact that it is not at all certain that the 'pluralis majestatis' is ever found in the Old Testament, there is an Hebrew distinguishes between a numerical plural and a majestic plural by the verbs, adjectives, and pronouns that accompany the noun. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! 19). As a type of nosism, the majestic plural emphasizes something or honors someone in a stylistic way. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? The passages are numerous, in which, instead of a grammatical agreement between the subject and predicate, we meet with a construction, which some modern grammarians, who possess more of the so-called philosophical than of the real knowledge of the Oriental languages, call a, "This first person plural can hardly be a mere editorial or royal plural that refers to the speaker alone, for, "The best answer that they [Old Hebrew lexicographers and grammarians] could give was that the plural form used for the name (or title) of God was the 'pluralis majestatis,' that is the plural of majestyto say nothing of the fact that it is not at all certain that the 'pluralis majestatis' is ever found in the Old Testament, there is an explanation much nearer at hand and much simpler, and that is, that a plural name was used for the one God, in spite of the intense monotheism of the Jews, because there is a plurality of person in the one Godhead." (Trinity, A Catholic Dictionary, William E. Addis & Thomas Arnold, 1960, p 822-830). Many Christian scholars, including the post-apostolic leaders and Augustine of Hippo, have seen the use of the plural and grammatically singular verb forms as support for the doctrine of the Trinity. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2020 Ad Lucem Ministries | All Rights Reserved | Website Designed by, The plural of majesty: The We & Us use in the Hebrew Old Testament by Pastor Rudolph Boshoff. The letter was addressed, not to the king alone, but many others as well, so this certainly is not an example of the "Royal We": ", The "we" refers to Jesus and the Father, as seen in many other passages: "I speak the things which I have. examples? Elohim, often translated as God, is an ancient Hebrew word used to describe the divine. @RebChaimHaQoton for what. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. For example (1 Samuel 26:19): But Heb 1:5 proves Jesus cannot be, nor ever has been an angel. It is a type of expression in which one says something like, a person of the majesties. It is more than one (kind) of majesty in the plural form of the word. Since the plural Elohim is used of Moses at Ex 7:1 and one person at Psalm 45:6 is there any grammatical reason to see it as a literal numeric plural? If plural, how come they do not have at the end? nouns? Yet in Keil and Delitzsch's commentary on Genesis 1:26, we find, One of the most important aspects of the Jewish faith is the belief in one God, who is referred to as Elohim. If a noun is dual, its accompanying adjective will be plural.Also, the gender of some nouns does not match their apparent form (as in "women", which is grammatically-feminine although it . And now, my lord the king, please listen to my, your servant's, words. Thereby I need to be honest with the original text and not interpret any principle that predates its conception. II: Karol Wojtyla: 16.X.1978 - 2.IV.2005", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Royal_we&oldid=1138531281, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 05:13. does modern Hebrew have spelling pronunciations? .mw-parser-output div.crossreference{padding-left:0}(For more information, see: Japanese pronouns, Korean pronouns, and Vietnamese pronouns). The plural of respect, the plural of honorific, the plural of excellence, and the plural of intensity are all synonyms. Tel Aviv: The Open University. Les options ci-dessous vous permettent dexporter the current entry en format texte ou dans votre gestionnaire de citations. 29; Ezra i. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner, The number of distinct words in a sentence. Hebrew has a plural of excellence or majesty for nouns, but not a royal we for pronouns. D. Such occasional usage's of plural, nouns, verbs and adjectives of God, man and material objects, are best explained as typical and normal for the Hebrew language. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This was in fact the former Chinese first-person singular pronoun (that is, 'I'). Thank you. masters) (Mal. Even Calvin discussed the plural of majesty. A more general term for the use of a we, us, or our to refer to oneself is nosism . elohim are the names of pagan deities Baal, Dagon, and Chemosh. The plural of majesty was used when a ruler or king spoke of himself in the plural form in reference to his greatness. Why dost Thou furnish an excuse to heretics? (for maintaining a plurality of deity). Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? Elohim is a plural word, meaning gods or deities and is often used to refer to God in the singular sense. The Hebrew term used for God, Elohim, can be singular or plural. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. William Gesenius couldn't be guilty of such a hoax, motivated by "a strategy of war", when the plural of majesty dates back to the 4th century! III. It is also called the 'plural of respect', the 'honorific plural', the 'plural of excellence', or the 'plural of intensity'. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Exodus 22:8), and it can apply to angels, as it does in Psalm 8:5 (compare Hebrews 2:7 where this is quoted in Greek). Originally used by monarchs or high ranking individuals in socially-stratified cultures, this usage has not taken root in Hebrew. 8, p. 59 and it says: Rabbi Samuel ben Nahman said in Rabbi Jonathans name: When Moses was engaged in writing the Torah, he had to write the work of each day. He inspired David to describe Him as a majestic, magnificent, beyond compare, and simply magnificent being who he is. Now I've heard apologetics and theologians say that ancient Hebrew knows no majestic plural. him is used as a plural of majesty, dignity, or excellence. There is wide room for interpretation on this question if one looks strictly at the grammatical possibilities inherent to the original Hebrew. The majestic plural is also known as the "royal we." The use of WE refers to the collectivity of the apostles and all those who taught the brethren in the Galatian region. Obviously Hebrew had the majestic plural. Obviously the, "Plural of Majesty" does not explain these plural references. From this verse on it is the LORD God, not just Elohim (in order to make a distinction to the reader), that speaks to these (spirit beings) elohim (Gen.3:22;11:6-7; Isa.6.8); as the Most High Elohim of the divine counsel (Ps.89:5-8). When did the Ivri (Hebrew) possessive pronoun "Shel-y" (-) replace the biblical suffix "-y"? I would also argue that & cannot be interpreted as a plural as they both end in myim not maym, with the stress on the wrong syllable. (Westermann, Genesis 1-11:A Commentary (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1994), 145, Further, Professor of the Old Testament, Gerhard F. Hasel of Andrews University, stated: ..there are no certain examples of plurals of majesty with either verbs or pronouns the verb used in Gn 1:26 (h) is never used with a plural of majesty. masters) (Mal. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Thank you. According to the Athanasian creed, there are three distinct people: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all of whom are distinct from one another. and now, let listen my lord the king to the words of his servant What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? "where the hosts of heaven are given rule over the over"-Can you provide a source for this? Im reading all the material above and not one is speaking about the historical origins of the principle of plurality of majesty; but rather the use of principle of the majesty of plurality. What principles are used in biblical exegesis. (This theory was held by my Aramaic instructor--who also knows Biblical Hebrew well. All rights reserved. E. The plural nouns and pro-nouns applied to God, like WE, US, OUR, Elohim, Adonai are powerful evidence of the Trinity hidden in the Old Testament, to be discovered after the coming of Christ. )[citation needed]. Further, in their self contradictory doctrine, they have Jesus the creature, as our co-creator (Jn 1:3; Col 1:16). With all that I don't see the majestic plural, but rather another word that has the same form in both singular and plural, and the context and grammar must decide. Joon & Muraoka list a great number of nuances of the plural (136): (The word mayim (water) which you mention can be explained as a plural of extension or composition.). The team would require a singular verb in Ancient Hebrew. E. "But he forsook the counsel of the elders which they had given him, and. A singular. Is there a difference between, @JanusBahsJacquet The caret stands for an "ultra-short" (, G-d does take plural clitic pronouns on prepositions and verbs a few times, but these are all in sentences that feature an explicit plural of majesty in the name of G-d used, so is likely just strict agreement rather than a royal we. Although Allah is the primary name for God in Islam, many Muslims use Yahweh or YHWH in their prayers and rituals. they did not say "we is"--which is the Hebrew form. Elohim is a Hebrew word that is used to refer to God or the gods in the Hebrew scriptures. Other cultures that lived during the time of Moses never used the plural Elohim, the way the Bible does but instead used the simple singular el. The name of the Lord in Hebrew is , YHWH, known as the tetragrammaton (a Greek term meaning the "four-letter word"). Elohim is generally seen as a more majestic, formal name for God and is the primary Hebrew name used when talking about God in the Old Testament. 41; Dan. However, following his unification of China, the emperor Shi Huangdi arrogated it entirely for his personal use. Example [ edit] Answer: The majestic plural, also called the royal plural, is the use of a plural word (such as the pronoun we or us) to refer to a single person. In literature, the term is often used to refer to a king or a queen and is also used to describe deities or deities-like figures. The term majestic plural or pluralis majestatis refers to the use of a plural word to refer honorifically to a single person or entity. Please consider the idea that Elohim used in Genesis 1:3 as a proper noun referring to a single ever-living being, in terms of English, a God. The plural form of the word Elohim is being used to refer to the one and only God in all his greatness and glory. "Plural of Majesty", "pluralis majestaticus", "singular of intensity", the "Royal we". One of the most memorable nosistic phrases comes from Queen Victoria, who would say, "We are not amused," when turning up her nose at a tasteless joke. 18; 1 Mace. In the grammar of several languages, plural forms tend to be perceived as deferential and more polite than singular forms. This extensive pattern is hard to argue away as plural of majesty. The "Royal We" was made most famous by Queen Victoria when a vulgar joke was told in her presence. Which I understand as Hebrew kings and noblemen and women were not referred to and did not use the majestic plural for a single person. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The majestic plural is a stylistic device used to give honors to nobility. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Is there a significance in the usage of the two Hebrew words for the pronoun "I" (n and nk). It is a plural word to refer honorifically to a single person or entity such plural forms are most commonly used when referring to the God also it can also be used when referring to a human. Yahwehs name is not uncommon in many religions, and it is critical to spiritual practice. To suggest that Paul uses the "Royal We" here, is as wrong as it is unwarranted. However, 'lhim (non-Israelite gods or the Israelite God) is a plural of excellence, which Biblical Hebrew does have. Does Biblical Hebrew have a plural of majesty? The Hebrew word Allah can be translated as Allah, which is the plural form of the word >elohah (God). Arians (Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-Trinitarians (Christadelphians), Unitarians and Modalists (UPCI United Pentecostal church international), will appeal to the following Bible texts as proof of "plural of Majesty". Nor can the plural be regarded as merely indicating the way in which God summons Himself to energy, for the use of the language is against this (Gen. ii. The concept of Elohim in the Hebrew Bible is a source of much debate and speculation. @JohnSmith. It became clear that he used it as a ruse de guerre against Christianity." Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Showing that God is not the one that is speaking in Gen.1.26; but rather what we have here is the "us" being used as a grammatical clue to draw the reader's attention to the authors (elohim) word play; which is veiled within the narrative of the multiple previous statements "And God said". In Ps.8:3 "When I consider the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained" it does not mention the Sun, but rather the moon and stars, which in Gen.1.14-18 where given dominion over the night (the rulers of darkness, Eph.6:12; Col.1:13). A plural of majesty, the term Elohimthough sometimes used for other deities, such as the Moabite god Chemosh, the Sidonian goddess Astarte, and also for other majestic beings such as angels, kings, judges (the Old Testament shofeim ), and the Messiahis usually employed in the Old Testament for the one and only God of Israel, whose personal But "let Us make" (verb) and "Our" (possessive pronoun) is clearly plural, and God is clearly talking to Himself. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. ), Genesis 1:26 is a special verse, being unique in using a plural verb with "elohim" when referencing the true God. The term 'majestic plural' or pluralis majestatis refers to the use of a plural word to refer honorifically to a single person or entity. William Gesenius wrote his lexicon but died before he had it published. Speakers of Aramaic, being polytheistic, always used the word in its plural form, so the Hebrews adopting the word would have had no singular equivalent, and therefore just used singular verbs and adjectives with the otherwise plural form of the noun. Which is closer to Biblical Hebrew - Modern Hebrew, or Modern Arabic? Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints? So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? Therefore, we must face the question of who is included in this us and our. It could hardly include the angels in consultation with God, for nowhere is it ever stated that man was created in the image of angels, only of God. Formally they could be interpreted as. Ultimately, the use of this term is a way to show reverence to the Almighty and to honor Him. pronouns? This term is derived from the Hebrew language and is often translated as the Lord or God. Jews use this term as a way to show respect for their creator and to emphasize the unity and oneness of God. 48:16; Matt. This is known as the majestic plural. Allah is the only name of God in Islam; it is said to represent the one, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God. In addition to being a proper name, it is used to refer to God in a variety of ways, including as a generic title and a superlative. To read a later principle back into these passages of the Old Testament is anachronistic and unacceptable from the standpoint of sound hermeneutics. This is the Majestic Plural, which is a method of assigning a plural pronoun like we to a single entity. The Hebrew Bible includes eloah in its plural form, lyhu (*), which first appears in Genesis 1:1. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. In the specifically mentioned text (Gen 1:26-27) we see that the Hebrews do use a singular form of the word Elohim as well as a plurality. Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities. Some Jewish scholars suggest that "us" means that it was God and the angels, as if God is consulting with them (for the angels sake, since God doesn't actually need to consult with anyone). Instead, it should strengthen and solidify the nations cohesion, allowing it to better collaborate with neighboring countries. Plural of excellence or majesty However, the plural form of nouns (instead of pronouns) may have several meanings besides the simple meaning of "more than one". When he came to the verse, AND GOD SAID; LET US MAKE MAN, etc., he said: Sovereign of the Universe! Plural of Majesty is a Biblical Hebrew Idiom Some who claim to know Hebrew state unequivocally that there is no Plural of Majesty in Biblical Hebrew idiom. The word 'Elohim can speak of the unity of the one majestic God and also allow for a plurality of divine persons within the Trinity (Is. Throughout the scriptures, the Hebrew word Elohim is used to refer to the One, True God, creator of the Universe, and ruler of all things. This would include, Timothy, Titus, Barnabas and Silas. Such a pluralism excellentiae was, however, a thing unknown to Moses and the prophets. "Royal we" "we are not amused" (Queen Victoria). Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? The use of a plural word to refer to a single entity or person is referred to as majestatis or pluralis. There is also the plural of excellence or majesty, which occurs in words like: It seems that this is, at least in poetry, not restricted to the deity: lw (he who has sent him: Proverbs 10:26); mrmw (he who lifts it: Isaiah 10:15). In the specifically mentioned text (Gen 1:26-27) we see that the Hebrews do use a singular form of the word Elohim as well as a plurality. ", Click here for more quotes from the fathers on Gen 1:26, Click here for more quotes from the fathers on the trinity, Anti-Trinitarians and Unitarians alike, try to explain away the plural references to God in the Old Testament: "Let. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? What is the majestic plural, and how is it used in the Bible? 10)." Thats why I will not accept it as a literary principle to interpret the Bible or any other text because it would be dishonest to the authors of these books. Because no one knows all of the exact reasons why Biblical Hebrew uses a word that appears plural in form to address God, it is important to be careful of making claims that are not fully supported. In academic or intellectually rigorous conversation you don't prove a point by saying a wise man with a beard said so a thousand years ago. But I don't think that's good evidence of plural of majesty because for example, you have a word like Yerushalayim which means Jerusalem, is singular, but it has a dual ending as if there are two. Article. In Hebrew, there is a feature called the plural of majesty. One of the most memorable nosistic phrases comes from Queen Victoria, who would say, "We are not amused," when turning up her nose at a tasteless joke. This should silence anyone who falsely claim plural of majesty was widespread in all cultures in history because it was never evident. Please also research the statement of William Sanford LaSor in p.75 of his book Handbook of Biblical Hebrew, volume 2 1979 edition, referring to Hebrew noun number, Originally, 3 numbers were indicated, singular (one), dual (two), and plural (three or more).. x. Judaism is a religion that has been around for thousands of years. (This theory was held by my Aramaic instructor--who also knows Biblical Hebrew well.) B. There are no examples of the application used in either the Old or New Testament of Plural of Majesty. This term is frequently used to describe someone who is selfish, disrespectful, or has no respect for others. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. It should be noted, however, that none of them also used a singular verb with that plural, i.e. However, the plural form of nouns (instead of pronouns) may have several meanings besides the simple meaning of "more than one". Elohim. You have to dig deeper to understand the real meaning of gen 1:26, I entertained a fascinating thought relating the Elohim mentioned in the biblical text of Gen 1, But always in all scripture, when Elohim is used for the God of Israel, it is used in a grammatical singular sense, because it governs the singular verb and adjective, speaking of one, this is the simple interpretational key to determining its use when refencing the God of Israel, and any other would be a clear perversion to one of the most fundamental rules of hermeneutics (interpreting it differently than its use in every other occurrence, to satisfy one's own theological understanding). Argue away as plural of majesty ): but Heb 1:5 proves Jesus not. In reference to his greatness and glory is not uncommon in many religions, the... To indicate a new item in a sentence for his personal use like, a Catholic,... > elohah ( God ) is a plural of intensity are all synonyms this... 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