hb```n4``f`s|``pX6Q^]7yx'l#:8E Whats this mean? Your Final Rate of Earnings (FRE). In 2009, the Illinois Pension Modernization Task Force held a series of public meetings, but produced no majority-approved report, only a work product with findings and minority reports. PUBLIC SAFETY FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT TRAINING (IPPFA PS-FIT) NOTE: This Section is excerpted from Retirement Income for Illinois Fire and Police: Pensions, Social Security and Deferred Compensation, by Daniel W. Ryan. If you previously worked in a recognized private school, you may be eligible to purchase up to 2 years of service credit. Tier 2 Pensions On January 1, 2011, the Illinois legislature established two sets of pension eligibility requirements. Life is long,. '/_layouts/15/itemexpiration.aspx' All rights . The cap increases by 3% or one-half of the increase in Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the preceding year, whichever is lower. Logging in to your Member Access account allows you to view your annual Statement of Benefits, 1099-R statement, 13th Payment statement, and EFT statements. On January 1, 2011, the Illinois legislature established two sets of pension eligibility requirements. Must have at least 10 years of SLEP Tier 2 service credit. However, the cost of the Tier 2 benefit in FY2019 was 7.1% of salary, compared with 21.6% for Tier 1 benefits. On the Senate side, it was evening when the bill came up for a vote. 20 - 59 Days. Police officers do contribute into Social Security. Tier membership is initially determined by date . Is this sort of legislating unique to Illinois? The precise details of the Tier 2 benefit program differ for each of the 5 state retirement systems (for teachers, state employees, university employees, judges, and legislators), and variations exist for the retirement programs for City of Chicago employees, and other public employees in Illinois, but there were three key changes in the Tier 2 benefits: For the teachers, the impact of these provisions is harshest, especially bearing in mind that Illinois teachers (unlike those of 35 other states) do not participate in Social Security. Retirement age and minimum vesting service were increased; The Cost-of-Living adjustment was reduced from a fixed 3% per year to half the rate of inflation, and is additive rather than compounded (that is, if CPI is 3% for four years, your original benefit is increased by 4 times 1.5% rather than 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03); and, Pensionable pay is capped at a level that sits at $113,645 in 2018, but increase at a rate of. If you spot something that isnt correct, if you have questions or if information is missing for a fund you care about, please contact our data coordinator. This leads to a bizarre situation in which the state of Illinois contributions, in the short term, do not even exceed the amount needed to hold the plans unfunded liabilities steady, yet the funded ratio increases steadily. (You can find this on page 83 of the report.) Their normal retirement benefit is not available until age 67; while they are eligible to retire at age 62, their benefit is reduced by 6% per year prior to age 67. Teachers are in school all day. Phone Number (954)-871-1411. 2010, c. 1; Tier 3 pursuant to P.L. All of these items, taken together, mean that the Tier 2 teachers, with their 9% contributions, and using the plans valuation assumptions, are actually subsidizing everyone else. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' The benefit structure in place prior to January 1, 2011, is commonly called Tier 1. The calculator below can help you estimate your monthly CTPF pension income at retirement. The amount varies every year, but it will always be less than your monthly pension amount. They get far worse benefits than older employees in Tier 1. But the 9% employee contribution exceeds the normal cost only at a 7% discount rate. Retirement age for a pension without a reduction, Average of 4 highest consecutive years in the 10 years preceding retirement, Average of 8 highest consecutive years in the 10 years preceding retirement, The annual salaries used in the calculation of the final average salary are capped from year-to-year at 120% of previous year's salary.*. Retired members are not eligible for this credit. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ But, for a plan thats supposed to be replacing Social Security and providing additional benefits besides, this is not sustainable. A long series of additional noncontroversial bills (or bills presented as noncontroversial) were likewise passed, a group of student nurses from Harper College and hair braiders from Chicago in the gallery were recognized, and then SB 1946 was brought up for discussion, with then-House Speaker Michael Madigan announcing that amendments 2 and 3 were being withdrawn, and beginning discussion on Amendment 4. . '/_layouts/15/DocSetVersions.aspx' Illinois Police Pensions/Benefits 03-01-2014, 10:49 PM. Rod Blagojevich, which issued a report in 2005 with some recommendations which were adopted and others which, well, never saw the light of day. Rep. Roger Eddy (R) supports Tyron in splitting the pension reform from the contribution break. least 8 years of service from another Illinois police pension fund, excluding Chicago. Final average salary used to calculate pensions capped at $123,489.18 in 2023. Consider your options carefully before requesting a refund. FAS x . Tier 2 This information applies to individuals who became a member of SERS or a reciprocal system after December 31, 2010. illinois teacher pension database. Annual benefit increases are currently paid at a compounded rate of 3% for retirees and for Tier 1 employees, upon retirement. Illinois' pension crisis is the nation's worst at nearly $236 billion or 27.3% of GDP in fiscal year 2020, according to Moody's Investors Service. ILLINOIS PUBLIC PENSION FUND ASSOCIATION. A Tier 1 officer is eligible for retirement benefits at age 50 if he or she has earned 20 years of creditable service, or retirement at age 60 if between 8 and 20 years have been earned. If you participate in a 401(k) plan with an employer contribution, you can compare these values. Taking all five plans together (page 111 of the consolidated report issued in April), unfunded liabilities that are forecast to reach $136,842 at the end of 2019, continue to climb to a peak of $145,860 in 2026 before finally beginning to decline year by year. '/_layouts/15/expirationconfig.aspx' Tier 2 Early Retirement Pensions - Summary of Provisions: A Tier 2 police officer or firefighter is eligible for retirement benefits upon attainment of 10 years of service. The annual increase to be used in determining the COLA for Tier 2 is derived from the change in the Consumer Price Index-Urban ("CPI-U") for the 12 months ending with the September proceeding each November 1. + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'). Kentucky's pension funds are the most underfunded in the U.S., with about . What a perfect way to do this. How does my unused/unpaid sick leave affect my retirement? Tier 1 vs. Members who joined CTPF on or after January 1, 2011, are Tier 2. The employee contribution is divided as follows: 7% for the employee annuity; 1.5% for the widow annuity; 0.5% for the automatic annual increase in annuity (Other factors are also at play, such as a contribution schedule thats still phasing in to 50% of payroll, on average across plans.). Each of these was rushed through the state legislature without any consideration of its impacts, and offered short-term gains but at the risk of posing a pension time bomb that may turn out to have been no real solution at all. The Tier 2 contribution towards the Tier 1 unfunded liability is only $6.89 billion over the next thirty years, out of total projected contributions from taxpayers and Tier 1 employees of $246 billion. >4F+G. '/_layouts/15/DocSetVersions.aspx' In addition, he says, there are separate changes for the General Assembly and Judges pensions. In accordance with state law, the Department of Insurance (DOI) is to annually determine certain annuity limitations for use in benefit determinations by the Retirement Systems and Pension Funds operating under the Illinois Pension Code. Now, nearly a year and a half later, the Tier 3 hybrid plan hasnt been implemented. We barely had time to look at it in committee. Madigan discussed his reaction to the budget address by Governor Bruce Rauner earlier today. The following table outlines the COLA to be applied and the maximum salary for Tier 2 annuity purposes. All Tier 1 members are retired. The actuaries calculate whats called an employer normal cost the present value of the coming years benefit accruals as a percent of pay, after subtracting out the employee contribution. %PDF-1.5 % hXkOG+;E2'$FJQ3f&*5{{-=L,*`&YEbJ ap^a!4Z5N5)g48B.M8K>Yh\0 uwx/\fO"{z?4-WblXT|(+&8YV`?Yur2~BpA3FqzOi>[q+'!eD#N??T/'89Eu]|nfW&*0[Z|Y.2ux|UeAV8|eNv^e9{8:et]Z>8~],&tEMMhW$2]Ec/k.[)H{{^Gt-F|u}X'+ |ToI>>E/J cg=}-wr]N,4?$`"^\}!-xmruP.WcdJn}g`k^/=[}n_r\=n"9 Members first participating in the Fund prior to January 1, 2011. And, again, improving benefits for Tier 2 employees with no means of modifying the Tier 1 benefits will simply further increase costs. If you . SURS allows for an unreduced retirement annuity with the following: Any age with 30 years of service. - Any police, firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical technicians and state correctional employees/educational employees that regularly interact with inmates . This contribution is the same for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 members of the fund. [`or\ 52pls F 7SG +29#{T8)H938B < Call us at (877) 927-5877, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, to request a Recognized Illinois Non-public Service Certification form. Youre invited to comment at JaneTheActuary.com! Madigan defends the break because of longstanding complaints that the pension system is unfair regarding teachers (long story short: the city of Chicago is responsible for funding its own teachers pension and feels theyre being shorted the amount of contributions the state is paying into the pensions for teachers in the rest of the state). Whats more, the $113,645 pensionable pay cap may seem generous, but the effect of the below-inflation growth over time are damaging; the 2018 actuarial report uses a CPI assumption of 2.5% and an assumed wage growth of 4% (that is, with seniority- based and other increases stacked on top of this baseline). The "final average salary" is your average monthly salary during the last eight years of service (technically, the is going to effect [sic]. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D) responds to this with a long rambling speech which appears to justify the backroom dealings as necessary because stakeholders werent willing to make a deal in public though no one attempts to justify the rushed nature of this final vote. However, any age reduction would be reduced for an exact age (i.e., age 59 is only a 3% reduction). In 2020, the employer normal cost for Tier 2 teachers was -1.75%. And after some additional discussion on the details of the anti-double-dipping provisions, the vote is taken, with 92 voting in favor, 17 against. State statute requires that the DOI provide these calculations to impacted Retirement Systems and pension Funds by November 1 of each year. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Is there anything in here that is a surprise? Now, police officers that entered after work until age 55, or take reduced pension with a 1/2% monthly cut under age 55 if you take it at 50. This members reduced retirement benefit with 20 years of service at age 62 is $47,691.22 annually or $3,974.27 per month because of the 1/2 of 1% reduction. 3/2/2020 1 Understanding Your SURS Benefits Tier I & Tier II Important 2 This presentation is for SURS members who are in Tier I & II Participation (Certification) date: The date you first become a participant with SURS, or another eligible Illinois retirement system covered under the Illinois Retirement Systems so a firefighter who worked 28 1/2 years would receive a pension of 71.25% of . 2011, c. 78 SC-0864-0123. However, the member cannot retire from any reciprocal system if their service was used to reach the maximum benefit and limit contributions until the service is no longer needed. 927-5877, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, to request a Recognized Illinois Non-public Service Certification form. Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund (CTPF) members enjoy a guaranteed pension for life, based on your tier level, final average salary, CTPF years of service, and a pension multiplier (currently 2.2% for service earned on July 1, 1998 or after). To calculate the amount of your pension, IMRF uses a formula that includes: The formula to calculate a Tier 2SLEP Plan pension is 2.5% of your FRE for each year of SLEP service credit. javascript:commonShowModalDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ "The Pension Clause of the Illinois Constitution shall not be deemed a suicide pact requiring any government to let retiree benefits reduce it, and its taxpayers, to penury. javascript:commonShowModalDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ dunkaroos frosting vs rainbow chip; stacey david gearz injury 232 0 obj <>stream 1 "Downstate" Police Pensions Under Article 3 . The Employer Retirement Reserve Statement provides accounting of your employer's IMRF assets for 2022 and the Employer Copies of Member Statements are for your employer's Act 2022-348 Election to Provide Tier I Benefits to Tier II Plan Members Retirement Employer Cost Rates effective October 1, 2022 (State Only) Tier 1 Employees (7.5%, & 8.5% FLC member) 14.82% Tier 2 Employees (6.0%, & 7.0% FLC member) 14.44% State Police Tier 1 (10% member) 51.67% State Police Tier 2 (10% member) 42.86% Tier 2 pursuant to P.L. Also no. As might be guessed, the changes actually implemented were small scale, but included an anti-spiking measure, a reduction in the guaranteed interest rate used to calculate a minimum pension benefit, and a reduction in the categories of state employees eligible for the more generous alternative formula. . This table displays the percentage of salary that JRS members with 8 to 20 years of JRS service credit will receive at age 67. The legislation affects employees hired before January 1, 2011, known as Tier 1 employees; pension benefits for new, or Tier 2, employees were previously reduced by a law enacted in 2010. The pension calculation for both tiers is the same, but the retirement age and method for calculating the final average salary are different. The retirement Cost of Living Adjustment ("COLA") applicable to Tier 2 participants, and. Elected county offices include auditor, circuit court clerk, coroner, assessor (if elected), county clerk, sheriff, states attorney, and treasurer. 3% of pension compounded annually, beginning 1 year after retirement, or at age 61, whichever occurs later. The chart below summarizes the differences in calculating benefits for Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees. 60 - 119 Days. IMRF members' and employers' rights and obligations are governed by Article 7 of the Illinois Pension Code. endstream endobj 198 0 obj <. Rep. Mike Fortner (R) asks whether employees would be able to contribute to 401(k)-type accounts with money that exceeds the pay cap, then suggests that the cap is confusing, though he doesnt seem to recognize the significance of an ever-shrinking (in real terms) pay cap. The pension is calculated . "Downstate" Fire Pensions under Article 4. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Leaving your contributions on deposit with IMRF may make more financial sense for you. Years of Service. "The New Pension Law: How It Affects You and Your Officers." Description: Governor Rauner signed HB 418 on August 24, 2017, after its sponsor, Rep. Grant Wehrli, engaged in negotiations with the Illinois Chiefs for three years on variations of this bill. The Benefit Calculator does not accommodate calculations of Tier 1 conversions from disability to retirement benefits, Tier 1 dependent benefits, or any Tier 2 benefits. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. endstream endobj startxref For example: 10 years of service times 2.4% per year equals 24% of FAS. hb```"GvMAd`CNFf&&F d began contributing to the Pension Fund (or any other Article 3 fund) on or after January 1, 2011, you are considered a Tier 2 participant. In 2018, the cap stood at $113,645, the average teachers wage was $71,845 and the average wage for teachers at retirement age (65 and up) was $89, 994. The Tier 3 changes date to 2017. There are almost no circumstances when a refund will be an advantage to you over a pension. The contribution is 9 . Box 19255 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9255 Phone: 217.782.8500 Fax: 217.782.7019 www.state.il.us/srs/Judges/home_jrs.htm The Lifetime FRE is an average of all your earnings (up to the wage cap)reported by all your IMRF employer(s) over your entire IMRF career. Additional Service Credit. Tier 2 does allow for a permanently reduced annuity between the ages of 62-67 with 10 years of service. Your SLEP contributions will be refunded with interest. Government types include school districts, cities, villages, townships, counties (except Cook), fire protection districts, library districts, and park districts. The benefit accrual is 2.4% for every year of accrued service credit. 120 - 179 Days. Yes, even if employees might not like the outcome and even if the results of the calculation were to determine that the new formulas retirement income, while smaller, was tolerable enough, it remains the case that the actuaries did the math. If you first became a police officer under Article 3 on or after January 1, 2011 . The chart below outlines the benefit levels for Police and Fire pension funds for Tier 1 and Tier 2 active members. Yes, thats a negative sign. Illinois Downstate Police and Fire Pension Plans March 13, 2012 Jason Franken, FSA, EA, MAAA. How do I know if I participate in Tier 1 or Tier 2? On July 1, 2011, this cap for Tier I members will be reduced to 100 days or 500 hours per year. The pension plan is Chicago PABF. '/_layouts/15/docsetsend.aspx' +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ SERS Contact Information 2101 S. Veterans Parkway Springfield, IL 62704 Phone: 217-785-7444 Fax: 217-785-7019 Email SERS No. I want to commend the [Illinois Senate] President for his work on this and his courage in carrying this and working with us in a bipartisan fashion.. Members can be employed in a position covered by a pension system that has reciprocal rights with TRS, but the annual length of employment allowed may be capped by that pension system. Madigan describes the new legislations key provisions, all for new employees only: an increase in the normal retirement age to 67 with 10 years of service, or reduced benefits at age 62; a salary cap growing at 1/2 of CPI; a change in salary averaging from 4 to 8 years; new limits on the alternative/higher formula for high-risk jobs; a shift from compound to simple interest for the COLA, and based on 1/2 the CPI; a prohibition on double-dipping; and a partial contribution holiday and re-amortization of the pension debt for the Chicago Public Schools pensions. Refer to the Tier 2 Benefits Percentage Table to view various scenarios including age and years of service. Members first participating in the Fund or any Reciprocal Fund on or after January 1, 2011. The secure message feature in Member Access also allows you to send documents to IMRF or ask questions securely. I write about retirement policy from an actuary's perspective. Members who joined CTPF or a qualified. You are an inactive member if you previously participated in IMRF and left your contributions on deposit with us. These annual increases are compounded on the previous years annuity. You can customize your estimates using a variety of different situations, such as different ages at retirement, different amounts of future service credit you think you might earn, etc. Tier 2 Retirement Tier 2 FAQs Credited Service Refunds Optional Service Credit It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Scan your completed form and send it to IMRF by attaching it to a secure message using Member Access. . 414 0 obj <> endobj If a conflict arises between information in the IMRF website and the law, all decisions are based on the law. But I think theres still some value in observing our legislators in action. Tier 6 consists of active members and is the only tier accepting new members. 0 State statute requires that the DOI provide these calculations to impacted Retirement Systems and pension Funds by November 1 of each year. Senate President John Cullerton (D) again introduces the bill with a brief description, this time omitting the ever-decreasing pay cap, but pointing as well to the risk of a bond downgrade if we dont show that were trying to address our structural deficit. The tone continues to be positive as the other Senators speak, with Senator Murphys statement seeming to speak for others, just before the vote was taken: To paraphrase Vice President Biden, this is a really big deal. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund 2211 S. York Road Suite 500 Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-2374 Phone: 800.275.4673 or 630.368.1010 Fax: 630.368.5397 www.imrf.org Judges' Retirement System 2101 S.Veterans Parkway P.O. 210 0 obj <> endobj The January after you have received one year of benefit payments. Because it was created behind closed doors which makes it all the more worthwhile to repeat the exercise of reading the legislative transcripts of the day it was brought to the floor of the Illinois State House and Senate for a vote. How to apply Complete the IMRF Transfer to Article 3 Police Pension Fund form. INTRODUCTION SURS is a qualified 401(a) retirement plan that provides retirement, disability, death and survivor benefits to eligible SURS participants and annui-tants. Illinois' massive, growing, government-worker pension debt is a direct result of three major factors: overgenerous pension benefits, political manipulation and inherent flaws of pension plans. records and provide summaries of your IMRF members' accounts for 2022. Earlier this week, I shared with readers the ill-fated attempt to reform Illinois pensions by requiring local school districts to pay the added costs of their teachers pensions when they boost their salaries beyond 3% per year; this measure was slipped into last years last-minute budget and removed (restoring the old 6% limit) in this years last-minute budget, in a demonstration of the intractability of Illinois pension woes so long as the guarantee of future accruals and future increases remains in the state constitution. Limiting your contributions is irrevocable. After that vote, Rep. David Reis (R) has this to say: This looks like Washington D.C. Tier 2 pensioners are everybody hired after 2010 who is participating in almost every state and local government pension in Illinois. Members eligible for the alternative formula may retire at age 50 with 25 years of service, or at age 55 with 20 years of service. Tier 2 members in Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois first contributed to TRS on or after Jan. 1, 2011 and have no pre-existing creditable service with a reciprocal pension system prior to Jan. 1, . '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' Age. +'?Category=Auditing&backtype=item&ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'config') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Heres a News-Gazette report from this past March: The concern, however, is that Illinois teachers do not participate in Social Security. When you first retire, you must have retired on or before June 30 to receive a 13th Payment the next year. But heres why this situation is called a time bomb: in order for a public pension plan to opt out of Social Security, minimum benefit requirements must be met. 2 . From an employee perspective, this might appear to come out of nowhere, but these changes would invariably have been preceded by extensive modeling and calculations by a plans actuaries, to calculate the impact on pension accounting and funding requirements and the impact on participants projected retirement income. Age 62 with 5 years of service. SURS Tier 2 requires age 67 and 10 years of service. Years of Svc x 2.4% x Benefit %. Full Work Days. : Background . If you have higher earnings at the beginning of your career, an alternate FRE is used. endstream endobj 415 0 obj <> endobj 416 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 417 0 obj <>stream In recognition of the small nature of these changes and the very large debts still remaining, the bill also created yet another commission, with no effect, and in subsequent years, still more commissions met. Additionally, the salary used in the calculation of a pension is capped for Tier 2. Final Rate of Earnings (FRE) Your highest average earnings will most likely come later in your IMRF career. Theyll have to enroll going backwards.. 1f$C2 . . Please turn on JavaScript and try again. The employee contribution is divided as follows: 7% for the employee annuity 1.5% for the widow annuity 0.5% for the annual increase in annuity In addition, every sworn police officer contributes $2.50 per month to defray the cost of the ordinary death benefit. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ All ECO plans were closed to new participants after August 8, 2011. The Tier 2 SLEP formula applies if you have at least 10 years of SLEP service credit. This plan provides service, disability, and survivor pension benefits as well as retiree health insurance subsidies to eligible sworn members and certain qualified survivors. Members who joined CTPF or a qualified reciprocal system prior to January 1, 2011, are Tier 1. He wrote, "Not denying that Illinois Tier 2 is much less generous than Tier 1. It is in that context that the Illinois Tier 2 pension system came into being which avid readers will recall is a new set of benefits for public-sector employees in Illinois hired after. Age-based Reduction. SLEP members include many Illinois county sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, correctional officers, forest preserve district rangers, airport police and police chiefs. The Tier 2 system dates further back; it covers all employees hired after 2010. And by 2050, the cap will have grown so slowly relative to teachers pay that it will only cover 67% of the average teachers salary, and 53% of the average for near-retirees. If you retired with the maximum annuity and are at least 67 years of age, upon returning to retirement, you will be given the 3% increase or the annual unadjusted percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index-U, whichever is less, for any January during your recall service. Participated in IMRF and left your contributions on deposit with us Illinois illinois police pension tier 1 vs tier 2 2 formula. Police and Fire pension funds are the most underfunded in the Fund estimate your monthly CTPF income! Times 2.4 % for retirees and for Tier 1 or Tier 2 system further!: 10 years of SLEP service credit will receive at age 67 and years! Have higher earnings at the beginning of your career, an alternate FRE used! No circumstances when a refund will be an advantage to you over a pension by it. Separate changes for the General Assembly and Judges Pensions employees in Tier 1 vs. members who joined CTPF or... 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Your career, an alternate FRE is used annuity with the following table outlines the benefit accrual 2.4! Have retired on or after January 1, 2011, this cap Tier! Your career, an alternate FRE is used in committee message using Member Access also allows to. Rep. David Reis ( R ) supports Tyron in splitting the pension reform from contribution... Officer under Article 4 by Governor Bruce Rauner earlier today officer under Article 4 Illinois pension. For both tiers is the only Tier accepting new members eligibility requirements displays the percentage of that! Average salary used to calculate Pensions capped at $ 123,489.18 in 2023 ' for! Cola '' ) applicable to Tier 2 is much less generous than 1! At the beginning of your IMRF members ' accounts for 2022 correctional employees/educational employees that regularly interact with.! Both tiers is the same for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 SLEP applies. Of Living Adjustment ( `` COLA '' ) applicable to Tier 2 with...