I usually drive my 13 year old car with typical dirt road dirt on it and leave the truck for when I actually need it. niio, please do some extensive real-world research and please think wisely before following any advice from a blog article. I was fetching people off roof tops and delivering water while they were thieving. Additionally, you'll need to consider the door swing of your safe. I think prevention is the best method. Hanging upside down from a hook under the bathroom cabinet or over the door in a non-walk in closet. Of course lots of people know my hiding place now. But it needs to be in an air-tight bag which is inside another bag filled with a strong scented substance - say, chili powder - to throw off the dogs. However, if you see the situation getting really bad, you could report your gun as stolen, and your name could get taken off the list. No tools required. A lot of police departments currently have welltrained dogs that work finding articles, such as a gun, by locating the scent left behind on the handle by the suspect that the k-9 officer was just tracking. So thank you again very helpful. Take off some siding and build storage 8-10 feet high. People can and have hidden guns from the police who only search with a pat down (Somewhere I have a video of a guy who pulled a full size 1911 out of his pants and blew his brains out while in poli, Summary of article content: Articles about Hiding a gun The rules of three Backwoods Home Magazine One of the most popular and secure methods of gun hing is burying. The author does a great job explaining options for storage containers, locations, and other logistics of hiding guns underground. Bet you won't like it one bit. What about the use of a gun dog during the execution of a drug search warrant? But answer that question! When we inhale, we smell and breathe through the same airways inside our nose. A couple I encountered as a bomb tech during my police career. I keep the hand kerchief and tell in the pocket al all times and, when valet parked, have never seen it touched. Valuable information comes across the desk of law enforcement every day, and sometimes that information relates to finding a murder weapon stored or hidden at a third partys house or apartment. The K9 learns to associate any combination or concentration of these odors as a target odor for a handgun. sheriff's deputies responded to a caller who claimed a man had a gun. When humans exhale through our nose, we send the air out the same way it came in, forcing out any incoming odors. Then you can sit there afterwards, completely disarmed of probably thousands of dollars worth of firearms and ammo, proud to be a law abiding citizen who just got butt-effed by their own government and didn't take any precautions to protect him or herself. I agree with clergylady it is a very good idea and the way it was explained it you could see the picture on I like the way it looks! As of 2006 (after Katrina) Congress passed a law called the DISASTER RECOVERY PERSONAL PROTECTION ACT of 2006. Patricia Konie, a resident of New Orleans, was one of the victims of this illegal confiscation. I really appreciate individuals like you! Answer (1 of 32): The information I have comes from a friend who's ex wife trained k9 dogs for bombs, drugs, cadavers. If you have done this carefully, it will be undetectable to the untrained eye. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post nice post, thanks for sharing.Reloading Supplies, As a gun owner we should know on how to uses this guns and the things to be consider to avoid from gun Confiscation.Gun Safe, You have discussed an interesting topic that every body should know. I'm not your conscience, I'm only a person on the internet giving you free advice and what ever happens to you doesn't affect me. In these states, when a firearm is traced back to a straw buyer, and the police contact that straw buyer about the firearm, I'm sure the first response is "OMG, the gun is not where I left it, I need to file a report of a lost or stolen firearm". Or the information gathered by law enforcement does not provide enough detail to establish probable cause for a search warrant. she had here hand around the revolvers cylinder, how is she going to shoot anyone. 100% security is guaranteed to all our clients as we keep all our client information encrypted and safe. The 5th Amendment also doesn't shield any information you provide prior to being advised of your rights. Toy guns for sale. The use of a drug dog during the execution of a narcotics search warrant makes common sense. Mi Dog Guide The first place to conser hing your guns is underground. Wont the out of the vehicle hiding places make the weapons exposed to water? Gang or Homicide Search Warrants Damn the government! Spare Tires. If you're lucky enough to find one at a gun show or surplus store, guns and other objects can also be hidden in old plastic mortar cases, which already have threaded lids with very tight rubber-gasket seals. No permit necessary but you still need to know the gun laws of that state. Rear Bumper. Now your purse is gone and so is your gun, Some Black Youth ??? I beg everybody do not use any of those hiding places theres only one sure way you will not be detected a modified hidden compartment done by a professional and it will have to be done very well in a very good place a modified hidden compartment in a car is 99.9% undetectable and think like a thief think of every place you would look in a car and dont put mom and dad put the compartment somewhere that you wouldnt look thank you if you agree with me please comment. Totalitarianism overnight. You can hide a lot of stuff here. Then lets see if that changes your naive and ignorant mindOf course it is fools like you that allow human rights to disappear because of your apathy. If you use a tree, I would recommend that it either be in an area where the grass is maintained, or if in the woods, hide it and leave it so that you don't inadvertently leave a trail.A lot of people wouldn't have to hide guns. There are not many agents available to do the confiscating but there are plenty of guardsmen that will have to make a choice what that weekend commitment actually means to them. Under the bumper or fender especially. Take an Depends on how good the police are at the search. Dogs cant sniff that high. Wash it out good and let it dry. Shameless plug2nd try. It HAS and IS happening..in fact they are KILLING civilians..and yet the public sits silent. The bumpers, front and rear have cavities under them that will hold a shotgun or rifle. Seriously Your Ignorant Ass Said That?? What makes your life more special than mine? So there isnt anything concealed about it. When it becomes confusing enough to enforce properly adjustments will most likely be made to the laws governing the carrying of firearms by the public even off duty police officers. Your email address will not be published. Law enforcement is only allowed or authorized by the judge to look for the items for which probable cause has been proven. He's a mean actor,but hell anybody can act;).I refuse to watch his bull shit movies,just like he refused to serve.Happiness is having a gun and not needing it.Nightmare is needing a gun and not having one,promise. How am I going to protect myself without a gun?. An instant Constitutional crisis. However, a BACKUP weapon might be reasonably stored "off site" - or inside your circuit breaker box - behind the inner cover. On occasion, time is of the essence and information needs to be acted upon quickly more quickly than a search warrant can be obtained. A slap in the face, right? It refers to the level of Peace Officer LICENSE. The resistance will prevail. I doubt youll have time to argue the fine points of the law when there is a team of soldiers at your door demanding your firearms and ammo. I'm older my kids are out of the house and I will follow New Hampshire's state motto. By comparing shell casings from crime scene A and casings from crime scene B weeks later, your crime lab can determine whether they were fired from the same gun. For plan B, make a bow and arrow from flexible PVC pipe. While the media may mention that a defendant didn't testify in his own defense, if a prosecutor mentions it during trial, that will probably lead to a mistrial. We have been producing passport, license, SSN, I.D cards, Birth certificates, diplomas and other documents for over 160 countries. God bless you, Bill! Mi Dog Guide The first place to conser hing your guns is underground. Then the authorities come and find it, make a big deal about turning it over. Please check out my site. The trench has a heavy metal cable in it. These are great hiding places if your container is waterproof. I have literally searched, and taken apart thousands of vehicles in my career. We take these actions to ensure a safe environment for everyone and would like to remind you to watch your valuables. If you invoke your right to remain silent while being questioned by police, you may be arrested, but you can't be convicted of obstructing justice. Thanks Gman, good to hear the other side of the story. Is The Microwave Or The Fridge A Faraday Cage? Im getting the same problem as Hex and Atari. O.G. I also am a veteran. DragonEye Tech: Leaders in LIDAR Speed Measurement, Request a quote for the most accurate & reliable non-lethal training, Get Curious Before Getting Furious: How Cynicism Impacts Behavior On Scene, One of the newest trends is the use of a well-trained K-9 partner to detect firearms. Count all of the same places mentioned for the inside of the sedan above. An expendable decoy weapon would also be a good idea - let them find "something" - even if just a starter pistol, to satisfy their need to have "something to show". If only that were true. They know where to look. The dirty SOBs wouldnt even sell me gas, ad tried to take my money. I feel your comments would be more understandable if you learned about a thing called punctuation. Your are either for freedom or for tyranny ,there are no grey areas. If it happens to you tell everyone. )Such a reasonable answer might put off a wrathful retaliation. Only the very senior of them are sucking up to the Prez and only to further their own career. Perhaps a mini-can of pepper spray (bear chaser type) could be stored inside the box, but between the covers for easy access. Visit our. Privacy Policy Agreement * Police officers go through intensive training to deal with high stakes situations involving guns, but police dogs need guidance. YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE AN EMP STRIKE WITHOUT THIS, IF YOU SEE THIS PLANT IN YOUR BACKYARD BURN IT IMMEDIATELY, HOW TO GET 295 POUNDS OF EXTRA FOOD FOR JUST $5 A WEEK, THE AWESOME DIY DEVICE THAT TURNS AIR INTO FRESH WATER, 5 INGENIOUS WAYS TO REFRIGERATE YOUR FOOD WITHOUT ELECTRICITY, HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE INVISIBLE TO LOOTERS, This website uses cookies. If the government is consistent about any one thing, it is this: it has an unnerving tendency to exploit crises and use them as opportunities for power grabs under the guise of national security. It is illegal, and Im not condoning it in normal situations. At that point, the Constitution goes right out the window! Gomer's for-profit company has sent a gun- and drug-detecting dog to patrol the halls of an Ohio high school, while Schiller is launching a nonprofit in Houston to give schools the trained. Wag! The firearm is at the end of the trench. i have found a similar websiteHome Safes Perth visit the site to know more about guardall, I was really searching for such a nice post and got hereThanks for sharing such a nice information, its beneficial for meKeep sharing more reviewworldill, Biometric documents can guarantee you with a full set of database registered real genuine citizenship papers and/or identification documents at the lowest cost. If I was your attorney, I would not advise you to break the law, 'cause lawyers are like that. And you most certainly will get killed if you start shooting at soldiers with superior technology who are lined up outside of your door or cordoned neighborhood. Sorry I know the question is really stupid. the Civil War). Yeah, the nail gun will be an effective tool against those brandishing modern military firearms. Of course there are n thieves that read this just like you did.. Depends on how good the police are at the search. airsoft guns, Thank you for your interesting and informative blog. Of course, the authorities could also search all storage sheds it just might take longer to get to those, so you may have time to grab your stored guns and GO before they are confiscated. My team even came across a guy with all his rifles and did not take a single one. gun storing, Oh yes!! Behind a blanket or rug on the wall, hung like a decorative tapestry. Then the use of a gun dog would be a valuable tool to locate the hand gun inside the house during the execution of that warrant. In the example above, the item in question would only be cocaine. The best way to be prepared is to prevent telling about your plans on social media. I wont bore you with the Mirada other places that can at their own discretion get a sign put on their door to tell you not to bring in a open carry or some say a conceal carry some others may say both again confusion carry. Bill Baldwin. Paul was also found face down. Buy one already made at Upshot Archery (on ETSY). About Search Results. 3. repeat number 2 until your ammo is used up. Exactly this is why we prepare beforehand! As for outside, sheds are worthless. now don't use any of these suggestions because the goverment has read it also. A few large black Zip Ties will hold a rifle, shotgun, and a lot more. In addition to hiding your guns underground or indoors, here are some other strategies which can help keep your firearms safe when SHTF during martial law: Have a gun badly hidden somewhere in your home. This started for me after I used the bed at the hideout. Your statement has no facts behind it. Remember, prepping means taking steps to prepare for the WORST POSSIBLE SITUATION. They would always start with the VP and other Directors out front so they looked like they were being fair. As one member of the SurvivalistBoards forum said in this thread. The modern sedan has plenty of places to hide weapons. I think those are the POSSIBLE hiding places, not that anyone is advocating storing guns in ALL those places. I had a Defense Industry employer who decided to start checking cars in the Parking Lot for whatever with a dog. By off-site, I mean a storage shed somewhere. Duct tape is a wonderful thing and you will be using it. Kind of dumb how every single picture showed a really obvious hiding place that would have been discovered in seconds. Great tips on car hiding spots. The handlers start training the dogs on the loud noise of a gunshot . ), who is left to fight? Using a wired 360 controller. I have to admit, its kinda fun thinking of or talking about how to trick them. Behind the radio my be a quickly lost cause because redios, GPS units, CD players et. If you are going to have to leave your pistol in vehicle for hours, not days, use the cable lock that comes with new guns to lock it to seat frame unloaded. Obviously, the legality of things goes out the window in the chaos of a natural disaster. It was incorporated as an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, and signed into law on October 4, 2006. I have enjoyed reading it and appreciate the work you have put into it. The Constitution cant just be put on hold because of a threat. Fight like a guerilla. Required fields are marked *. left bumper with 360 controller if you're using that. In Texas its called jokingly constitutional confusion carry because just being able to carry doesnt let you do as much as permit carry and both still only allow certain places no matter what type of legal carry you exercise. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Breaking! My children and I are alive BECAUSE I had a gun each time (the bad guys didn't). how do i holster or hide the gun in watch dogs??? Police K-9 Magazine is the only national publication dedicated to police officers who work with service dogs. We will not be Britain. We will fight for freedom. Leave a useless (as in not functioning) pistol or something in plain sight. I will just git one of their guns;).and then there is my trusty nail gun with 200 p.s.i. Take them:). I think you confused her with someone else. Along the same vein, the gun dog would be very useful in searching the house, attic, garage or yard for the gun hidden in a domestic style or staged home invasion, robbery, burglary or homicide. Also if they come to take your guns couldn't you just lock the door and pretend there not there? A week BEFORE or AFTER the Bradley shows up, if you should know where the local police commandant lives and how he gets to work.that might be a better time to put your life on the line.. Theyll just tear them down if they have to. I don't believe that hiding the gun can be solution to any problem. Place your weapons behind this, in the cavity that is in the lower part of the rear fender, and replace the trunk lining. In case of any emergency you must use your brain as situations may be different and you need to act according to the situation. The . No need for guns? They should not have entered the house. My job depended on finding things people did not what found. Law enforcement agencies are recognizing that similar [] If you have to abandon your vehicle and you are pretty sure it will get at least looked at, give them something to go after. Ammo could go in a hollow curtain rod. Basically, throw them a bone. Hide weapons and supplies at a bug out destination! Like the front of the truck, there is a vast amount of storage space. i was an american soldier in Vietnam, and I was a rescue worker at Katrina. This has given me and my Constitutional Conservative friends some more ideas. The military would be sent out overseas so that the government can bring in foreign soldiers who have no pity or compassion to detain all citizens. If you've got an old stone or brick chimney it might be possible to build ledges inside it for the guns to rest on - see, no strings needed! Others believe that confiscating guns wouldnt be possible because there would be too much chaos to organize the authorities into a thorough cordon and search operation. My thanks to the author. Im sorry, but you just dont waive a gun at a police officer like that and think nothing is going to happen. You have many more places to work with here. Fortunately for you, the rest of us defend you. All rights reserved. . All of those places are so obvious understand a thief is a job title and a profession just like drug dealers no where to sell the drugs these know where to look for valuables and if I was well Im not a thief and I would even look in those places the only place will be a hidden compartment that will be hes very hard to find area it would have to be modified and hidden really good so if its a customized hidden modified compartment in part of the car then that will be your best bet anything else is a waste of time if you agree with me please let me know. It's too bad you've had a cannon for so long and that happened. Request product info from top Police Firearms companies. Remove the third stop light that is at the top and rear of the cab. We went door to door evacuating folks, but we were not confiscating weapons from anyone. I smell som bad shit coming. takes a gun from his waistband, and throws it under one of the slot machines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. i'm having the exact same issue, happened after i got the call from my sister, did not have this problem with the pirated version. its a wonder i ever actually buy games. Thanks for sharing, Jon! In the situation that this post is all about. MOA also has strong relationships with federal, state + local law enforcement including an on-site dedicated police unit. Im not talking about just on the floor under the seat. This article will highlight the legal and practical issues and use of this valuable resource. "what ever happens to you doesn't affect me." First, let me give you a little background. The basic possession of a firearm, in and of itself, is not illegal per se, like narcotics. Ever. Behind the radio is not a really good spot because even if the grid is down, thieves will steal a high end electronic goodie because they are too stupid to realize that they will be dead long before the electricity comes back on for the purloined item to be useful. From Business: A Family breeder of Toy Poodles, given loving interaction daily with dog I'm not your attorney. The safe is combination and easy to use. By the time they hold the majority of public offices, it will be too late. All rights reserved. This is for storage. AT least as much, as I can help myself. God willing, I would not be going alone. As soon as I wake up my silenced hand gun unholsters and fires one shot. One way that drugs are found in walls is by following the string that suspends them, and then you've got the whole wall penetrating radar thing.Hiding a gun in a tree would be a good idea if it's weather proofed, and secured so that tree rats don't carry it off. 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