Although i am much fitter now at times i get tired easy. Sorry to hear about your post operative pains, but its a relief as well.Im 8months last the same operation as you (with an unexpected bypass as well during the op) and have a number of pains I keep assuming its the scar and nerves and nothing more serious. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. Could that be the wires? I had no risk factor, no blockage, no cholesterol, nothing. Or will I get by with a good recovery ??? A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs. The tightness and pressure and the flutters come and go but its pretty concerning. Take care! Search by name Nicky). Still worried about my muscle pain and sternum tenderness and take ibuprofen to keep it under some level of control. This really bothers me. No one one warns about it, just kind of happens. This has been an interesting journey. Anybody have advice on a shirt to wear? it has been twenty weeks ? I just this blog and hearing of u people suffering so much, I only had cabg one month ago gripple bypass May God bless all of u and thanks for giving positive vibes. 2019;11(4):620627. I thought oh good, he finally is taking action. The most common form causes numbness in the hands, usually in . This blog raises many concerns about short and long-term quality of life, LIFE being the operative term. If you have specific inquiries, please feel free to contact us at So just around 4 months now. Have a few more weeks of cardio rehab. Hi I am 54. Please always consult with a professional and certified healthcare provider to discuss if a treatment is right for you. Routine Office visit with no prexisting signs. Thankful to be here and working hard to eat healthy, rest, stay positive and hopeful. Massachusetts says, Roy Yoder from It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. I had a cardiac calcification test done for the heck of it. Hello John, I am at 17 days post surgery, and certainly better than the 4-5 day mark when I was, similar to you,very nauseous, no sleep, and total discomfort between waistline and shoulders. Feb 26, 2020 I went under and had 5 Bypass. Posts. Im 7 months past OHS- heart valve replacement, (bicuspid to tri- cuspid) aneurysm on the ascending aorta. , Hi, Yes I also feel the same I posted above(In detail. Hi All, I just came across this blog searching for advice on sleeping on your side after OHS. I do have family history/gene with coronary heart disease , so, just gonna enjoy each day God gives me and try and be a blessing to others :). Hi Paul, I fully understand where your coming from. Hi everyone! Pushed myself a bit to hard post cardiac rehab so I had to back off. Initially I was working from 10 am to 2:30 PM by going to my office then an hour sleep and then evening conference calls from home. But I will say. Damage to the nerves can lead to temporary loss of both motor and sensory function. Have found God has given me the strength to bear it and am grateful and was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane. I put myself at about 85% of pre surgery and still improving. Im male, 51, active, slightly overweight, drink and smoke. Have found God has given me the strength to bear it and am grateful. Im still having some days of discomfort. I found it very interesting to read the comments and questions above. Basically, bacteria was growing all through my heart, it destroyed the tricuspid valve and aortic valve as well as damaging the upper electrical node and stretching my heart muscle to nearly twice its normal size. Theresa, Our situations sound very similar. All content provided in this blog, website, or any linked materials, including text, graphics, images, patient profiles, outcomes, and information, are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I cant seem to warm up then Im so hot I need to fan myself. Please share the advice to me if it is normally to feel that tired after surgery for 2 months already? One day at a time, good luck to all of you. What to expect after heart surgery the socIety of thoracIc surgeons Bright red stool chest pain (angina-like) similar to pre-op chills or fever coughing up bright red blood . Im still very tired on some days very emotional and feel like just something is missing. Just have to be patient and keep at it! I cant have it investigated until a year after my heart surgery. The good and less good days, the long term pain, the fears, the sleeplessness, the pushing through it all to get to enjoy what modern medecine can do, the slow but very real progress and improvements in quality of life even slightly, are all things I felt very alone in. Continued to have mini strokes, migraines, and numerous other symptoms, treatment was basically its in your head. I ended up with a mini-OHS, with a tissue valve replacement and I am NOT on Cumedin because my mother died from Cumedin related symptoms. Im so fortunate to be alive. I am 70, had OHS 6 wks ago to replace 2 valves. It could even cause speech problems. Your messages are very encouraging and enlightening. Well, I matched 8/10 signs. After all, you can't feel pain when you are numb to it. Heck, he was doing TAVR on every one else?! The doctors at the ER was shocked to find I had 98, 95, and 78% blockage. The chest pain has been significantly less but is still there. Now, I am on 4 medications Metoprolol, Rosuvatatin, Clopidogrel, and Aspirin. Best advice I have had is stay as active as you can and time is your friend. I think I need some rehab, Physio, massage, chiro. 6. Had single bypass August, 2018. Memory loss means I wanted to do something and I will call the related person in my office, but suddenly forget for what I called hahaahah. Think of a nerve as a garden hose. Its been quite a journey. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. To keep your spirits up: Get dressed every . I had my last check yesterday (10th June 2020) and my cardiologist is now telling me we should start the process for me to have the op. After my surgery I used to get bit of dizziness and or feeling kind of body not in normal state. Finally he said that I had a blockage of my aortic valve! after 4 days in hospital I was sent home on medication which brought my EF up to 26%. Initial surgery went well, although my left thigh has been numb ever since. Many times the symptoms are temporary, for example, many patients have nerve problems after surgery that only last for a few weeks to months . Both said not to the extent I did and one even said he was really worried after 2 weeks if I was coming back from where ever I was. I found this blog and am 3 weeks post op with a new On-X valve and gel weave ascending aortic graft. I guess I can say that my recovery is coming along quickly, but I dont take it for granted. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that bring blood to the heart muscle. It's time to seek medical attention if they don't or if other symptoms appear. I am happy for your recovery. it's nin By entering this site you declare The other thing no one warned me about was how long the after effects of the deep anaesthesia last. There are a couple of things that can cause memory loss and brain fog after open-heart surgery. I started working from home from April first week (Couple of short online conf calls) Then from May I stated going to office from Morning until 3 PM. Little did I know my doctors would be out of the picture and the doctors at the rehab hospital would be in charge of my care. The Statins, and blood thinners, and fluid pills and I never knew what kind of day I would have. A 5 minute walk to town takes me half an hour, having to stop and get my breath every few metres. My BP medication was tweaked to minimize the possibility of hypotension and I have not had a significant presyncope in a few weeks, but the foggy head and feeling of light-headedness continue. vitamin deficiency, such as a lack of vitamin . 2018 Apr;104:124-129. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2017.10.003, (14) Matsuoka H, Suto T, Saito S, Obata H. Amitriptyline, but Not Pregabalin, Reverses the Attenuation of Noxious Stimulus-Induced Analgesia After Nerve Injury in Rats. Currently, I still feel tired (sometimes almost faint) and I still feel pain while traveling especially the cut under my breast. I like the positive vibes your post has generated in me. It went well, the mammary artery was harvested so no digging anything out of my leg and was home at the end of the week. My husband does all the grocery shopping. We chose an on-x valve for replacement as I was already on blood thinners for Afib. If I push through some pain and walk a little more or do little extra physical activity, acute chest pain and SOB return and last for 2-3 days before leveling off. Some of the symptoms of scar tissue pain include: inflammation (swelling) redness. I too in my opinion have similar moods to your partner.Had mitral valve open heart surgery on 30/4 then discharged 6/5.The last 3 days I got very angry irritable & fuzzled.. Tingling or numbness in your elbow or fingers. when i got home i suffered with breathing problems depression and found that i could only sleep for about 2 or 3 hours and night. Is this pain a result of pt? This basically gave her a dead leg. My chest still bothers me and leg is swollen a lot. Better health to us all! Hello Mark, good to hear your story and truly hope youre recovering really well. It has been the hardest thing Ive ever been through, and Ive been to war three times. Or it could be a sign of a complication the provider should explore. Obviously, since the scar tissue was caused by surgery, using surgery to get rid of it can be a problem. Its going to be a long road to recovery; Im certain of it. Im just tired of the whole thing, Hi hope this finds everyone doing really well I just had surgery on April 4 of this year . Needless to say I was not happy and told him so. This is one of my biggest fears. I have been so worried and sad, he has a huge , hard 6 months ahead. ASD primum. This may last for many weeks and lessen with time. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. 2017;4(1):38. doi:10.1186/s40634-017-0113-5, (17) Sowa Y, Kishida T, Tomita K, Adachi T, Numajiri T, Mazda O. She sent me to wear a heart monitor, and low and behold, something wasnt right. Thats what threw the drs off cause they cant understand how my heart valves got so blocked ( 2/95% & 2/85% blocked). At 2 months my Balance and Surefootedness returned, I attribute to exercise, legs getting stronger. It doesnt hurt just tightness. I am 70 never smoked, drank in moderation and always active. 85 clinic locations offering non-surgical Regenexx solutions for musculoskeletal pain. That said you can certainly expect discomfort but not pain. Im on new meds, i have anxiety, but qlways did.. can someone tell me possibly why i shake. The device tells your care provider how the heart is beating while you do your daily activities. I have been through 8 serious surgeries this year and Im very blessed to be alive. Best postsurgery bras for after mastectomy: Oysho Post-Surgery Bra, Anaono Gloria Soft Lace Bralette, Monica Post-Surgery Full Coverage Bra. I dont have good days or bad days, I have long hours of feeling really well, combined with night time, still shallow breathing and chest pain, reduced kidney function could be responsible. I provided some thoughts for Sean below, but Im curious to know if you experienced this heart surgery complication. i know it will put a lot of pressure on my sternum. back at work however work fewer hours than normal. I am still amazed that I was home 3 days after open heart aortic valve replacement. danville jail mugshots; marlin 1898 stock; 39 miles hunan impression . My problems with brain are no more there and I am very happy. My chest aches and feels heavy. I am 54 yrs old and just had OHS triple bypass! The area immediately around an incision (the surgical cut) is often numb after surgery. Unfortunately I have never received any replies to my previous posts. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. I just finished Cardiac Rehab, and that helped me to improve physically. Walk at least 2 to 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes. doi:10.1196/annals.1377.014, (12) Griggs RB, Bardo MT, Taylor BK. I had the procedure Dec1 and honestly have not had one moments pain. Hold a pillow to your chest. It's normal to have less energy than usual after your surgery. I was recovering well but soon I became dizzy when standing with a slight slur and right hand coordination. Hope this post helps someone. Im just praying and taking one day at a time. I finally encountered a good vestibular balance therapist but symptoms seem worse after a month of therapy. I went to the GP but they neglected to send me back in. I had OHS on Feb. 12, 2020. Hi Vanna, Yes it is normal of getting tired and dizziness. At least I pray it is muscle pain! Cardio rehab over the summer. Really depressed. Recovery was hard but after 6 months I am thinking about again running a full marathon. Have recently been switched to carafate but too soon to know if it will work. They have me on a beta blocker which I am sure is part of the issue because at times my BP is 99/60 which to me is too low. I also feel much worse than before surgery is not suppose to be this way. He told me what the operation would involve, and that he would replace the aortic valve with a mechanical one, and he would also replace the aorta. Numbness and tingling are common after any sort of surgery, not just breast reconstruction. You had surgery to repair or replace one of your heart valves. I found a whole series of shoulder and arm exercises on medcircle dot com, which look achievable, and my physio is giving me very painful deep single finger massage of the affected areas (T2 T7). I struggle to work up the strength to the most basic tasks such as showering and very light housework. Take the surgery, prepare for six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years or more of your life. Your blog was very helpful knowing I am not alone. Blood clots are a medical emergency. Involvement of PDGF-BB and IGF-1 in activation of human Schwann cells by platelet-rich plasma. Last Forward to today March 27.unreal last night things progressed fairly well and to me, somewhat rapidly. This is why the doctors tell you NOT to reach over your head for 3 months, and to NOT lift more than about 5 lbs per arm for the first month and go very carefully after that. 4. Im getting very afraid reading most of these post. My sleep pattern has not been good. I am NOT a depressed individual by any means, and have gone through Thyroid Cancer removal (15 years ago) and Melanoma surgery (1 1/2 months) before the OHS, with little side effects. The difficulty sleeping throughout the night and the subsequent fatigue I constantly wrestle with. Went to an ENT to check my esophagusIt was fine, however he expressed that when fluid builds like this, your lung is not expanding well. Im 51 and had OHS almost 6months ago. Im 5 months past CABC-x4. Fortunately, there are more good days than bad days now that I am at this point, but I do feel that if I have a busy day, I do feel tired and sore the next day. It is great to know I am not alone with worries and concerns about what stage should I be at with my recovery. My gut is telling me that you should listen to your doctor and follow his instructions going forward. Thanks for sharing it. Since you are young they might have given this. Still sleeping in my recliner, which oddly is a lot more comfortable than I would have thought, especially surrounded by a lot of pillows. I am 3 months from terrible mitral valve replacement and couple other procedures. Listen to your body. I later learned the numbness was an effect of the Ibuprofen I had been taking. Before aortic valve replacement and repair to my tricuspid valve I was running 10K races at a fairly fast pace. Sue from Australia, on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. PLoS ONE. This still puzzles me how the heck did a CABG effect my walking and change my vision so much. The small device is placed just under the skin of the chest during a minor surgery. I am so thankful To the Lord that after a heart attack in August with one stent, followed by quadruple bypass on Sept 11, here it is early December and I am able to Do mission work in the Middle East. He said sternum intact & such pain is from muscle/rib retraction, referred pain etc & said it'll be better over next 3-6 months. My husband had an aortic heart valve replacement 7 years ago due to a bicuspid valve. Very similar to what I felt just after my surgery. I consider myself very healthy. Feels like a burning scratching feeling inside. I know its kind of a reach, but I would love to SCUBA Dive again. While it was not easy, his recovery initially went very well. I have also had numbness on my right breast since my surgery on 2/14 of this year. My feet and ankles and legs swell. I was in another 12 days fighting the infection trying different antibiotics. Some days I nap for an hour or two after my 7AM Meds, some days Ill doze when watching TV in the evenings, some days no naps. Your experiences are invaluable to me in my second month of recovery from aortic valve replacement. Location. Had a triple. I know its a long list but I would appreciate any one replying and perhaps if you conquered it I can too. This is quite brave of you to pen your experience down. Was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane and realise our bodies are miraculous creations. Bev. While having complications in recovery i had to go back into surgery and wass given a blood transfusion, platelets, etc. Triple bypass on Dec 18th 2019- same thing. i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. Everyday is different in regards to pain and my emotions but my biggest comfort is my family. Wayne2 questions: #1 are you walking every day? hungry all the time- eating heaps of nuts. I hope to feel better every day. My condition was geneticborn biscuspidtwo cusps instead of threecaused problems I thought would be resolved once the op was done. After a week, at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no, idea what it could be. Alas, I dozed and around 3:00 AM managed to get undressed and into bed, put on my crap..and actually managed 3 hrs. My Dr took me off it, and I feel better. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. Not helpful! Hi Vanna, My name is Jack and my surgery was nine weeks ago. Im 56years old and had a quadruple bypass on May 4, 2018. I work in a position where I am doing presentations and meeting people and sometimes I find it hard to concentrate; it feels like Im thinking through honey. My surgeon thinks Im doing great and my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. J Arthroplasty. Search Hospitals, Greg Lewis from I have been on pain meds since my surgery, I am thinking that they are going to have to go back in and hopefully fix this, I was just wondering if other people have had this done and what kind if success, Greetings! Bodies are miraculous creations my name is Jack and my cardiologist thinks everything is fine told! And Ive been to war three times of threecaused problems I thought would resolved... Back off just finished cardiac rehab, Physio, massage, chiro op. A year after my surgery on 2/14 of this year and im very blessed be! Chose an On-X valve for replacement as I was not happy and told him so % of surgery... Myself a bit to hard post cardiac rehab, and blood thinners, and 78 %.! A slight slur and right hand coordination very emotional and feel like just something is missing have found has! Not alone with worries and concerns about what stage should I be at with my recovery on medication brought. 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