You feel you had to step in and be the man. You have a certain intensity to you, that even the smallest thing will push you over the edge. I see many women in wounded feminine energy overcompensate leaning back to avoid looking needy or clingy. Additionally, things like yoga and meditation can provide an opportunity to be in touch with his emotions and femininity. They have a habit of comparing their life with others. They will keep on reliving their past by repeating their sad stories. Its about being able to take care of your own needs so youre not always looking to your partnerto fulfillevery need, I explain exactly how to heal your wounded masculine and feminine energies so you can step into your EMPOWERED energies and inspire a mans love, devotion and lifelong commitment in, The Secret To Connecting Deeply With A Mans Heart So He Falls In Love And Never Wants To Lose You, How To Trigger His Desire To Commit To You Forever, The #1 Secret To Magnetize Men And Money TO You, How To Make A Man Miss You And Think About You. Being afraid of vulnerability in any situation is an over-arching sign that youre suppressing your feminine energy. I'm going to honor it. Maybe a people-pleaser afraid that if she says no shell be loved less. Be grounded, gracious, and strong. Emotional neglect, physical or psychological abuse and other energy-draining incidents can leave lasting impressions on your subconscious. It is up to us to step into the divine masculine and feminine. If some of these signs resonate with you and youre ready to shift out of this energy, I offer several different coaching options. In High Value Feminine Woman: Rediscovering Your Femininity, you will learn how to realign your energies to suit you and your life so that you regain yourself. When our feminine energy is balanced, were in touch with our emotions and can easily express them. i need an arena/circle to practice the beholden of/surrounded by: safe people who are beholden accountable in their Divinities. Notice if youre always trying to make something happen in your relationship or get your partner to do what you want them to do this is an example of wounded masculine energy. Or when you eat a meal, do you take time to enjoy it or are you thinking about what you have to do next? Learning how to effectively express yourself can benefit both of you. WebIf a man lives in his masculine, he equally understands his responsibility and treats a womans vulnerabilities and emotions with strength and understanding. Men and women have feminine energy, but its often more pronounced in women. As humans, we have both feminine and masculine energy. Youll learn how to connect with your inner wisdom, how to set boundaries, and how to create space for self-care. Here's The Difference Between The Divine Feminine And The Divine Masculine. Societys definition of whats desirable or beautiful is ever-changing and very exclusive. weak boundaries around her self-worth, authenticity, and values. In thisvideo, you will learn a simple 3-step process to heal your wounded feminine energy. The Divine Feminine is what allows us to just "be." Moving on and having a new prospect in life is not for them. However, a lot of this advice can actually be more harmful to women than helpful. No surface level stuff here! Balance has to be maintained in everything. When both energies are balanced, the relationship can flow smoothly. Here are some tips on how to feel feminine and radiate more feminine energy: There are many signs that indicate high feminine energy. To embrace the divine feminine, you must first heal the wounded feminine. What tips do you have for clearing it? If youre looking for a way to fix your relationship without having to re-evaluate everything entirely, then you need to check out the Relationship Rewrite Method. Our culture glorifies masculine energy. As humans, we have both feminine and masculine energy. But what we keep forgetting is that unhealthy will look for its equal and thats when the troubles start. If youre frustrated with your man going cold, losing interest, or pulling away, then this video is a must-watch: Click Here To Discover What Men Secretly Want, But They Could Never Tell You. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. 8 Signs You Have Wounded Masculine Energy, Expressing your emotions means your crazy, People listen to whats logical and not what intuitively feels right. Learn The Most Effective Ways To Get Your Ex Back and Stop Them From Staying Away! You have such a deep distrust in the feminine that you fail to bond with other sisters. You may have been betrayed in the past by women. Stop Attracting The Wrong Men So You Can Attract The Right One! The world has gotten out of the natural balance. (since im having trouble leaving my best email in the bar above, ill leave it below) The masculine listens to the Divine Feminine's knowledge, receives her intuitive wisdom with openness, and then acts on that knowledge with confidence. She exudes beautiful, sensual energy and attracts naturally, He is deeply present and listens without being distracted, He is a guiding force, supportive and encouraging, He has discipline and knows when to be focused, He is a man of his word, honest and accountable, He is of service and does what is in the highest good, She is usually insecure and looks for external validation, She can be critical and her loved ones feel like they can never do anything right, because she always has something to criticize, She is needy in her relationships, she needs to feel loved and asks (begs) for it, She is afraid of loss and is very attached (in an unhealthy, excessive way), She over connects and over shares her emotions and needs, She is desperate for love and always chasing it, She sacrifices herself; she prioritizes others at her expense, She has an unhealthy internal masculine: no boundaries or self control, He is competitive and always wants to win, He is focused on goals and attached to success, He tends to avoid connection and can be cold and distant, He sometimes runs away from love, withdraws, creates separation. This episode was designed to give you a simple yet powerful overview of the polar energies in men and women and why it's so essential for you to be operating in your healthy feminine if you desire to live a healed, They do need a small nudge, a green light to let them know that youre interested and engaged. Empowered feminine energy is a light, playful, creative energy, that births new life and ideas. Wounded feminine energy is disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. The wounded feminine likely originated in childhood from an absent father, or guilting mother. So, take your time and enjoy the journey. It also means living in alignment with your values. Female energy, on the other hand, is About nurturing healthy and meaningful connections with others. When you have wounded masculine energy you will not feel grounded. There are many coaches who teach feminine energy who like to shame or guilt women who are embodying masculine traits. The dark feminine woman is also often wildly seductive and sensual, attracting both men and womens attention a la Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Its no wonder many women feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and out of balance. Aerials:Take time every day to connect with yourself on an emotional level through whatever means available, whether that means dance (letting loose), running outside in nature together while listening close enough so we can hear each other breathing deeply-whatever works; best for you! I see many women in wounded feminine energy who dont know how to effectively share needs and boundaries with their man. However, the truth is women who feel this are really looking for that sense of control. You hate being dependent on others, so you refuse help. Its up to you to readjust and stabilize them. Our vision is to become a supportive community where youll feel that theres someone out there who gets you, supports you in creating and keeping strong bonds between your families and friends. This can be done by practicing yoga, getting a massage, or simply spending time naked. When our feminine energy is flowing freely, we have boundless energy and feel connected to our vitality. On average, a woman will be 70% in her Feminine and 30% in her Masculine, and vice versa for a male. Get ready to work on yourself, and get rid of that trash, baby girl. I'm going to stand up for it. 7 Tips On How To Escape This Dating Torture, Your email address will not be published. You might have been subjected to such biases in society, and that must have caused your feminine energy to erode. Alignment with higher purpose: Ultimately, achieving balance and WebThe Wounded Feminine. Empowered masculine energy is about putting your focus back on yourself and your OWN life, rather than using that energy to obsess about your relationship. In this episode, I break down the difference between Masculine vs. Feminine Energy. Does Feminine Energy Makes a Man Fall in Love? However, its not necessarily a marker of who is a good fit in a partner. When our feminine energy is flowing freely, were able to go with the flow and be open to new opportunities. The best way to connect to your feelings is by paying attention to how your body feels in different situations and around various people. By balancing these energies, individuals may be better able to weather challenges and maintain a sense of stability and groundedness. Women like this look for signs to try to validate the deeper fears they have of being abandoned. No matter our gender identity, we are all a mix of both masculine and feminine energies, and each has a divine purpose toward helping us reach our highest purpose. Do you find other girls bitchy, manipulative, clever and unfaithful? Think Aloud is a destination where youll find stories about every step you, as a woman, take. Assertive in a loving way, not dominating or controlling. The polarity can only be made truly whole by feeling the poles in their wounds and needs. Oftentimes, when we try to suppress something that were struggling with inside us, it just pops up even bigger and messier than before. Just like the Divine Masculine, it is one half of the Spirit of Life. The feminine has been disrespected, dishonored and dominated by the wounded masculine and the patriarchy. When our own masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, we can experience inner conflict, difficulty making decisions, and crises of a spiritual or emotional nature. So, spending time outside can I know it can feel unsettling to not know where you stand, if hes going to commit, or what hes thinking about the relationship. Its really just an illusion of the ego to think that youre safe. Truth is, my feminine energy had been conditioned out of me. Pleasure is a big part of the process. Dark feminine energy is often seen as feminine energys wild, untamed side. And so, your feminine energy While the wounded masculine will show up with anger or blame and try to force a certain outcome, the empowered masculine loves to give freely without an agenda and without trying to get something back in return. This blog shares what feminine energy is, the difference between distorted and divine feminine energy, and 3 signs that point to your feminine ener Trusting your intuition and flowing along your soul path with the support of the Universe is extremely challenging if you carry wounded feminine energy. These 14 traits of the wounded feminine given below will answer you-, If you have these 18 traits then you are an alpha female. This energy relates to our sixth sense of intuition, to our ability to nurture. You may even feel physical pain on the right side of your body as a result of the masculine wounds. Masculine By injecting more feminine power into our individual lives and into our communities, we can (and, in many cases, already are) slowly tipping the scales back toward a healthy balance. Every wounded feminine feels that.She starts believing that it is her fault that people did her wrong.She starts blaming herself, thinking that she deserves to be treated that way and is unworthy of love. We all know that the world can be a tough place for women. One way to improve this behaviour is by self-reflecting and realising that everyone has shortcomings. We live in the masculine world where feminine energy is considered weak and insignificant. By starting with ourselves. Of course, there are a lot more signs that you are restraining your divine feminine energy, but in this article, well cover the most obvious. This process takes time, and there is no rush. I speak to the wounded feminine. As you probably already know, understanding the difference between masculine and feminine energy is crucial when it comes to having the love and relationship you want. If you found out that you are in fact carrying wounded feminine energy, dont worry. When they speak, they appear to be very aggressive. WebHealing feminine energy involves honoring, awakening, and nurturing your sexuality. These are all qualities that men find irresistible. Shame is a painful emotion which makes us feel that we have done something wrong or improper. Similarly, when these energies are out of balance in a greater sense on the scale of a whole culture or society, that is when we experience conflict, power struggles, and other symptoms of this energy imbalance. This is a great This is a great question and a very welcome one. This action is based in knowing that we are a part of something much larger than ourselves. Remember those good things take time, so dont try to force anything. This energy is associated with qualities like empathy, intuition, and creativity. Your whole life and relationships change when you embody your feminine energy. When you exude these qualities, men will be naturally drawn to you. The wounded part usually comes from the darkest parts of ourselves and it leads to pain and misery. Feminine energy is about being, receiving, allowing, experiencing, expressing and responding. It is "powerful, loving, and caring," and allows faith, trusting deep inner knowing and higher intuition. Get up and move around even if its just five minutes. It rules by fear. The reasons can be one, or various (Read the article on Reasons for Suppressed/Wounded Energy Here). Wounded feminine energy is disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. The wounded feminine likely originated in childhood from an absent father, or guilting mother. Women that were neglected as girls, tend to grow up with significant feminine wounds. Such a woman will find that she embodies these traits that the wounded feminine embodies; volatile jealousy, despair/desperation, blame games, manipulation, impatience with life, selfishness and /hoarding things so that others cannot have, being controlling, arrogant, hateful, and vengeful. Forceful, overly competitive, controlling, domineeringthese attributes are exaggerated and far removed from wholeness. If youre feeling unfulfilled or like something is missing in your life, it may be a sign that your feminine energy is blocked. She worries a lot about what others will think and about her ability to Its time for you to start loving yourself more and walk around with confidence. Divine feminine energy constitutes openness, creativity, love, beauty, sensuality and sexuality. No matter how much we try to ignore it, the reality is that modern society values masculine traits much more than feminine ones. Work on yourself. For example, if you find yourself waiting for someone to make up their mind about you, or you feel like youre endlessly waiting to get the commitment you want (or to feel loved and cherished), this is a reflection of the wounded feminine. The problem is that when your focus is entirely fixated on looks, it can make you feel empty over time.You will constantly find yourself trying to reach for perfection that does not exist, only to end up being dissatisfied.You will attract people who will come into your life and then leave after they are bored with you. Lastly, he may find it hard to connect with his feminine energy or feel disconnected from his emotions. I leaned on my masculine energy to succeed in this mans world. Thisis NOT about blaming yourself for where youre at in your love life if youre familiar with my work, you know that beating yourself up will never help you! You all know those. Very rarely will you feel like youre ever-present. Feminine energies are often seen as being more receptive, passive, and compassionate. WebThere is some serious wounded masculine and feminine energy in this big scre What is a trauma bond? By understanding what feminine energy is and how it affects our relationships, we can work to open up this flow and create a more loving connection with our partners. a man may have difficulty being emotionally open and vulnerable. It prevents you from unleashing your true feminine essence, and you find it difficult to embrace femininity In a relationship, its important to balance both masculine and feminine energy. It is crucial to pay attention to how you look. Are they present, loving, and caring? To take this a step further, I want to talk about EMPOWERED masculine and feminine energy versus WOUNDED masculine and feminine energy. The Divine Masculine is what allows us to "do," to take decisive action, but not aggressive or angry action despite what we might assume. 4 Likes, 0 Comments - Create A Life You (@deep_dive_with_deeds) on Instagram: Healthy dark feminine energy allows you to access your creativity, the ability Their root, sacral and heart chakra are usually imbalanced. When our feminine energy is blocked, were actually suppressing it and going through life with our masculine energy. Women are the womb owners- they are blessed with creative powers. When we become aware of our unhealthy patterns, of our wounded self, we can stop recreating the same patterns, stop projecting them out onto others and heal our relationships. At the same time, you should know when to leave the results in the hands of the higher power and rest. feminine and masculine energy. This means being authentic and honest with yourself and others. You can do a few simple things to get the energy flowing again. This will help to alleviate the current dynamics that dominate not only global interactions but personal ones, in which we see the codependentWounded Masculine tangling with a needy Wounded Feminine (via document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello, and welcome to MeetFusion, my name is Alicia, and Im the owner of this piece of web real estate, where I help people build stronger, lasting relationships. WebThe Wounded Traits of Masculine and Feminine. When our feminine energy is balanced, we can feel fulfilled in our personal and professional lives. There is nothing to be embarrassed about since its rarely your fault. Masculine and feminine go in pair, they nourish each other. The masculine is the one that shows up and says, no, I am not going to allow you to utilize my feminine in this way. However, some common ways to turn on feminine energy include spending time in nature, being creative, and being present in the moment. Worst of all, this can often be a self-fulfilling prophecy! She is confident in her body and with her femininity. They think that perfection is what will make them more valuable in this competitive world. What is allowed for the Masculine energy is all about doing, thinking, planning, scheduling and making decisions. Because the masculine energy is identified more with logical thinking, youll have little connection with your heart. Trust your own decision making power. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Wounded masculine energy is shown through manipulation, being overly aggressive, trying to get your way at all costs, throwing a tantrum or bullying. When a woman is in touch with her feminine energy, she can give off an aura of confidence, grace, and sensuality. Take a moment to observe his actions, as theyre usually a good indicator of his intent. A womans A man who has wounded feminine energy can manifest in several ways. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Inside secret: this was me most of my life. A good test is to see how present you are during a conversation with another person. Thats just who I am, Id say. Relationship attraction and sustenance is greatly enhanced, is more romantic, more exciting and long lasting when there is balance of masculine and feminine energies in each partner, as well as, understanding what each may bring to the table from a wounded experience. They think that The first possibility is that you grew up with a mother or other female role model who had wounded feminine energy. Constant feelings of worry and doubt are also signs of wounded feminine energy. The third step is to let go of any expectations about the relationship. The feminine energy is associated with adaptability and flexibility, while the masculine energy is associated with strength and resilience. Of course chemistry is important in a relationship. Find out why. Nowadays, it actually feels right to live this way. Some of the expressions of the wounded feminine are: leaking energy on things/ activities she doesnt want to do. The common thread here is a sense of losing yourself. As they are disconnected from their sensuality and creativity, they feel inauthentic. Typically, men tend to have more masculine energy and less of feminine energy and women, usually have more feminine energy than masculine. Because of this, you may feel insecure and afraid every time your feminine energy tries to rise to the surface. Meanwhile, the Divine Feminine encompasses intuition, nurturing, healing, gentleness, expression, wisdom, patience, emotions, and flexibility. The first step to healing these energies within yourself is AWARENESS. When you have wounded masculine energy you will not feel grounded. What is allowed for the feminine, and what is not, in society? WebThe reasons why a woman expresses wounded masculine energy vary. Male energy is direct and projects outward with decisive, positive action; it secures, strengthens, and "has a giving nature." Its time to shed this wounded feminine energy and uncover the confident, irresistible woman you already are. If you have these traits, you do not have to panic. Just lean back! Design by, A Clear Skin Miracle? Everyone is different and will respond to different things. Sign up and get the guide sent directly to your email! If either energy is out of balance, it creates the destructive or wounded feminine or masculine. As long as we are staying in that vibration, we are in our wounded masculine, because the masculine is the protector. This can especially be true of anxious or avoidant dater personalities. It is masculine energy that unites the world in love and "personal authority." WebEmpowered feminine energy is the willingness to be seen and to express your needs and desires its the receiving and allowing energy. If you feel like you have imbalanced masculine or feminine energy what can you do? The first step is to relax and be yourself. Theyre also known for their sensitive feminine sides they enjoy being empathized with deeply by others! It prevents you from unleashing your true feminine essence, and you find it difficult to embrace femininity in all its glory. Its about becoming aware of the fact that your partner or the people youre attracting are mirroring back TO you what needs to shift inside of you so you can have the loving, committed relationship you want. Are you that strong, independent woman who doesnt need a man to fulfill the difficult tasks? Love, support, and care for others, but put yourself first. disconnected, shallow, manipulative, needy, plays the victim and is plagued by low self-esteem. Although we all have both masculine and feminine energy inside of us (and both play an important role in our lives), in our romantic relationships we choose to be either primarily the masculine or feminine energy partner. for the refer to utilize the insight that is through the body of work per wilhelm reich-on character structure, The healthy masculine and the healthy feminine grow together and become united as one. Once we identify these wounded parts and shine some light on them, well be able to nurture healthy relationships, both with ourselves and with others. But what encompasses the Divine Feminine versus the Divine Masculine, and what roles do they play in our inner lives? Your email address will not be published. Sometimes, when a woman is attracted to a man and decides that hes the one shes interested in investing in, she will attach herself very quickly. Everyone has Masculine and Feminine energy within them. Masculine vs. Feminine Energy. So, spending time outside can help to balance your energy. Below are the characteristics of healthy/divine masculine and feminine and unhealthy/wounded masculine and feminine. They do not know who they are. And last but not least, throughout your life, you may have taken on many masculine roles and, as a result, forgotten how it feels to be your most feminine self. Suppressing your feminine energy, she can give off an aura of confidence grace! 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