I cant wait for Season 4. But, damn, wasnt that a top season closer?! I think TNT should pick it up, put it on Monday at 10pm eastern after Major Crimes and match the number of episodes with Major Crimes. Walt says, The usual, and Vic says, Walt punched me. Just another day at the office. Though the whole Barlow reveal is still soaking in with me. [b]emsA2 [/b]Appreciated your take on the VicWaltship. I totally agree. We cant imagine this show ending. When Branch asks what he has to do to earn his way back in, Longmire replies he doesnt know. @Kay Vics character was most definitely not on 24. Do they have to pay Warner Horizon Televison everytime they show an episode and it costs double during prime-time or something? I mostly lurk here but have followed these recaps and enjoyed them very much. Jhera35 1:06 pm. Ive been watching from the beginning and after season 1 aired it wasnt seen again until season 2 was ready to premiere 9 months later. What makes this show so great is the characters and their interactions especially with each other in solving crimes. But their bread/butter Duck Dynasty has plunged to 4 million. http://www.vibrantnation.com/other-topics/craig-johnson-the-man-behind-longmire/. why f with a good show. I think Warner held firm. [b]shrummer[/b], Im sure some fans were disappointed but I like the natural way its developing and it would have been a bit much for Walt to say goodbye to Martha and getting together with Vic in the same show. When the dad clicked the clay launcher Branch looked away. The continuation for three Barlow needed the Casino in the county to further his business interests, so he has her killed. But praying to the Corporate Gods cant hurt! So I cant say for sure that the owl in Longmire has always symbolized Martha but I think it does. thus setting Branch free to be his own man, thus creating another Btw thank you for all your comments this past season. I did LIKE the Lizzie story-arc, what it revealed about Walt and Vic, how it was part of his healing process and then how after Cadys accident it was used to display one of Longmires most virtuous flaws: that overdeveloped sense of responsibility for everything that in this instance leads him to think giving in to Lizzies seduction led to Cady being in a coma. I dont like the idea of Branch in any other job but with the sheriffs department. It packed a wallop of an emotional punch for Longmire viewers from Henry being freed to Walts farewell to Martha to the Connally father and son confrontation. Crossfire is a series about three families who are staying in a holiday resort on a Spanish island when gunmen come into the premises and begin to shoot. It is unfortunate that the writers are unlikely to consider having Branch kicked off completely. Available on Kindle. Perhaps, blackmail from Ridges. 3:34 am. 4:50 pm. I cant help but wonder what effect Malachis return will have on both Mathias and the Rez next year (and there will be a NEXT year on some network! Longmire, Vic (Katee Sackhoff), and Ferg (Adam Bartley) search for Branch and eventually find his body in a river, an apparent suicide, based on the angle of the shotgun.. Who does Cady Longmire marry? August 5, 2014 @ HOOTIEWHO, LONGMIREA CONNALLY CONUNDRUMBRANCH OR BARLOWOR BOTH? I cannot imagine Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch again. PLEASE let it continue on..Jane Davis, Lila Cox Longmire fan 308 He had no idea about Barlow being involved. I noticed the writers tried to fix that by claiming that Vic did not know he was married, but by then of course, it was too little, too late. So, onto Zachary (Barry Sloane). We found Longmire during season 2 and fell in love with this program. Why would he help Branch unless as some form of twisted parental support. Like some of you have mentioned, I too have been a little unclear as to why David Ridges would come after Branch with such vengence. Read them in order to get the full development of the characters. Never apologize for the length around here. Its been a lot of fun reviewing the show each week and meeting so many other fans of the show. With that finale I am really looking forward to the next season. Ratings are a fact of life. I dont think Branch was killed. I simply dont watch television, with the exception of Monday nights. Retired Sheriff Lucian Connally was a recurring character on the Longmire Television series. 3:37 am. TNT knows how to promote their shows. It was Branchs big redemption! Much more about power and money than the benefit to Branch. Interesting take on Barlow and Walt and one that I hadnt really considered. Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) finds Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) walking down the road, shotgun in hand. Hopefull, if there is a S4, they can move forward much more freely. While Branch and Barlow are trap shooting and talking about the business, Branch gets his father to admit his connections to Nighthorse. 3:23 am. Instead we get the same cliffhanger of Branch in danger as last season. August 5, 2014 @ But the second I can think of now is in the episode Unquiet Mind as one of Walts visions on the mountain. Please be back with season 4 soon. Weve waited for three seasons for Longmire to start to reveal who is responsible for killing Walts wife, and with that in mind, we had some very big expectations for the finale. Great show. Also Ive finally come to accept the Walt & Vic relationship. Keep up the good work!! [b]Mates[/b], One of the best moments in television in a long time. I think its time I throw in the towel, swear off TV, and move some place where I can see the keeping up with the cardigans crowd coming from a long damn way offlike Wyoming. It follows the adventures of Walt Longmire, a Wyoming sheriff attempting to keep the peace in his county while recovering from the loss of his recently-deceased wife. Elementary has a good song selection, too. The for group can also rant, just not as loudly. With the close relationship that all the Longmire executive producers have shared with TNT, Im surprised they took Longmire to A&E with their reputation with scripted dramas. Longmires now officially on Netflix, and its begun filming Season 4. Did you get that figure from the Longmire Posse group? I only wish they would warn you that the episode is going long. I bet a lot of Longmire viewers watch Major Crimes. 5:57 am. 4:36 pm. Deeply appreciated. Walt saying goodbye to his wife was an unforgettable moment. S3 was too much serial story. I mean it was a continuing success for A&E even with a dip in the third season. I think the whole Martha being killed story arc wasnt needed. As you say a lot of comments are constructive criticism. More episodes would be nice. Unless they did pitch to TNT and were rejected. Then I read that some Indians believe that when you see an owl it might be just an owl or it might be a shape-shifting witch or an unquiet spirt of the dead. Unquiet spirit of the dead resonated with me. I am enjoying reading the comments here. They run a marathon of the current season during the day on a Friday? 10:30 pm. The first time we see the owl is in the pilot. And doesnt it seem rather misplaced for Barlow to kill Longmires wifewhy would he think that would get his son into the sheriffs office? Updated February 28, 2023 at 11:51 AM ET. [FAQ] What happened to branch on longmire? And I appreciate everyone that joined in the conversation over the past ten weeks. I like their interactions so far, both tender (Walts comforting embrace at the hospital) and tough (yeah, that punch was hysterical). Heres hoping Longmire returns for Season 4, because there are so many questions that still need to be answered. I hope that next year will continue the humor in the interactions with the main characters. It was only five minutes before the end of the episode when this happened, and we were still confused but only briefly. I agree with most, that the Branch character works best as a deputy. I think Craig Johnson believes in the death symbolism because of a story he tells about seeing an owl before he heard that Tony Hillerman had died. But it appeared Branch used both types. I dont think coming in on season 3 and being lost in the story arcs is unique to Longmire. [b]Penny[/b], Gotta say Id hate to see Branch gone. DrewOFB, A very quick check says the song was Lawdy by The Vespers. Of course he has some serious apologizing to Vic. Huffington Post. Emerald A&E had a very good section on their website last year with detailed plot summaries, lists of cast members, including even the small roles, and information about the music chosen for episodes. There is a special feature on the Longmire Season 2 DVD where the producers talk about Walts visions on the mountain. I think he paid to inflict pain on Walt. Major Crimes as a lead in I bet would bring in more viewers to Longmire. Ridges was paid $50,000 through Big Pine Timbers (which was associated with Nighthorse's casino). The kind of thing that just leaves you breathless. While the battle of the ballot between Branch and Walt wasn't waged in this season finale of "Longmire" (Sun., 10 p.m. It was those types I was refering to and they tend to flood a lot of the discussions. Heck, its logging more viewers than many network shows. It would really be a shame if it is renewed. When someone takes a couple of shots at Nighthorse's house, Vic fears Walt may have been the shooter. It would add more drama. I believe the scene was added, along with Branch visiting the corpse, to throw some suspicion (a red herring) his way that he was capable of swiping the body. I was not being harsh IMO, I will explain in a minute, and those I referred to as haters/trolls are NOT on this site. Just curious. LOVE THIS SHOW!! Later in the novel it is revealed that Carson Wells, a hired assassin hired by a local drug . I like snowdogmoms answer to why Henry took Hectors jar. Unfortunately, now he may be dead. better be.) I like syfy but this is better than the walking dead. Futhermore, I feel that Walts wife was robbed my a meth-head and accidently killed. pboyers I like Longmire, but it would much be better with more daring writing and less predictable plots. Everything is superb! Its not like Vic, Walt, and Henry let alone Cady are known for taking shots and it seemed like more than good product placement to me. Instead, we have the possibility of Branch actually being dead thanks to a carefully-executed move by his father, and of the entire department in shambles. This is a great cast. Following the miscarriage she suffered in episode 4, she went on a drive and came close to killing herself she had the bullet locked and ready to go, but she emptied it out when she realized that she couldn't go through with it. Quite a artistic creation. I agree with many of you, if there is a S4, it should be better (and easier to join) with individual weekly episodes without so much undercurrent. Just in case that wasnt emotional enough, we then hen had the moment where Walt was crying in a field, feeling regret and shame over what he was about to do. I have lost a lot of shows I like because of low ratings. They also are weak in their other programming and it seems generally incompatible with the Longmire viewer type so they are unlikely to stumble upon it. Very much appreciated. S4? I myself didnt like the Gorski storyline. Great writing! Andrey is a coach, sports writer and editor. Please A&E, renew quickly with a lot more episodes. Branch then delivers his father up to Longmire (his alternate father figure). Excellent comments ! I finally thought to Google longmire owl symbol and found a great article from June 4, 2012 interviewing Craig Johnson. Cady seemed wimpy to me this year, but in her defense, shes had a hard year. Walt asks her why she thinks he never gave up being sheriff and, like most characters, she assumes that he loves his job too much. Which happens frequently in the real world. I really hope it comes back for many seasons to come and I want 26 episodes per season! 6:26 pm. I love this show. I loved the humor. August 14, 2014 @ Lingerie needs to come back. What would be the best network for Longmire to find a new home, assuming A&E pulls the plug? Very slim possibility I know but I dont see the Branch/Barlow relationship ending this way. Hope for a season four! I really dont care how Vic dresses; love Ruby and Lucian; and the Ferg is a hoot. Great episode, great season! Lets hope another network is smart enough to pick Longmire up. What was it a symbol of there? I was confused about that point myself but thats a logical conclusion. Really enjoy all your comments! It deserves more promotion a better time slot and it will get many more fans. In Ashes to Ashes does the owl symbolize that Marthas spirit is still unquiet, that Longmire doesnt have it all figured out as completely as he thinks he does and is on the wrong track going after Nighthorse with a vengeance he feels Martha will need to forgive him of? Though I still do not like the idea of Walt & Vic in a relationship they do make a good pair. Isnt that what Netflix, etc. I just like this show regardless if people think some of the story arcs are unbelievable or have holes, Walt ignores jurisdiction, stretches the law, etc. By the way, the horned owl(s) they have used are really beautiful birds, dont look onimous to me and I have always been struck by how soulful the eyes are and how they look as if they are personally connecting to Walt. I doubt well get more. That character added tons this season but Im with you on Henry, Vic, and Walt interacting more. Another scene that had me chuckling out loud was when Longmire and Henry head off to Colorado to dig up Miller Beck's bodylooking for a warrior's feather lodged in the throat of Martha Longmires killerand they get caught by the local law. They rant against those with a well thought out objection, not only against those who just state they hate Vic. Best episode yet! As to Branch and his dad. Quailty program has become an endangered species. Another controversy involving Branch was the killing of Walt's wife. Great episode tonight!!! I dont want to jinx it but I cant see why another network wouldnt pick the show up. [b]Dog[/b], Interesting theory. In my mind, yes, but I read somewhere that TPTB (The Powers That Be, term I use when I dont really know who has the power to make decisions for a television show) are trying to read the tea leaves and think that it is 60-40 AGAINST the VicWaltship among Longmire viewers. Who was shot? Vic too for that matter if the punch in the face was the best thing that happened to her all week. Especially if it goes long. But, perhaps, someone else has a better answer? I agree with all of you. I so love longmire and hope they keep this t.v show going. Mr. Taylor did an excellent job in portraying grief and relief in that powerful moment. And Walts not going to kill anyone, especially not the wrong guy! She is a far better deputy than Branch or Ferg. The shaving creamed reflection, Branchs envisioning warrior mode in his imninent actions to battle against his dad. They have such great chemistry! Unfortunately, that was just what Barlow wanted him to do: The gun was empty, because Barlow wanted to make it look like Walt murdered an unarmed man. At least cable shows have so few episodes per season its not hard to catch up. Bailey Chase, with his increasingly desperate, haunted face and those electric blue eyes has given Branch much substance behind the swagger. Anyone else, would have been perfect. I just love this series. I have no problem with that and felt Sean should have been (as in the books) gotten rid of in season one and the entire Gorski plodding plot was unnecessary and/or WAY too long. Looking forward to season 4! Walt, however, was convinced that either Malachi Strand or Jacob Nighthorse had his wife killed and became increasingly antagonistic . Did a&e ever consider showing it at 9 instead of 10 I bet a lot of folks who have to go to bed and do not have dvr would be watching who are not now, Jhera35 Excellent writing and acting. You never saw Branch actually die. Celebrity. The biggest mistake the producers made was dealing this to A&E. A&E was never the right network for Longmire. I really want to see Walt, Vic, Lucien and Henry work a case with banter between all 4 of them. August 5, 2014 @ Your email address will not be published. August 5, 2014 @ If Barlow is dead, he is going to need Walt more than ever. Charles S. Dutton portrayed a FBI agent who'd been trying to reach Walt for awhile. But even with Branch distracted theres no way Barlow gets the drop. August 5, 2014 @ Cant wait! I do like Branch and Cady together but think he has as much to do to earn his way back into her good graces as he does to Walts. Just leave it as she died of cancer like in the books and then whole Henry being charged and arrested would not be needed. Kalalau What did you think about the Longmire finale, and were the reveals everything that you expected and then some? All the tributes proved just how many people Hector had helped and how much he was missed. Multiple reports claimed that Harry Styles, Elton John, Robbie Williams and the Spice Girls have all declined to perform at the coronation concert on May 7 on the grounds of Windsor Castle. PBS is doing the same thing with the final three episodes of Poirot. Walt refutes this, however, saying that he has never loved. Also, being vocal about your feelings on a subject is the only way to convey them. The part when Walt was spreading his wifes ashes was so sad. Then Walt leaves Vic stranded at the Red Pony as he rushes to Denver. 4 min read. He does have legal problems with his role though doesnt he? Jum un Houston Loved how they tied up the Henry trial and Marthas murder, but left open ends for next season. I wouldnt write him out until the divorce, although hes proven himself to be a coward in the face of dangernot Vics type. Henry had acquired the teeth, but not from Miller directly. Also was intrigued about Henry taking the jar. John Coveny tweeted the renewal for S3 last year at the end of August as did Lou Diamond Philips but then Lou removed his tweet. August 5, 2014 @ Appreciated. I just got Detective Fales name this episode (Fales = Fails). Thanks for a place to express my pent up thoughts, lol. [color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color][b]Dog[/b]/[b]emsA2[/b], I just read the interview where Craig Johnson says, Great season finale! Barlow had Walt's wife killed because she was leading the charge against a proposed Casino in the county. I feel like Henry would have just driven to the cabin. Published by Clayton Newton on November 28, 2022. Shortly after, I laughed out loud when Vic and Longmire walk into the Red Pony and Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) asks what happened. However, the writers need to be a bit more consistent as some of the story lines this year were a bit lamer than in the pasti.e., the murder in the pines. Bringem Back!! Im a latecomer to posting comments but Ive enjoyed reading the recaps and viewers comments. Characters dont transition from one show to another like that, specially on completely different networks and eras. Apparently there are other folks who have gotten interested because Im on the waiting list for #4. ET on A&E), the case of Walt's dead wife came back into the show in a big way.Charles S. Dutton portrayed a FBI agent who'd been trying to reach Walt for awhile. Were we really going to get the answers that we wanted? Ashes to Ashes wrapped up a couple more of the main arcs and ended with a riveting season finale that was quite satisfying for this Longmire fan. But as we both stated all are entitled to their opinion. Intent doesnt equal success. Excellent!!! I think what Henry said to Branch about returning to his job under Walt after he lost the election has a much deeper meaning now. Cant wait for Season 4!!!! First, I have never watched a show where the actors do a better job of appearing authenic. Maybe the writers will bring Lizzie Ambrose (the other blonde) back to add a little competition for Vic but Im fairly certain the relationship between Walt and Vic is a done deal. of Marthas murderVics home problemsGorskiBecks murder then throw in Henry being chargedBranchs insanity..David Ridgesetc. I was glad that the writers added some realism and had Walt suspend Branch although no doubt he will be back. fantastic drama, pulse-pounding action and emotional catharsis. Still, having Barlow as the mastermind was inspired writing. The whole Sean and Gorski story arcs were not needed. We are dying here for better programming. The scene of Vic, Ruby, and Ferg staring out the window at displaced, disturbed Deputy Branch is one of my all time favorite images for this show. Fabulous scene-entering-good dictation. Like CarolK I wonder if a third party arrived on the scene (not Walt of course). Let us know in the comments below. Ive had enough of Branch the crazy rogue this season. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names) , the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. [b]01whitty[/b], Im sure that was what Barlow was counting on but he was also taking a very big risk that Walt doesnt throw himself into his work to overcome his loss and work through the pain. He tried to do good things but he was an evil man. Katee SackhoffVic cant help lovin that man WaltKatee amazingly portrays Vics tough-tender personavivid and vulnerable, Ruby and Fergthe icing on the cakecant have this cake without the icing, Peter Weller and Gerald McRaneyI am longtime fans of both actors, and they are terrific counterpoints to Robert Taylor, Robert Taylor has such a wonderfully, subtly expressive face and eyes that say so muchyet he is physically imposingthat man can really clear a tablealso a deskand that voiceyessireevote for Longmire, A year is an awful long time to wait for Season 4I vote for Season 3.5. I also agree with[b] emsA2[/b], it is going to take a lot for Walt and Cady to overcome Branchs problemshis insanity (however temporary) and most of all, how does one overlook the fact that your deputy/lovers father had your mom killed or at least, framed Walt; and was willing to let The Bear pay for it? Billy Rayburn I feel like there is too much unresolved with Malachi and Nighthorse and more for us to discover there but I dont think Nighthorse intended for Walts wife to be murdered. His little fit last week was overdue, IMO. About halfway through the episode, we started to feel like he was the guilty party. Isnt that where people left notes for Hector with requests for his services? Im a late arrival and havent read most comments, but, to answer Edwards question as to why Ridges wanted to count Branchs coup, I think it was because Branch got nosy after Cadys car accident during the election. They can keep their zombies, post apolcolyptic societies, and fighting worldwide pandemics sagas. Its a writing tactic that allows the audience understanding of the plot point. I just want a season 4 and would really like more episodes per season although I doubt that will happen. Simply superb. IMO, the writers gamble failed. Cady clearly saw more than the wound. August 5, 2014 @ Look at Bones. Barlow had a shotgun and to use this to shoot Branch he would have to standup and turn around. wonderful season ender season 4 newel should really be a no brainer. I concur everyone is entitled to their opinion. If the arc is well done, like Ridges, I dont mind. Why this and why that? Stephanie Nolasco, Ashley Papa. Why did Walt have to kill Gus? That might be some major competition for Longmire if Longmire stays on A&E at 10pm Monday. Jane Davis I have enjoyed reading the posts on this site this year, and thank you for providing an outlet for comments and opinions. The exchange between Longmire and Henry as they navigate the cops into helping them out is a comical routine, Henry playing a grave robberwith two shovelswith lawman Longmire hot on his heels. Worse of all, Branch got into a corrupt scheme with Nighthorse to get elected Sheriff that set almost everything bad that happen into motion. 7:01 pm. That 60/40 against Walt/Vic is a guess. The sexual tension between Booth & Bones was great, having them marry was not. I always enjoy learning a little more about Craig Johnson and this remarkable world he has created. August 5, 2014 @ Its the most important barometer a network uses to indicate popularity. . I couldnt see Lizzie for Walt. Walt is a native of Durant, Wyoming, the county seat of fictional Absaroka County, named after the real-life Absaroka Native Americans, the Absaroka Range, and the 1930s effort to declare a U.S. state called Absaroka out of three existing states. 3:26 am. What could they possibly have in common? Cant wait for season 4!!! 2:11 pm. Your email address will not be published. Great show. J and B He killed her years ago in the hopes that it would lead to Branch being elected sheriff? AMC. Walt later confronts Barlow, who broke into the formers home and (drunkenly) admits to killing his son in a bid to keep Walt from realizing the truth about Martha's murder. August 5, 2014 @ Drax The Destroyer August 5, 2014 @ As you say, this is just one of the many nuances that make this a different show. Or how about Walt finally appreciating that other blond woman who likes him? I cant see that person living in the half finished cabin or driving that Casi-NO bumper-stickered car. First, I liked the opening music to this episode. I doubt Barlow paid to have anyone killed to help Branch. The only real exception is if this ending is set up thanks to a contract dispute . His face changed. [color=rgb(0, 0, 0)] [/color]. We knew that Walt and Henry are the fantastic duo, but who knew that Vic and Henry could play so well off each other? 2:11 am. I do think Barlow was the one to go down, but maybe not by Branch. His son, Branch (The Connallys have some crazy names), the sheriff's deputy, figured out that Barlow had Walt's wife killed. And thank you, [b]snowdogmom[/b], for being a part of the conversation here each week. I also find it surprising that Barlow, who supposedly had Vice President business cards made for Branch before he became a member of police and desperately wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, would take out Martha to help Branch become Sheriff. Transition from one show to another like that, specially on completely different networks and.! Cady ever getting romantically involved with Branch distracted theres no way Barlow gets the drop for a! Carolk i wonder if a third party arrived on the Longmire season 2 and fell love... To another like that, specially on completely different networks and eras at 11:51 am ET shooting talking! The usual, and fighting worldwide pandemics sagas closer? the plot point shows have so few per! Your comments this past season @ Lingerie needs to come and i want 26 episodes per season i! If Longmire stays on a & E at 10pm Monday to get the full development of the best network Longmire. 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