Online: Calibration now occurs before every match, preventing desyncs during long Casual/Private sets, Menu: Fixed bug where it wouldn't notify you there was a new version live if you stayed in certain Online menus, Training: Added "Infinite Meter" option for practicing impossible combos with 3+ RAPIDs, Training: Added grey hitbox colors for Armor and Anti-Air-Armor frames, Casual Match: Added a Confirm screen with "Estimated Frame Delay", > This should match the recommended input delay after calibration, > Note: the recommended input delay on the Character Select never goes below 3, > This is a test for a similar feature in the upcoming Ranked Mode. 2 scaling multiplier. Tough Love Arena is an indie fighting game with 6 unique, fun, and interesting characters and silky-smooth rollback netcode. Lobbies have been reworked a lot under the hood. Let's set up a tournament and invite them! Wow amazing when I first saw the picture of this project at night I thought it was the real LA. and our Cookie Notice Teleport to the ground to punish their anti-air with a Roundhouse, Garlic: Changed Backflip > Jump cancel from Light to Special, to make mashing Light after Backflip easier, Gameplay: Hurtboxes are slightly wider during landing frames, so whiff punishing a jump attack as they land is now easier, Fixed Beef/Pork: Jump's rising attack now has armor vs air attacks AND projectiles (to handle Air Lemon), Fixed Rice: Swat can no longer trade with projectiles, How to Play: Added a section for special jump attacks to each character's Strategy section, Modding: AttackSequenceConfig.displayCancelsFrom added (to better display Frame Data for moves you can only do by cancelling something else), Menu: Pressing Throw works the same as pressing Light on most menus, Training Mode: Toggling hitbox display while gameplay is frozen will now update immediately, rather than requiring a frame step, Event Mode: You can toggle hitbox display from the Pause Menu (this is tracked separately from Training Mode), Event Mode: There is now a controller preview on the main menu (this is temporary for an offline event), Attract Mode: The setting to enable this is now enabled by default if playing on desktop, Attract Mode: You can now exit by clicking, just like the Welcome screen, Event Mode: Fixed bug where rebooting would immediately play music, Event Mode: Enable all flavors when playing Human VS CPU, Pause Menu: You can now hold any 1 key/button to switch from Single Player to Two Players controls, Pause Menu: You can now hold any 2 keys/buttons to exit without saving, Event Mode: Rebooting exits fullscreen. Frenzy should work like it did before in 99% of situations. Spike was buffed to make it more appealing as a combo ender, Pork has the same Palm and Spike changes as Beef. Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. Status page counts for Casual and Ranked will include people who are queued to play, Modding: Added ability to download and upload mod files, Modding: Added keyboard shortcuts and additional documentation, Modding: Added the Character Select BGM music to the Modding screen, Modding: Added the menu sound toggle (so you can mute the music during modding and/or test gameplay), Gameplay: Fixed UI bug caused by overkilling an opponent (post KO combo) who had blue life before the game-ending combo started, Loading: Added error popup for the Loading screen that logs stats and instructs to restart the game, Modding: Added special error popup for the Loading screen that trys to instruct what caused the error and lets you go back to modding, Modding: Fixed bug where the Mod menu was hidden, Modding: Added prototype Modding page within Extras menu, Allows you to quickly and easily edit existing characters and play with the engine. The first three options are the same as before. Will they be affected by equipment remix and the random equipment locations? Please report any bugs going forward! TOUGH LOVE ARENA must be in the TOUGH LOVE ARENA Discord and the Tough Love Discord (where the matchmaking for this tourney will occur) TLA account preferred, for easier tracking of matches throughout the tourney. This is not a bug :), The algorithm is a bit more complicated than we've explained here, but these are the basic rules. It is now working as intended, so if you choose a lower inputDelay (like 0), you will get the rollbacks, Added DEL to FPS counter when playing online (DEL = current frame delay), Added ROB to FPS counter when playing online (ROB = number of rollbacks in the previous second), Fixed bug where certain menu sounds were not firing, Frame Data can now be exited by pressing Heavy, matching other menus, Renamed Detailed Frame Data > Debug Reference for more accurate label, Preserve input delay choice when going back to Character Select screen, Added Random character select (click ? The Caber Toss change should play similarly to the current version, but with more consistent execution, more options, and less corner carry. Hey guys check out the TRIUMPH NEW WINTER STRONGHOLD MAP VIDEO, Silent Hill Texture Pack request to port it to 1.19.3 plus 2 questions. Please register for the tourney with an alternate name showing your TLA tag! We are sad to remove the "custom combo" nature of Onion's parry, and are open to restoring it in the future if we can find another elegant way to cap the max damage. Tough Love Arena is a web-based, indie fighting game with rollback netcode that's 100% free to play. Buy Digital Album $6 USD or more Send as Gift Full Digital Discography 29 releases Get all 29 Josie Brechner releases available on Bandcamp and save 25%. New player as of today. The first hit bonus is down 50% > 20% and the scaling floor is down 40% > 30%, Gameplay: All normal throws have had their proximity range slightly increased, Gameplay: All Light attacks (except Trip) now apply 2 additional scaling when starting a combo, Gameplay: All Jump attacks now apply 1 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Both hits of Slap do 50% more pushback, Buffed Noodle/Rice: Slap's second hitbox extended to consistently hit with new pushback and better match animation, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Slap can no longer be RAPID cancelled, but this is mitigated by the new cancel options, Nerfed Noodle/Rice: Starting health reduced 1000 > 950, Buffed Noodle: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Whip Splash with Forward + Heavy, Nerfed Noodle: Trample hitstun and blockstun reduced on all frames but the last, making trades less advantageous, Nerfed Noodle: Frenzy now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Rice: Both hits of Slap can now cancel into Swipe or Whip Splash with Heavy and Forward + Heavy respectively, Nerfed Rice: Swipe disadvantage on block increased -7 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Rice: Teleport hitbox has been removed, Buffed Beef/Pork: Starting health increased 1000 > 1050, Buffed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch advantage on hit increased +4 > +7, meaning you can now link into Gutpunch, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm pushback increased 50% and extended hurtboxes removed, making it effectively safe against light attacks in most situations, Buffed Beef/Pork: Palm damage increased 50 > 60, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch damage reduced 90 > 80, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch disadvantage on block increased -4 > -5, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Heavy Punch pushback increased 50% to mitigate combo options with new frame advantage, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Palm disadvantage on block increased -6 > -9 to make approaching easier, Nerfed Beef/Pork: Uppercut damage changed 50,50 > 40,80 (more damage overall, but nerfs total damage in loops, Buffed Beef: Beefcake Juggle limit increased 3 > 9 and has a new launch angle that makes followups easier, Nerfed Beef: Beefcafe now applies 4 additional scaling when starting a combo (matching Onion's parry), Nerfed Pork: Chop now applies 3 additional scaling when starting a combo, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Sweep can now cancel into Trip on both hit and block, Buffed Onion/Garlic: Trip can now be RAPID cancelled, Modding: AttackConfig.addScalingFirstHit added, Gameplay: Timeouts now check the percentage of health remaining (the bar length) rather than the raw number, Pause Menu: You no longer need to hold the pause button if you're playing a single-player game mode, Desktop: Autohide the menu bar on Windows, Private Match: Fixed bug where you could connect despite having incompatible gameplay versions, Loading Screen: Improved load time by prioritizing larger files first to better leverage parallel loading, Options: Added "On Connect Gamepad" setting to change what happens when you plug in a gamepad, Options: Added "Unload Stale Sprites" setting to periodically unload sprites from memory to improve performance (experimental), Pause Menu: Fixed bug where Custom Controls could appear during gameplay, Loading: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.7 where the error popup wouldn't appear, Event Mode: Renamed Tournament Mode > Event Mode, Event Mode: Removed lock symbols from character colors, Event Mode: Removed replay button from the win screen, Options: Fixed bug introduced in 0.90.0 where the "Custom Controls" button did nothing, Options: Renamed "Custom Controls" to "P1 Custom Controls", Options: Added button "P1 and P2 Controls", Attract Mode: The two characters will now always be different (no more mirror matches), Tournament Mode: You can now go straight into Attract Mode via the pause menu during Character Select. Hey guys, the amount of new content in Feit-Neos (aka LightningLasers) EBF5 mod is growing. This only affects attacks with armor. See the Types doc for which strings to use going forward, Modding: Added CharacterSFX to the bottom of the Types doc, Gameplay: REJECTION no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Gameplay: BURST no longer gains you or the opponent any meter for making contact, Modding: Renamed version > engine and modRevision > modVersion, to better match how people discuss their mods, Modding: Added "meterCost" to SequenceConfig. Changed armor: You can no longer cancel your attack if you hit armor frames, Buffed Pork: Chop grounded armor starts on frame 5, versus frame 6, Nerfed Onion/Garlic: Sweep hurtbox is now full height (it no longer low-profiles), Nerfed Onion: Hopkick can no longer cancel into Roundhouse, Adjusted Onion/Garlic: Jump arc is slightly lower, Adjusted Pork: Caper Toss throw animation to better match normal throws, NOTES: With light attacks being positive on attack, certain pressure sequences became a little too strong. What is Patreon? That's ok, but if you want to release, you should credit Gentlework&Nashwork(GN). Events. Great mod by the way. Play Now! VAT included in all prices where applicable. What is the mods status ? (I'm making machinima about mafia in few American City), OK, credit "Map by Team Gentlework&Nashwork(GNwork)". Thanks for the 'Conquor' from my Discord channel for notice of small gangs missing textures and helping me with source info of the gangs to find proper replacement for these minor gangs. No wonder nobody plays Tough Love Arena no more Imma keep it real, the game sucks ass. 4. Please report any bugs! This should help the other characters fight them without changing their combo structure or gameplan. Therefore, this buff has been reverted, Character Select: Fixed bug where unlocked flavors could not be chosen, Character Select: Restyled the flavor select to include the flavor name and a wider preview, Character Select: You now see all of the flavors all the time. This project is built in Minecraft PE, So the tallest building is only about 120 meters. 2010 - 2023 Cyprezz LLC. 1. Please report any bugs. -(b > b >) 6b sends at high angle, can follow up much better. Counter hits occur when you hit the opponent during the startup frames of their attack, Normal combo damage scaling goes 100, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 20, On counter hit starter, damage scaling becomes 150, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 40, On counter hit, the word COUNTER appears above the combo counter, The counter hit combo counter is pink instead of red (until RAPID, when it becomes purple as per usual), Jump attacks cannot be counter hit once airborne, Training: Add option to Force and Randomize counter hits, Frame Data: Added combo scaling information, NOTE: This mechanic is designed to create a niche for double RAPID combos and reward confirming. It should still be punishable by every character's Heavy, but only at point-blank. Caber Toss sends further away, meaning most followups will reset to neutral. As a workaround, after it reboots to the Welcome/Attract Screen, when you press anything to proceed it will also go fullscreen, Pause Menu: Moved Custom Controls lower down in the options, Event Mode: Reverted needing to hold Pause for non-gameplay menus, Event Mode: Will automatically reboot after idling for 45 seconds on the main menu, Character Select or the Win Screen, Attract Mode: Added quick loading animation when exiting Attract Mode (used to be instant and jarring), Event Mode: Added inner menu where you can choose between 2P or 1P vs Random CPU, Event Mode: You now need to hold Pause for all areas of Event Mode (to reduce accidental pausing), Event Mode: Pressing Heavy at the inner menu takes you to Attract Mode (removed from Pause Menu), Event Mode: Idling at the inner menu for 30 seconds will refresh the app, The refresh will load directly back to the Event Menu and show Attract Mode, Previously, running Event Mode on the desktop version for 3+ hours could randomly crash the game, This refresh mechanism is a workaround while we investigate this difficult to reproduce bug, Adjusted Garlic: Increased Sneak hitstop duration 10 > 12 frames, Gameplay: Successful parry attacks will always face the opponent, fixing interaction when parrying Soup placed behind you, Maintenance: Fixed meta tag for image preview, Maintenance: Phase 1 of rewriting netcode code for open sourcing, Controls: You can now map ShiftLeft and Spacebar, Controls: Functional keys (F1, F2, etc) are now completely ignored, About: Fixed links pointing to events and the Hall of Fame, About: Removed community links (now available at, Maintenance: Fixed meta tags so that sharing TLA on social media will now look nicer, Menu: Music box in the top right now remembers your music preference, Maintenance: Migrated deployment scripts to more maintainable framework, Gameplay: Fixed hitstop on REJECT, now there is a slight freeze when it connects, Gameplay: It is now impossible to combo after a landing a REJECT, Buffed Pork: Caber Toss is now unburstable until the first hit, making Caber > Jump or Caber > Chop guaranteed., It also introduced undesirable play patterns in the form of long, pseudo-true blockstrings against Pork. Please refresh the page. See the latest config for Noodle and Beef for reference, Modding: Existing mods will be updated to the new structure, though with auto-generated names and ProjectileIds that are kinda ugly but ensure uniqueness. In earlier posts I showed off some of the new status effects and new skills, and this time Im showing you some of the new weapons in the mod. To compensate for this slight nerf, Caber Toss's range has been slightly increased (it now matches the animation). @ArmaniAdnr lmao wtf? Leaderboard: Added local caching for leaderboard requests (should help with errors), Leaderboard: Added clickable icons on top for faster navigation, FAQ: Added information about Ranked and MMR, Ranked: You can now choose your preferred stage, Leaderboard: Added character icons for better visual parsing, Leaderboard: Added a clap emoji next to your own name, Leaderboard: Replaced "Coming Soon" with empty rows, for Character leaderboards that are temporarily empty, Leaderboard: Fixed bug where character-specific leaderboards never loaded, Stats: Added Ranked view to Account Stats, Maintenance: Updated stats logging to track Ranked play, Ranks are tied to your account. Structure or gameplan meaning most followups will reset to neutral but only at point-blank away, most. The game sucks ass fight them without changing their combo structure or gameplan lot under hood! ( b > b > b > ) 6b sends at high angle, can follow up better... 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