All laws and parts of laws now in force in the State of Texas, which are not repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, or to this Constitution, shall continue and remain in force as the laws of this State, until they expire by their own limitation or shall be amended or repealed by the Legislature. But know this: Illegal smuggling is being aided and abetted by U.S. residents. (d) The legislature may enact laws and direct the Alcoholic Beverage Commission or its successor to set policies for all wineries in this state, regardless of whether the winery is located in an area in which the sale of wine has or has not been authorized by local option election, for the manufacturing of wine, including the on-premises selling of wine to the ultimate consumer for consumption on or off the winery premises, the buying of wine from or the selling of wine to any other person authorized under general law to purchase and sell wine in this state, and the dispensing of wine without charge, for tasting purposes, for consumption on the winery premises, and for any purpose to promote the wine industry in this state. 70. 33. Other employees may be included under the system by law. (2) would have been eligible for those benefits, without accumulating additional service under the retirement system, on any date on or after the effective date of the change had the change not occurred. (b) amended Nov. 2, 1999.). 69. (3) Each statewide benefit system must have a board of trustees to administer the system and to invest the funds of the system in such securities as the board may consider prudent investments. It redistricted a second time in a single decade. (b) The legislature by law may establish a Texas small business incubator fund to be used without further appropriation solely in furtherance of a program established by the legislature to foster and stimulate the development of small businesses in the state. 5) 4) According to Texas Government Code 305.027, this material may be considered "legislative advertising.". Answers: MEMBERS OF STATE BOARDS; TERMS OF OFFICE. Added by Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. (b) The Legislature shall enact a law or laws whereby the qualified voters of any county, justice's precinct or incorporated town or city, may, by a majority vote of those voting, determine from time to time whether the sale of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes shall be prohibited or legalized within the prescribed limits; and such laws shall contain provisions for voting on the sale of intoxicating liquors of various types and various alcoholic content. Sec. 2019-23 - Electronic Voting System Procedures Advisory (d) The Legislature by general or special law may provide that members of the governing board of a hospital district serve terms not to exceed four years. It prevents the legislature from overriding the veto. Selected Answer: auditor. The legislature by law may further restrict the investment discretion of a board. 28. these conditions? Sec. (b) State Retirement Systems. UNOPPOSED CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. (d) added Nov. 7, 1989; Subsec. (a) The Legislature shall have the power to enact a Mixed Beverage Law regulating the sale of mixed alcoholic beverages on a local option election basis. 3) 51 in 1983 included a section that did not purport to amend the constitution and that provided the following: "This amendment applies to all homesteads in this state, including homesteads acquired before the adoption of this amendment.". 2) (f) A conservation and reclamation district created under this section to perform any or all of the purposes of this section may engage in fire-fighting activities and may issue bonds or other indebtedness for fire-fighting purposes as provided by law and this constitution. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. Message power, power of the veto, and the authority to call special sessions and set their agendas, When the Texas governor strikes out particular spending provisions in an appropriations bill, it is called. It establishes a date on which an agency is abolished unless the legislature passes a bill for the agency to continue in operation. 5) (2) Benefits under these systems must be reasonably related to participant tenure and contributions. The House alone can bring impeachment charges against a statewide officer, which charges must be tried by the senate. 2) The assets of a system are held in trust for the benefit of members and may not be diverted. No.2022-07 - NEW LAW: Changes to Early Voting by Personal Appearance - House Bill 2025, House Bill 3107, and Senate Bill 1. List two examples. (o) For the purposes of determining eligibility under any statute relating to payments, allowances, benefits, or services provided on a means-tested basis by this state, including supplemental security income, low-income energy assistance, property tax relief, medical assistance, and general assistance: (1) reverse mortgage loan advances made to a borrower are considered proceeds from a loan and not income; and. VI, Sec. A resolution must be passed unanimously; a bill only needs a majority. Yosemite National Park . SIZE OF HOMESTEAD; USES; RELEASE OR REFINANCE OF EXISTING LIEN. (k) amended Nov. 5, 2013; Subsecs. All bills for raising revenue considered by the Legislature must originate in the House of Representatives. 1: See Appendix, Note 3.). (2) A person may not receive benefits from more than one system for the same service, but the legislature may provide by law that a person with service covered by more than one system or program is entitled to a fractional benefit from each system or program based on service rendered under each system or program calculated as to amount upon the benefit formula used in that system or program. (Feb. 15, 1876. PRIOR APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURE OR EMERGENCY TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS. (Former Sec. If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes a law. NCSL's experts are here to answer your questions and give you unbiased, comprehensive information as soon as you need it on issues facing state legislatures. Sec. (2) the term of office of the officer who is temporarily replaced. Access a mobile version of TLO, Who Represents Me, and DistrictViewer on an iPhone, iPad, or other mobile device. 8: See Appendix, Note 3.). (5) at any time by the lender, on behalf of the borrower, if the borrower fails to timely pay any of the following that the borrower is obligated to pay under the loan documents to the extent necessary to protect the lender's interest in or the value of the homestead property: (C) costs of repairs or maintenance performed by a person or company that is not an employee of the lender or a person or company that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the lender; (D) assessments levied against the homestead property; and. 268, Sec. On May 1, 2018, 8,000 options were exercised when the market price of Nichols stock was $30 per share. they are called by the governor, they are held for at most 30 days, and are NOT a common practice, In 2004 and 2005, three special sessions were called in the Texas Legislature to deal with. Amended Nov. 2, 1926, Nov. 8, 1932, Nov. 11, 1967, and Nov. 7, 1972.). 11: See Appendix, Note 3.). (r) The supreme court shall promulgate rules of civil procedure for expedited foreclosure proceedings related to the foreclosure of liens under Subsection (a)(6) of this section and to foreclosure of a reverse mortgage lien that requires a court order. 65A: See Appendix, Note 3.). This definition provides that an individual must be eligible to register to vote but need not actually be a registered voter. (d) Judicial Retirement System. Wherever by virtue of Statute or charter provisions appointive offices of any municipality are placed under the terms and provisions of Civil Service and rules are set up governing appointment to and removal from such offices, the provisions of Article 16, Section 30, of the Texas Constitution limiting the duration of all offices not fixed by the Constitution to two (2) years shall not apply, but the duration of such offices shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Service law or charter provisions applicable thereto. INELIGIBILITY OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AND OFFICERS OF UNITED STATES OR FOREIGN POWER TO HOLD ANOTHER OFFICE. (a) The homestead of a family, or of a single adult person, shall be, and is hereby protected from forced sale, for the payment of all debts except for: (1) the purchase money thereof, or a part of such purchase money; (3) an owelty of partition imposed against the entirety of the property by a court order or by a written agreement of the parties to the partition, including a debt of one spouse in favor of the other spouse resulting from a division or an award of a family homestead in a divorce proceeding; (4) the refinance of a lien against a homestead, including a federal tax lien resulting from the tax debt of both spouses, if the homestead is a family homestead, or from the tax debt of the owner; (5) work and material used in constructing new improvements thereon, if contracted for in writing, or work and material used to repair or renovate existing improvements thereon if: (A) the work and material are contracted for in writing, with the consent of both spouses, in the case of a family homestead, given in the same manner as is required in making a sale and conveyance of the homestead; (B) the contract for the work and material is not executed by the owner or the owner's spouse before the fifth day after the owner makes written application for any extension of credit for the work and material, unless the work and material are necessary to complete immediate repairs to conditions on the homestead property that materially affect the health or safety of the owner or person residing in the homestead and the owner of the homestead acknowledges such in writing; (C) the contract for the work and material expressly provides that the owner may rescind the contract without penalty or charge within three days after the execution of the contract by all parties, unless the work and material are necessary to complete immediate repairs to conditions on the homestead property that materially affect the health or safety of the owner or person residing in the homestead and the owner of the homestead acknowledges such in writing; and. (t) A home equity line of credit is a form of an open-end account that may be debited from time to time, under which credit may be extended from time to time and under which: (1) the owner requests advances, repays money, and reborrows money; (2) any single debit or advance is not less than $4,000; (3) the owner does not use a credit card, debit card, or similar device, or preprinted check unsolicited by the borrower, to obtain an advance; (4) any fees described by Subsection (a)(6)(E) of this section are charged and collected only at the time the extension of credit is established and no fee is charged or collected in connection with any debit or advance; (5) the maximum principal amount that may be extended under the account, when added to the aggregate total of the outstanding principal balances of all indebtedness secured by the homestead on the date the extension of credit is established, does not exceed an amount described under Subsection (a)(6)(B) of this section; (7) the lender or holder may not unilaterally amend the extension of credit; and. The United States Congress is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the commissioner form of government, Selected Answer: the elected mayor shares executive power with the appointed commissioner, while the city council has legislative power. During the remainder of the session the Legislature shall act upon such bills and 19: See Appendix, Note 3.). The Legislature shall have power, and it shall be its duty, to protect by law from forced sale a certain portion of the personal property of all heads of families, and also of unmarried adults, male and female. What unconventional action did the Texas legislature take in 2003? 23: See Appendix, Note 3.). What is the most important function of the Texas governor's staff? When the House is in session, legislators can. Each such commissioners court and governing body may file its written consent or opposition to the creation of the proposed district with the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives. For such events, audio recordings will be posted to the Senate Audio/Video Archive, as well as the relevant committee pages, as soon as possible. Sec. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. 37. 25. Answers: sheriff. 30 yr Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order cracking down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring . Sec. 1) For development of such parks and recreational facilities, the Legislature may authorize indebtedness payable from taxes as may be necessary to provide for improvements and maintenance only for a conservation and reclamation district all or part of which is located in Bexar County, Bastrop County, Waller County, Travis County, Williamson County, Harris County, Galveston County, Brazoria County, Fort Bend County, or Montgomery County, or for the Tarrant Regional Water District, a water control and improvement district located in whole or in part in Tarrant County. How would a car bounce after a bump under each of Amended Nov. 6, 2001.) . 13 added Sept. 13, 2003.) The temporary acting representative or senator must be: (1) a member of the same political party as the member being temporarily replaced; and. 2) clerk. State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19) The National Conference of State Legislatures brings you up-to-date, real-time information about bills related to and responding to COVID-19 that have been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. An act or omission does not violate a provision included in those subsections if the act or omission conforms to an interpretation of the provision that is: (1) in effect at the time of the act or omission; and. (ii) actual costs and reserves required by the lender to refinance the debt; (C) the refinance of the extension of credit is of a principal amount that when added to the aggregate total of the outstanding principal balances of all other indebtedness secured by valid encumbrances of record against the homestead does not exceed 80 percent of the fair market value of the homestead on the date the refinance of the extension of credit is made; and. DISQUALIFICATION FROM OFFICE FOR GIVING OR OFFERING BRIBE. Who has responsibility for redistricting the Texas delegation to the U.S. Congress? The requirements for holding office in the Texas legislature a. are minimal, in keeping with the idea that office-holding should be open to most citizens.b. The purpose is to regulate the insurance market in Texas, Authority over railroads throughout Texas was given to the ______ in 2005. The Legislature may pass laws for the regulation of live stock and the protection of stock raisers in the stock raising portion of the State, and exempt from the operation of such laws other portions, sections, or counties; and shall have power to pass general and special laws for the inspection of cattle, stock and hides and for the regulation of brands; provided, that any local law thus passed shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the section to be affected thereby, and approved by them, before it shall go into effect. 61: See Appendix, Note 1.). (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. (2) a faculty member or retired faculty member of a public institution of higher education may receive compensation for serving as a member of a governing body of a water district created under Section 59 of this article or under Section 52, Article III, of this constitution. DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF HOMESTEAD; RESTRICTIONS ON PARTITION. "THIS NOTICE IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION. message 4) In large Texas counties, the __ prepares the county budget. The options were exercisable within a 2-year period beginning January 1, 2018, if the grantee is still employed by the company at the time of the exercise. Has the right to vote and debate when the Senate sits as a whole 4) Posting Requirements Related to School Board Members House Bill 963, passed by the 86th Texas Legislature (2019), requires the name, email address, and term of office for each member of the district's board of trustees be made publicly available on a district's website. Unlike a bill, a resolution, if passed, lacks the force of a public law. In Texas, if a sitting governor is unable to hold office due to impeachment and conviction, resignation, or death, who becomes governor? Money accepted under this subsection is state money. Which of the following statements about special sessions of the Texas legislature is true? (b) If any of the officers named herein shall announce their candidacy, or shall in fact become a candidate, in any General, Special or Primary Election, for any office of profit or trust under the laws of this State or the United States other than the office then held, at any time when the unexpired term of the office then held shall exceed one year and 30 days, such announcement or such candidacy shall constitute an automatic resignation of the office then held, and the vacancy thereby created shall be filled pursuant to law in the same manner as other vacancies for such office are filled. On the death of the husband or wife, or both, the homestead shall descend and vest in like manner as other real property of the deceased, and shall be governed by the same laws of descent and distribution, but it shall not be partitioned among the heirs of the deceased during the lifetime of the surviving husband or wife, or so long as the surviver may elect to use or occupy the same as a homestead, or so long as the guardian of the minor children of the deceased may be permitted, under the order of the proper court having the jurisdiction, to use and occupy the same. A second time in a single decade in 2003 2, 1926, 11... Texas governor 's staff of Representatives is only a SUMMARY of YOUR RIGHTS under the Texas delegation to the in! Discretion of a public law is temporarily replaced date on which an agency is abolished unless the legislature must in. U.S. residents 61: See Appendix, Note 3. ) tenure and contributions impeachment charges against a statewide,... 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