Por qu?Y cmo se invent? In this lesson, we will introduce the most common ways for asking questions in Spanish. Paraquin trabajas? Who do you work for? Dont forget that these words have a tilde Basically, you can convert a regular sentence into a question without adding question words simply by your intonation. (How?) WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. Very basically speaking, you switch the word order of the subject (whether its a noun or pronoun) and its accompanying verb form. Qu pasa? (panqueques is masculine) How many pancakes did you make? (no obvious category). Theres no way to escape from asking questions. Hows it going? Switch the subject with the verb and add the question marks. T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Knowing these important factors, you can begin learning the Spanish question words. I think the use of this question word is pretty clear and it doesnt differ from how we use it in English, does it? In such cases, we need to pluralize the word CUL? WebUnlike English, however, you dont raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a question in Spanish. Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! A few other question words can act as the subject of the sentence too, such as cunto and cunta. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Cul pregunta fue la ms difcil? What was the hardest question? Cmo? Porquin es dirigido este equipo? Who is this team led by? WebThis is the list of all question words and their meanings: qu = what (or which) cul, cules = which (or what) cundo = when quin, quines = who dnde = where cmo = how cunto, cunta = how much cuntos, cuntas = how many por qu = why Next we will review each question word, giving examples of its use. Qu pelcula viste anoche? Inviting a friend to do something fun in Spanish. Spanish audio component to improve pronunciation and interactive quiz to practice grammar. Click on the gray spaces to see the solutions: 1) Qu ciudad prefieres?What city do you prefer? Being confused in Spanish. Where is the pharmacy? WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. Remember that in Spanish, questions always start with an upside-down question mark and end with the normal one. HOW OFTENis the question word you use in English when you want to know about the frequency of actions. (What?) Con quinse va a casar tu hermana? Who is your sister going to marry? But when asking about more than one person, you have to change it to its plural form, which is Quines? (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) Spanish Question Punctuation Marks. DNDE? 3. (for feminine). Cundo? How are you? We will study several examples using Spanish question words to get specific informationsuch as occupations, age, feelings and more. WebUnlike English, however, you dont raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a question in Spanish. Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. Cun a menudo hay que limpiarlo? How often do you need to clean it? All The Spanish Question Words . Not everything about Spanish is difficult. WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. As you keep up your hard work and practice, you're starting to understand better how to use question words in Spanish. Cundo naciste? When were you born? Check out the following examples: Qu es esto? The core word is QUIN? El carro es nuevo?. means HOW and you accompany it with adjectives of quality. (What?) Q: (How old are you? You like this movie, right? (formal) Cmo ests? 2) Esta es la casa que me gusta. 2. 7. Cul changes to its plural form cules when the noun to which it refers is plural. Qu would not fit here. In addition, by placing an inverted question mark at the beginning of a sentence, the reader can adjust his or her tone as the sentence progresses. (Good morning!) Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. Vamos al cine el viernes. WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. Learning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. The noun can either appear immediately after the verb or appear later in the sentence. (Who?) And A dnde? For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. WebOnce youve got these question words in your memory bank youll start noticing the patterns in Spanish grammar which will help you to move away from the basic Spanish phrases every tourist is using. Please wait while the activity loads. WebTalking about your Spanish skills. Hola! Dequ color es tu coche? What color is your car? For the most part, the alternate versions of representations all all interchangeable. Whats happening? Because it is part of my homework. Qu comida te gusta? Question words in Spanish will be placed just before the subject. What time is it? 2. They can all be used in direct and indirect questions. The best idea, again, is to learn what Spanish verbs go with A when they refer to a person. You can also use it in combinations de dnde? WebHow to ask questions and write sentences in Spanish. Who? One of the most common Spanish question words is QU?, which translates as WHAT. A: (I am __ years old.) FAQs About Spanish Questions How do you translate English questions into Spanish? 1. Besides, why do you say: Qu es esto?, but Cul es tu nombre?. and Cul? It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words. Aqu se debe tu visita? What do I owe your visit to? A: (My name is Pablo.) WebAll the question words have accent marks. Enqu piensas? What are you thinking about? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Keep on studying! Qu is used to ask what or which when used directly in front of any noun or conjugated verb without giving choices. What food do you like? Por qu no me lo dijiste? Why didnt you tell me? It does not store any personal data. Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. Yet, in real life we get to do both: ask and answer. Contents 1. Cuntos amigos tenemos en Madrid?How many friends do we have in Madrid? Dont forget that these words have a tilde Basically, you can convert a regular sentence into a question without adding question words simply by your intonation. A: (I have __ children/siblings.) Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. I hope you find the above Spanish conversation tips and phrases helpful. Who knows, maybe one day, youll get a raise because you know Spanish? Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. I like to start my lesson about question words in Spanish with an Argentinean song Cmo, dnde y por qu (How, where and why? Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. Click here to quiz yourself on the question words and here to practice putting the question words into context. Check out our affordable pricing and flexible programs! Qu haces? Whats more, POR will not always translate as BY. You can see more of these types of questions in other lessons in the site. A quin despidieron (ellos)? Who did they fire? What? Qu tan caro es vivir en Buenos Aires? How expensive is it to live in Buenos Aires? Cun a menudo revisas la asistencia? How often do you check the attendance ? Si te llamo, contestars? You've almost mastered question words in Spanish. WebThis adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. Check these out! This is where it gets a little tricky. Quin? Cmo usually (but not always) translates to how.. Qu? Learn More. Also, the wordsPor qu and Porque have different spelling. Question words, also known as interrogative pronouns, are words that we use to request more information about a specific part of the sentence. (When?) Cules zapatos quieres?Which shoes do you want? and Cul? Theres no better way to open a friendly conversation than with a nice, well-delivered, Hello!. They are an essential part of any language learners vocabulary. Cul manzana quieres?Which apple do you want? Qu hora es? )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . The first is only used meaning WHY in Spanish, whereas the second will be used meaning BECAUSE (without tilde). What do you Told ya. In Spanish punctuation, there multiple ways to denote quotations in written Spanish. Aqu se comprometieron (ellos)? What did they commit to? (How many?) Porquin te preocupas tanto? Who do you worry so much about? Want to Improve Your Spanish? A: (I have __ children/siblings.) (How much? Sign up right now for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy. In my 20 years of teaching, Ive often seen students struggle when they are asked to make questions in Spanish. Interrogative marks are important in Spanish. Example: Quin es la protagonista de la pelcula? Example: Me encanta! CUL? Qu comida te gusta? Closed or dichotomous questions. When writing, you simple add question marks to a statement to make it into a question. Notice that Porque does not need a tilde, unlike Por qu. 3) Espaa es el pas donde paso las vacaciones. Cul de los dos vestidos prefieres? Which of these two dresses do you prefer? (How much? WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. Use para qu when you want to know the purpose or intention of an action. Quines son esas personas?Who are these people? Right, for instance ;)). WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. Por qu?Cmo nacen los chicos?De dnde vengo yo?Por qu existe la guerra? Congratulating or wishing someone well in Spanish. Read our. Question words or interrogative words in Spanish ( palabras interrogativas) are used to gather information about any topic. Dequin se enamor Mara? Who did Mara fall in love with? - To find a good job. Keep these things in mind: With inversion, pronouns tied to the conjugated verb appear after it. Aqu te refieres? What do you mean? Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. Desde cundo estudias espaol?Since when do you learn Spanish? When writing, you simple add question marks to a statement to make it into a question. Another common preposition you can see together with QU is A. Oftentimes it translates as TO, but sometimes it doesnt translate at all. I know. Are you 30 years old? It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. Your email address will not be published. My advice is to make a list of Spanish verbs that are usually accompanied by the preposition DE. Qu pasa? Who? In Spanish punctuation, there multiple ways to denote quotations in written Spanish. Now it is time to see Spanish question wordsthat we use when we ask about people. Question words are used to ask questions that require an answer beyond, Even when two question words have the same English equivalent, they are, When a Spanish speaker didnt hear you or needs you to repeat something, they will say. How are you? Example: Me encanta! If the previous Spanish question wordmade you a little nervous, this one is going to calm you down, I promise. Cundo empieza la pelcula?When does the movie start? Cmo quieres tu taco?How do you want your taco? WebSpanish question marks feature an upside-down question mark at the beginning of the sentence and an ordinary question mark at the end. Por qu los Mexicanos comen tanto chile?Why do Mexicans eat so much chili? What time is it? Required fields are marked *, With over 10 years of experience, HSA is where your goals merge with our teachers passion: to improve your Spanish fluency. It asks for its name or definition, and theres only one possible answer. When they are not written with tilde, then they will be considered a part of the sentence instead, e.g. Qu es un guajolote?What is a guajolote? Buenos das! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. WebIn order to get information, e.g. On the other hand, we are asking for the names of several people, which means that Cul must change to Cules to agree with the number of people. T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? This is a very simple, common question. When asking why, por qu and para qu are somewhat interchangeable, depending on what you want to emphasize. Likewise with pues (well in English). WebQuestion Words in Spanish. Lets put everything together one more time. This one also has an easy, straightforward translation. Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Powered by WordPress. (Is Pedro going to the market?) These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. If youre asking about the identity of more than one person, and your verb is in the plural, youll use quines. Whats the difference then between qu and cul, if they can both translate into what? Cundo me vas a visitar? When will you visit me? This means that to transform a sentence like El carro es nuevo into a question, then all we have to do is add Spanish question marks or words if needed, e.g. Here are a few of them: acordarse de to remember (something or someone), arrepentirse de to regret (something), burlarse de to make fun of (something or someone), sentirse orgulloso de to feel proud of. Cuntos panqueques hiciste? Buenos das, soy Diego. About Spanish Question Words Some of the most important words in any language are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These question words enable you to search for answers, direct thoughts, and gain new insights. (dnde / donde)Spain is the country where I vacation. 4. This exercise is about accent marks. and change it to CULES?. Qu han dicho ellos?What have they said? Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? Qu tan importante es este viaje para t? How important is this trip for you? One more thing before moving on to the audio examples, the equivalent for whose would be De quin.. using the preposition DE before the question word QU. Berlitz USA Just like any other language, Spanish uses intonation to emphasize different words in a sentence. Inversion. What? One of the most common Spanish question words is QU?, which translates as WHAT. Yet, keep in mind that POR QUINwill not always represent passive voice. Where is the bathroom? It translates as WHEREFROM? Dequ te res? What are you laughing at? In order to choose the right word, we need to apply the following logic: If the next word in the sentence is a noun, then qu always sounds better. is not such an obvious translation to WHAT, is it? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. Quin est a cargo? Whos in charge? Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Example: Me encanta! The first one we are going to analyze is the prepositionPOR, which translates as BY when it is used in the passive voice. Por qu? Cmo would not make sense in this case, and Cunto (with tilde) is used meaning How much. Va al mercado Pedro? In these 3 examples we are not asking about the subject of the sentence, but about its object. this is a quote in English . WebThe word bueno literally means good, but it's commonly used in Spanish as a filler word, in the same you might start a sentence with well in English. Qu usually means what. Its the most common question word in Spanish and one of the most common Spanish words in general. WebInstead, you need to apply a simple, threestep process to create the Spanish question. How to say thanks in Spanish. Cules son los requisitos para entrar a esta universidad? What are the requirements to enter this university? Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Qu comida te gusta? Choose the correct question words in Spanish. The word that comes next to the question is always capitalized. Translate the remaining sentence into Spanish, conjugating the verb to go with the subject. (When?) Translation: I love it!. If you are thinking about WH questions, you are right. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. simply translates as WHOFOR? WebWhile there are lots of straightforward questions in Spanish like cmo ests?, there are more challenging structures for questions that require a careful choice between question words such as qu? Bien. 3) De dnde sois?Where are you guys from? (Tiempo is masculine) How long did the movie last? About Spanish Question Words Some of the most important words in any language are who, what, when, where, why, and how. These question words enable you to search for answers, direct thoughts, and gain new insights. Its Spanish equivalent is QUN A MENUDO? Cul is another question word in Spanish with both singular and plural forms. is paired with a preposition. Porquin vas a apostar? Who are you going to bet on? What food do you like? WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. To some people, the use of the Spanish interrogative Qu can be very intimidating as it has diverse meanings. Unfortunately, the question word what doesnt translate so easily. Cundo sale el tren?When does the train leave? Aqu te dedicas? What do you do for a living? I can almost hear you say: How the heck am I going to know all of this?!. 4. or CUNTA?, depending on whether your object is masculine or feminine. If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. But sometimes we find these words without an accent mark in cases where they work as relative pronouns, without an interrogative role. You can also ask a question by switching the position of the subject and verb: Your email address will not be published. WebLearning which who question word to use in Spanish boils down to knowing your prepositions. (informal) / Whats up? Why?Why do you put bars on them?And who tricked them? Para cundo es este proyecto? When is this project for? Q: (Whats your name?) In many cases, it is the equivalent of the English WHOSE? I know what you are thinking. / Cul? Another popular question word in Spanish is quin, meaning who. In Spanish, it varies in numberit has a singular form quin and a plural form quines. The word that comes next to the question is always capitalized. WebInstead, you need to apply a simple, threestep process to create the Spanish question. Cite this lesson. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. Whats this? Polish by birth, Chilean by the turns of life. When for example somebody asks you for your name you have to use cul because in Spanish, theres an imaginary list of potential names you could have. Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? Qu tan lejos queda Madrid de Barcelona? How far is Madrid from Barcelona? Use of interrogative words, and inverted question mark. When asking what, most of the time you use qu, cul, or cules. One small word changes the whole meaning of the question word! As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. WebThis is the list of all question words and their meanings: qu = what (or which) cul, cules = which (or what) cundo = when quin, quines = who dnde = where cmo = how cunto, cunta = how much cuntos, cuntas = how many por qu = why Next we will review each question word, giving examples of its use. Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? Instructor: Adrianne Baron. They are an essential part of your language skills set so let's take a look at some key ones! Cmo te va? Among common Spanish question words to learn and master,DE QUIN? If you take a close look at these questions, youll see that each of them starts with a different word: what, who, how often, how many these are called Question Words, and help request specific information. Por qu dices eso?Why do you say that? (Is Pedro going to the market?) In the following examples, either Spanish question is a grammatically valid way of expressing the English: Va Pedro al mercado? Saben qu va a pasar. They can all be used in direct and indirect questions. Dnde? Q: Cuntos aos tienes? 2. Just like in English, you can change a statement to a question just by raising your voice at the end. (When?) Con quinte vas a reunir? Who are you going to meet? (How?) Quines son tus amigos?Who are your friends? Cuntos hijos tienes? Qu quieres tomar? examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? Vamos al cine el viernes. In Spanish punctuation, there multiple ways to denote quotations in written Spanish. We hope you never use it to answer this question, but we thought we should probably teach you how to say you dont like it. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Inversion is the most complicated of these three methods. Por qu?Cmo nacen los chicos?De dnde vengo yo?Por qu existe la guerra? Por qu?Y cmo se invent? Cules son las 10 pelculas ms vistas de la historia? What are the 10 most-watched movies ever? Spanish information questions or Interrogaciones parciales are a special type of questionsbecause we need more than a simple SI/NOanswer. WebAll the question words have accent marks. Passionate about languages, books, and traveling. Por qu tienes que irte? Why do you have to leave? Pay attention to how the preposition sticks to the question word again: Dednde es usted? Where are you from? simply means WHERE? Rara Academic | Developed By Rara Theme. I love teaching question words in Spanish. Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . A: Tengo __ hijos/hermanos. How to say thanks in Spanish. Master the Spanish question words with our fun lesson on Spanish interrogatives & how to ask questions in Spanish! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". soar con to dream about (Mr. Hola! In addition, by placing an inverted question mark at the beginning of a sentence, the reader can adjust his or her tone as the sentence progresses. Translation: I dont like it [at all].. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Keep these things in mind: With inversion, pronouns tied to the conjugated verb appear after it. WebThis adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. 2. FAQs About Spanish Questions How do you translate English questions into Spanish? What are the Spanish question words? (Where?) PARA QUIN? Your consistent practice is leading to better results! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The chart below includes a list of basic Spanish questions and answers. Qu comida te gusta? What food do you like? In the following examples, either Spanish question is a grammatically valid way of expressing the English: Va Pedro al mercado? Total interrogative sentences, also closed questions, do not have to use interrogative words and are written between question marks. Qu tan buena fue la obra (de teatro)? How good was the (theater) play? The next Spanish question word you need to learn has to do with quantities. WebA good thing to note is question words, when used as a question, all have an accent mark. (What?) Qu would have made sense if we were asking What are you doing? but thats not the case. Here are the words to help you solve all the world's mysteries. What is this? Let me show you in detail the 7 most important question words in Spanish. Lets sail on quiet waters for a while, shall we? Life would be so easy if it was the only way we use DE QUIN?, wouldnt it? Being able to use the question words correctly will require more than the mere memorization of these words, so make sure to keep reading! Wow, you've mastered question words in Spanish! Qu es esto? Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. It is easily one of the most common Spanish words youll hear. Question words or interrogative words in Spanish ( palabras interrogativas) are used to gather information about any topic. A deadline, a plan, an order, etc. is quite important. I speak Polish, Spanish, and English fluently, and want to get better in Portuguese and German. There are so many question words in this Spanish song. You like this movie, right? (among all possible colors of the category colors), Cul te gusta ms?Which one do you like best? which means WHO. )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? It allows you to communicate with other people, helps you when you get lost, or when you need to choose the best candidate for a job. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? It is easily one of the most common Spanish words youll hear. Cundo llegaste? When did you arrive? Now you know the drill this preposition will also stick to the word QU, and it will go right to the beginning of your question. in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. A useful question word in Spanish when traveling is dnde (where). Yes, the Spanish question word QUIN also makes combinations with different prepositions. I'm a Spanish philologist, teacher, and freelance writer with a Master's degree in Humanities from Madrid. Qu quieres?What do you want? Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. It will help you avoid getting lost in a new place. Aqu jugaron (ustedes)? What (game) did you play? Qu haces? Something imporant about Cunto and Cuntos is that they change to Cunta and Cuntas when used with feminine nouns. and cul?, or the unfamiliar placement of a preposition. (nobodys wondering anything). Example: No me gusta [nada]. Try it! We hope you never use it to answer this question, but we thought we should probably teach you how to say you dont like it. Spanish question words list 1. A: (My name is Pablo.) By the end of this lesson, you will know the meaning of all question words, and will be able to include them in your questions. Question words, also known as interrogative pronouns, are words that we use to request more information about a specific part of the sentence. Buenos das! If loading fails, click here to try again. WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. Example: Quin es la protagonista de la pelcula? (Who?) Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Being bilingual is worth the effort. What colour is the sky? Has taught Spanish and English to students of all proficiency levels. Now, the most important thing to remember is that you need to use this preposition at the beginning of the sentence, and not at the end (as you would in English). An interrogative sentence must always include an inverted question mark at the beginning (), and a regular question mark at the end (?). Why?And how was it invented? (Good morning, I'm Diego. Spanish for Kids PDF. Here is a list of resources you can use to get prepared! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The preposition con(with) is added to quin or quines to ask with whom. (Even though there are no question marks, someone is wondering something. Welcome to our grammar lesson on Spanish question words. It is time to see how question words are really used when asking questions in Spanish. (How much? This is an easy one. WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. Cul te gusta ms? Spanish audio component to improve pronunciation and interactive quiz to practice grammar. Quin? Dnde? Qu hora es? Spanish question words list 1. Both cunto and cunta mean how much. It's time to review the most important interrogative words in Spanish. Qu pasa? For example, how much translates as cunto. Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! Here are some basic Spanish questions that come after greeting: Cmo est usted? Quinescribi este libro? Who wrote this book? All rights reserved. Are you a tourist, or did you move here? 5. Telling someone how you truly feel in Spanish. Are you a tourist, or did you move here? / Cul? No s dnde ests.I dont know where you are. Q: Cuntos aos tienes? ): Por qu cae la lluvia? Cules son los mejores recuerdos de tu infancia? What are your happiest childhood memories? Por qu existe la guerra one is going to calm you down, I promise for. Verb is in the following examples, either Spanish question words enable you to search for answers, thoughts... But about its object chile? why do you put bars on them? and tricked! When you want to emphasize the best idea, again, is it to its plural form quines your to... 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