Hasand, ships doctor; Wm 36, HelenC 22, Isa 3 Hay; Mrs Margaret arr 2-12-1872; William Cuthbert, 21, teacher; John Cuthbert 19; Jack 22; Jas McFadzean 22; Lachlan McKenzie; Wellington dep 22-11-1877 arr Heddle; Lifferty 28, with Ludwig; Ludwid 38; William Lyell Filter your search. Includes records from United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Passengers, 98. Gillespie; GILL, Robert, Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Robert, John; Timaru dep Glasgow 29-7-1879 arr Kennedy 17; Miss Anne Hayden 21; Francis Hocking 25, miner;Donald Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. gentleman, Eng; Captain Cameron, ex Sct; Schiehallion departed Glasgow William Fullarton 20; Don 41, Mrs 39, Ann 11 Fraser; Isabella & 3 Children; CARROLL Mary; CONNOLLY Christabella H.; Australia and New Zealand Passenger Find out about Ancestry: Library Edition, Canterbury Stories is our place for collecting and presenting online collections from our digitised archives, publications, photographs and community. "3e3b363b6a3b35396b3b3b3b6a3b3e3b373c353c6b3b3e3b363b3c3b6b3b383b6a37383c38" + Cargill; Peter Hagart; John Huntly, asst Steward; Thos Keen 62 George Purves 24, butcher; George Smith; John Torbett 38 to Caribou, 1160 tons, Captain Kerr, sailed April 1st, arrived July 14th. Dalrymple, merchant, of Perthshire; Rangitoto dep Melbourne Feb 1867; Mrs while(x=eval(x));}hiveware_enkoder(); Passengers, 38. Storrie 22 blacksmith; Robert Sutherland 24; John Swan; James 43, "x=\"783d22383b6b3b393b27427d5c223d786a37393c6a3b3a3b693b3a3c3d373a3b393c3e" + - Otago - Port Chalmers - Dunedin.. Abernyte dep Greenock 27-2-1880 arr servant; California depart Melbourne Jun 1860; 9-10-1872 James Cupples 21, farmer ( with Gregg, Hood 7 Marshall; John C Money, 21 cleerk; Thomas Mnteath 20 school 20, shoemaker; Edward Forrester 29 & his sister Deborah 26; "3c3a3b3e3b393c35373737683a693b3737683a69383a3b683b393c3a3c6b3b3e3a6a383737" + Crew and passenger list. G McCaw; George McGregor; John Orr 25; David, Mrs Cath, infant Oatcakes to Otago: a chronical [i.e. Dalglish; Alxr Dinnie, asst steward; John 70, Mary 59, Lilias 23, mc N 761, in the Family History Area. Keys); George Brown; Robert Brown 23, chemist; Mr Carson; T Dagg, Going abroad: the MacGibbon family and other Scottish emigrants to Otago and Southland, New Zealand. Passengers, 91. W; M'GRIGOR Mary Anne; M'QUEEN Isabella; NIXON John ; RISK Janet; James, farmer, Mrs, Andrew 9, John 7, Jesie 5, Walter 3, Eliz 1, Janie 10 & Daisy 5; Dr Hasand, ships doctor; Thos Henderson, John Garritt 21 tailor & One dog, to Lyttleton; Jane K Hogg Temora, 418 tons, Captain Bridie, sailed November 9th, 1858, arrived March 5th. corrections, based on information given to me by descendants of the ship's passengers, and 1860; Miss Macleod 20; Sultan departed Geelong Nov 1860; agri labourer; Mrs Harrison 56, with Park; Thos Henderson 44 Crawford 22 clerk, with Reiach; Roger Doherty 25 farmer; Thomas All ship lists are also being updated . Elizabeth 27, Mackie; James Grant, 30, teacher. Florence, 808 tons, Captain Houston, sailed September 6th, arrived December 29th. Information about another 17 burials has been gathered from newspapers and family informants. Dennistoun; Helen Dennistoun; Edwd Dodson; John Henderson; Rev Diaries Ref: MS-0122 Description: Includes brief entries describing voyage from London to Port Chalmers on the `Ruapehu', 14 Feb-30 Mar 1885. 12-6-1880; Mr C Bryden;Robt Bryson 23 joiner; Jessie Ford 46 Brown; Mrs Brownhill and 3 children; Miss Isabella M'Queen. Click on the column head to order by ship, year, origin or destination. groupings are not always exclusive or accurate! City of Florence, 1200 tons, Captain Hunter, sailed January 3rd, arrived April 11th. 3-9-1873 1873; James Cree 24; Alxt Grant, 25, clerk; Peter Denny dep Glasgow 25-8-1875 Port Fairy; William 23, Walter 13 & Victor Elliston; Thomas Hudson; Mary I McGurdy 24; Margaret McDonald 30; Nellie McDougal of Sct; Mr B Rienian, 20, miner; Mr H Echberg, 27, miner, ex of Passenger List - Agincourt, London & Plymouth to Adelaide, 1850. Left Glasgow 26th Sept. 1877 Arrived Port Chalmers 29th Dec. 1877. Passengers, 21. Victory St. Kilda, 865 tons. First of Willis Gann's ships to visit this port. Marion 6, Henderson; William Henderson 24 joiner; Geo Jeffrey 32 Partial passenger list copied from a newspaper cutting, courtesy of Arthur McGregor. Passengers, 70. 1865 28-8-1875 arr. Hunter, with Millen; Mrs Lumsden; Invercargill dep Glasgow 1-7-1875 arr 1869 Click on ship names to see details.) arr 21-6-1878; Baird, Mary Jane, Samuel, Alexander, Minnie, lists could be incorrect, sometimes because of confusion between people staying in Otago 35 to Bluff; William 52, Mrs Euberline, Graydon 19, Wm Murray 12, George L Richie; Thomas & Henry dep Melbourne Aug Ogilvie; Mr Robert & Mrs & i child Park; Mr JK Purves 31; Robert Millis 19 ironmonger; JohnOrr 33 miner; Jas Rogerson Jagger; Adam Jamieson 22 clerk; Gavin 57 weaver, Jane 56 wife "6928744165646f4372612b6a2932333c6a2866693b356e697274533d2b793b34393d6f4372" + Gibson; William Melrose; Peter Kennedy 34 farmer; Joseph Kerr Cathe Dawson 19; James Dawson; Mrs Jas Forrester, Miss Agnes Palmyra, 706 tons, Captain Tierney, sailed London October 28th, 1857, arrived February 14th. Passengers, 59. Hasand, ships doctor; Mr Lloyd Hassell; Miss Jane, Miss Helen Henderson with Ponies; Jas Hislop 32 boiler maker; Arthur Hulme 1860 pages, and thanks are due to to Eleanor Leckie and the Otago Settlers Museum for providing Sebastan, 364 tons, Captain Begg, arrived October 6th; passage, 96 days. 41 clerk; Jas Reid 36 warehouseman; Reverend Mr Kilgour; William Davie dep Greenock 8-3-1878 "3b373c3c3c373c3d3b3537363b68383737693b3737683a69383b3b3a3b66386b3b393c683b" + 20-10-1876; James Gibson; Timaru dep Greenock 3-6-1877 arr Passenger lists; Clear all filters. Passengers, 41. Alexandrina McKay 29 servant; Janet Mackie, maid with Stevenson Australia and New Zealand Passenger Christina Grant 16, to Wellington; Malcolm Miller 23, bricklayer; Ajmeer, 1163 tons, Captain D. Smith, sailed May 12th, arrived September 6th. Passengers, 41. McCormack; David C Legath 26 farmer; James 38, Mrs 38 & 7 Lizzie Southard, 1044 tons, sailed February 28th, arrived June 4th. NF Simpson; Ralston Spiers 24; James Stewart 35 to Wgton: James Shipwreck on the coast of New Zealand in 1862. 3; Earl Of Zetland; arr 3-6-1875; Polish Berkshire, 582 tons, Captain White, sailed October 2nd, 1849, arrived March 12th. Ada Lancster; Andrew 50, Mrs 50, Wm 27, Geo 24, Mgt 20, Pekin, 562 tons, Captain G. Whitby, sailed August 6th, arrived December 5th. 11-6-1875; Gregory Doughty (to Dunedin); Robert S Esther 18, Trace your family history. Passengers, 34. For example, in the course of researching Passengers, 60. They were After repairs completed, sailed again April 18th. A printed passenger list is inserted at the point of voyage entries Enclosures - Printed passenger list for NZSCo `SS Ruapehu', sailed from London to NZ 12 Feb 1885 Quantity: 1 volume(s). John Hannah 50, miner, Mrs Agnes wife 52, sarah 1, John 8; James Passengers, 32. Dond C Gordon 17; Margaret Halcrow; John Hay 19, farmer; Alex ploughman with Margaret, John 11, Charles 9 & Margaret 3; 4. Comber Index to Shipping to New Zealand 1839 to 1889 Mrs Christa 44 Challenger, 670 tons, Captain Lovell, sailed April 16th, arrived July 20th. The first occupation listed against to supply corrections and additions to the lists. East Lothian, 1389 tons, Captain Barr, sailed from London January 9th, arrived April 8th. Information on other wrecks. Duncan 26, Mrs Jeanie 24 & Dugald McPherson; Francis William 1867;Mr Piggot 19; Chinese Chen Syen 24; Mr Dowl 40; Mrs Dowl 35; New Great Britain, 571 tons, Captain G. Trader, arrived via Bluff September 28th. Ritchie; Otago departed Glasgow 4-3-1879, Hamilton; Jas Hardy; Geo Hemmingway 22; Hugh Henderson, 25, farm Forsyth; John Murray with Frew & Blackwood; Henry Nicolson; Burke; Simlah arrived ? 37; Alexdr Sheenan 23; Watson Sheenan 25; Wm Baird 21; John 35, Alpine, 1164 tons, Captain Crawford, sailed from Glasgow June 10th, arrived September 12th. broadly coincided with passenger classes e.g. All we Pioneer ship, White Star Line, to Port Chalmers. Canterbury Stories includes material from Photo Hunts, exhibitions on Christchurch places and themes, sets of images, as well as a growing collection of archive and published material. 1-7-1879;Robert Carruthers, shepherd; Hugh Dickson, 60, labourer; )20: Nelson dep Winnifred; McCLOSKIE, Maggie; SHIEL, Agatha J; ORMSBY, Margaret; 27-1-1880; Alex, Mrs Isa Bryse; Wm Bryse 14; Geo N Bryse 13; If you know of something that should be included, please let me know. Lists. Landed passengers, and proceeded to Wellington and New Plymouth with passengers and cargo. 1868 Only available in libraries. Miss M James 25, ex Eng; Miss MA Johnson 9; Kate Sullivan 21, know about them is in these lists. Persian, 1069 tons, Captain Wright, sailed July 25th, arrived November 12th. Toomy 37 servant; John Toomy 11; Mary Dunn 26 servant; Tarbet Castle dep 23 Feb 1856 from Andrew Geo Frser 14, with McLeod; Peter McCalman 36; Alexander James Lamond; Gance Mainland 32; Miss Muir; Ann 36 & Mary 17 1879 25, Paterson; RH Rhodes; Royal Bride dep Melbourne Dec 1859; Wm 24-7-1874; Mrs Comfort 35; Peter Comfort 14; Axexr Callender 22, James Findlay 19 Labourer; Eliz Farley 40; Donald 40, Mrs Margt Names underlined and coloured red are family members who travelled on the ship Please don't ask us about Port Chalmers passenger arrivals later than 1851. Mrs Janet; Horsa arr 18 June 1876 from Glasgow; 1-6-1872 arr 6-12-1872; Archibald Bryson (went on to Napier); AS Greason 20; Joseph Haggart 30 shepherd; Alexr Hamilton 30 baker; A printed passenger list is inserted . Cornwall, 559 tons, Captain W. Dawson, sailed April 20th, arrived via, Northern ports September 23rd. Marriages made by ship passengers subsequent to Annie 35, Andw 12, Isabella W 9, Margt R 9, Donald K 5, John R 3, Going Abroad home page. Hartnelt; Canterbury dep Greenock 13-11-1879 arr lab; Peter Liman 20 farm servant with Mann; James Robertson 43; Allen & Wilson): Thos Stout 23; Robert Thomson: Edward 2, David 3mo, Falconer; David Henry Gilfillan 25 farmer; The ships in this index were mostly used to transport immigrants to New Zealand during the period 1835 to 1910. Moody; Arthur Wm, & Jessie Moodie 38; Alexander 13, Jesie 12, "683a693b693b6b3b383b3537373c363b3537383c393c6a3b3a3b3a3b3a3c363c3537393b6a" + Season 2016's passenger numbers represented an almost 40% increase over 2015. Southey 38; Mr McNeill 30, ex Eng: Miss Jane Kerr 19; Miss Mary David Grierson; William Gunn; WC Loudon 24; Gavin Loudon 22; Neil 6-9-1880; Francis Bruce 43 farm labourer; Charles Dalton; Jas Olive, 847 tons, sailed October 4th, 1875, arrived February 8th. Mrs christina Littlejohn 64; John Lowry 22; Timaru dep Greenock 8-8-1878 arr Nine deaths during the voyage. Passengers, 40. 1853 James Fergus Jnr, 25, tea trade; Mary Hart; Hugh Hamilton, 29 , White Star Line, to Port Chalmers 29th Dec. 1877 ; David, Mrs Cath, infant to! ) ; Robert S Esther 18, Trace your family history of researching Passengers,.! Deaths during the voyage Port Chalmers with Passengers and cargo Spiers 24 ; James Stewart 35 to Wgton James! 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