Malcolm speaks from a personal perspective. ", "And until we become politically mature we will always be mislead, lead astray, or deceived or maneuvered into supporting someone politically who doesn't have the good of our community at heart. Malcolm X uses "if-then" statements and examples designed to evoke emotion to appeal to his audience. When a racial powder keg goes off, it doesn't care who it knocks out of the way. "The Ballot or the Bullet" opens by addressing the differences in religious beliefs that divide the African-American community. The most significant modification of Malcolm X's rhetoric that can be observed in "The Ballot or the Bullet" is the broadening of his audience, as he "emphasizes individualized judgement rather than group cohesion"[29] and allows for more analytical "flexibility restrained by a purposive focus on particular goals. The title of Malcolm X's speech, "The Ballot or the Bullet," suggests an ultimatum between voting or violence, an attempt by the speaker to convince the audience that one action or the other is absolutely necessary depending on the actions of the enemy - in this case, the U.S. government. . Rhetorical devices in The Ballot or the Bullet [ 0] Rhetorical devices To build a more compelling case against white Americans and the political class, meant to inspire the audience to fight for their rights with any means, the speaker uses a series of language tools called rhetorical devices. Although "The Ballot or the Bullet" advocates self-defense, it discusses non-violent ways of achieving equal rights for African Americans. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great There he is standing up in front of other people, Uncle Sam, with the blood of your and mine mothers and fathers on his hands, with the blood dripping down his jaws like a bloody-jawed wolf", Ap Lang Rhetorical Strategies -- "The Ballot, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Exploration/Colonization - American Revolution. Their eyes are coming open. Using the comment feature in Microsoft Word, this resource includes critical commentary and analysis of the figurative and connotative meanings, rhetorical devices (logos, ethos, pathos), parallelism, allusions, themes . Dixicrats: a southern segregationist faction of the Democratic Party. On the other hand, "The Ballot or the Bullet" alienated white Americans. That ballot will be cast for a man of the community, who has the good of the community at heart. He was also muslim. Separate to the "big" ballot, we are running ballots in the Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and other areas. Like the colonists, Malcolm X is ready to fight tooth and nail for the liberation of his community, whether that means using his vote advantageously or participating in outright revolution. an ideology that African Americans should separate from white America and form their own institutions. Littles speech has a significant lack of logic; although, it is a clever move to predominantly use emotional appeal due to his motive - to incite anger in America and to showcase the government's faults. It was ranked 7th in the top 100 speeches of the 20th century. Although he advocated exercising the ballot, Malcolm X expressed skepticism that voting would bring about full equality for African Americans. True. They're all in cahoots together". This is meant to send a warning to the American government, cautioning them that African Americans are willin. Malcolm X uses strong diction along with parallelism in this speech to emphasize the problem of racial inequality in America. The mood oscillates between despair, anger, and hope. Frederick Douglass escaped slavery in 1838 and eventually became a respected statesman and advisor to Abraham Lincoln. Malcolm described how potent a weapon the ballot could be, if it was exercised with care:[12]. ", "Not only is he a crook, he's a hypocrite. "No, no, we are not satisfied and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down, In some ways, he was this town at its best-- strong, hard-. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is listed as one of the most important speeches Malcolm X ever gave because: One of them makes believe he's for you, and he's got it fixed where the other one is so tight against you, he never has to keep his promise. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. He contrasted civil rights, which he described as "asking Uncle Sam to treat you right", to human rights, which he called "your God-given rights" and "the rights that are recognized by all nations of this earth". The tone is provocative and righteous. I'm not a Republican,", repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses, repitition of the last word of one clause at the beginning of the next clause, using either a familiar object or idea to compare to a less familiar idea to help the listener/reader understand, OR using a well-accepted favorable idea to compare with a less-favorable one to gain audience approval or vice versa, contrast of ideas created through parallel construction of opposite words, phrases, or clauses, "Whether we are Christians or Muslims or nationalists or agnostics or atheists" (The Ballot or the Bullet). A march led by the Black Panthers, Wikimedia Commons. He points out in 'The Ballot or the Bullet' that the Supreme Court has ruled against segregation, so those trying to enforce it, including the government, are "criminals" (1964). If the ballot = the political system and the bullet = civil rebellion, what type of figurative language does the title employ? Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. After you go (threw, through) that intersection, take the next left tum. "The Ballot or the Bullet" also marked a notable shift in Malcolm X's rhetoric, as he presented previously undiscussed ways of looking at the relationship between blacks and whites. Malcolm X thinks African Americans should join together and state their case to the United Nations as a human rights issue. "The Ballot or the Bullet," a famous civil rights speech delivered by Malcolm X Malcolm X religious beliefs had caused controversy within the Black community. He also explains that if the government continues to take away the rights of African-Americans, that the entire population of African-Americans should take up arms. The language in "The Ballot or the Bullet," along with Malcolm X's passionate delivery, effectively persuaded many African Americans to consider Black Nationalism. Then you wonder why where you live is always a ghetto or a slum area. From slavery to discrimination, African-Americans experienced this horror in daily life since the beginning of their existence. African Americans should be "re-educated into the science of politics" in order to understand the importance and effect of the vote they cast:[12]. Freedom or civil rebellion Did Malcolm X believe the Democrats wanted to help African Americans achieve equal rights? Zip. Second-class citizenship, such as is held by the African-American community, is tantamount to 20th-century slavery, says Malcolm. "The Ballot or the Bullet" is the title of a public speech by human rights activist Malcolm X.In the speech, which was delivered on two occasions the first being April 3, 1964, at the Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio and the second being on April 12th 1964 at the King Solomon Baptist Church, in Detroit, Michigan. Whereas the Civil Rights Movement advocated on behalf of integration and against segregation, the Nation of Islam favored separatism. In the speech The Ballot or the Bullet Malcolm X utilizes antithesis, allusion, and metaphors in order to convince his audience to take a stand against segregation whether peacefully, if possible, and if not, by force. Have all your study materials in one place. Set individual study goals and earn points reaching them. symbolism What is the central message behind the title? We ourselves have to lift the level of our community to a higher level, make our own society beautiful so that we will be satisfied in our own circles and won't be running around here try to knock our way into a social circle where we're not wanted. Civil Rights Activist, Malcolm X, in his speech "The Ballot or The Bullet" addressed the issue that the black community needs to take action about how the government treats them unfairly. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Malcolm wants the audiences to understand they have the power to change America or still continue to allow the government to control. Rhetorical Analysis Of 'The Ballot Or The Bullet', Civil Rights Activist, Malcolm X, in his speech The Ballot or The Bullet addressed the issue that the black community needs to take action about how the government treats them unfairly. He declares himself to be a black nationalist freedom fighter.. "The Ballot or the Bullet" asks African Americans to put aside their differences and work together to redefine their civil rights as human rights so they can plead their case to the United Nations. "The Ballot or the Bullet" has several purposes, a well-defined audience, and several rhetorical devices like logos. Grolier India > Latest News > Uncategorized > parallelism in the ballot or the bullet. The white politicians would come into black neighborhoods and push, press, and force it upon blacks to put them in office. Will you pass the quiz? That they feed on the problems that the black communities are having in order to gain votes. He wants the audience to truly see that government is filled with false promises (para 11). Malcolm X states that, since 1964 was an election year, it was the year for African Americans to stand up and show the United States government they would no longer wait for the rights they deserve. He explains to the black community that they the government hold their rights to vote because the senators fear that if the Negros are allowed to vote those senators will become powerless. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996, and activists like Dennis Peron whose partner died of AIDS in 1990 played key roles in organizing the ballot measure. Religious differences, he worries, might hinder solidarity in the African-American community. Why does Malcolm X say he and other African Americans are not really Americans? He wanted them to vote for who they felt was the right choice to benefit blacks. Marginalized peoples in other countries have only been successful in gaining independence when they have taken up the cause of nationalism. Let the world know how bloody his [Uncle Sam's] hands are. It outlawed segregation. Cleage, brothers and sis A coward can sit. Create and find flashcards in record time. The Question and Answer section for The Ballot or the Bullet is a great Malcolm X invokes one American dream while condemning another. $4.00. He declares that everyone must join together to get the United Nations involved before the situation is entirely out of control. His speech The Ballot or the Bullet, was about black nationalism during the current election year. Why did Malcolm X deliver "The Ballot or the Bullet"? has failed and failed and failed the works of freedom. . Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet. In a speech on May 18, 1858, Abraham Lincoln said, "To give victory to the right, not bloody bullets, but peaceful ballots only are necessary. His views in this speech reflect the beliefs he held before completing his Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Malcolm X addressed the issue of "rifles and shotguns", a controversy that had dogged him since his March 8 announcement that he had left the Nation of Islam. [13], According to Malcolm, one of the ways in which the government had "failed the Negro" was its unwillingness to enforce the law. in "the Ballot or the Bullet" with Malcom X. what made the speaker qualified to give this speech. Two thousand people including some of his enemies turned out to hear him speak in Cleveland, Ohio. Ballot or the Bullet Ballot or the Bullet American Drama A Raisin in the Sun Aeschylus Amiri Baraka Antigone Arcadia Tom Stoppard August Wilson Cat on a Hot Tin Roof David Henry Hwang Dutchman Edward Albee Eugene O'Neill Euripides European Drama Fences August Wilson Goethe Faust Hedda Gabler Henrik Ibsen Jean Paul Sartre Johann Wolfgang von Goethe This government has failed the Negro". Why did "The Ballot or the Bullet" alienate white Americans? "Those Honkies that just got off the boat, they're already Americans; Polacks are already Americans; the Italian refugees are already Americans. More books than SparkNotes. Malcolm predicted that if the civil rights bill wasn't passed, there would be a march on Washington in 1964. Malcolm X was a civil rights leader before he was assassinated at the age of 40. In June 1963, President John F. Kennedy sent Congress a civil rights bill. The repetition of the phrase the ballot or the bullet shows how that community of people feel about change. Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American. The ballot or the bullet Malcolm X during his speech of the ballot or the bullet was the fullest declaration of his black nationalism philosophy. wordsthat inspire deeply negative or deeply positive reactions. These cover over 30,000 members. He praises the idea that they had let the government blind them for a way too long. How does he use his beliefs to persuade a mixed audience about the importance of voting to African Americans? He points out that if the government can't bring whoever killed "four little girls while they were praying" to justice, then it is either unwilling to help them or entirely incapable. Malcolm X began his speech by analyzing his audience and declaring that it is time to decide whether to vote, With this discussion, he uses the appeal to pathos. Let the world know the hypocrisy that's practiced over here. Underline the word in parentheses that correctly completes the sentence. Malcolm Xs speech was an effective example of pathetic because he understands the mindset that the audience is in, and knows what to say to excite them about his cause. GradeSaver "The Ballot or the Bullet Literary Elements". Let him go in there right now and take a moral stand right now, not later. By the same token, the time when that same white man, knowing that your eyes are too far open, can send another negro into the community and get you and me to support him so he can use him to lead us astray- those days are long gone too. in "the Ballot or the Bullet" with Malcom X. what made the speaker qualified to give this speech. In America at the time The Ballot or the Bullet was given, segregation was still occurring. The white man didnt know what he was doing when he let black children read about liberty or death in his history books, he says. allusions, parallelism, a strong rigid tone, accusations, wise diction and the. When Malcolm X says "the ballot or the bullet," he reframes Patrick Henry's famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death." "The Ballot or the Bullet" is a speech that Malcolm X first delivered at Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, on April 3, 1964. In these opening paragraphs, Malcolm X calls for increased political participation and awareness in the black community. He encouraged the black community to get involved in voter registration and voting . "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech was delivered by Malcolm X on March 3, 1964 at Cory Methodist Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Let the world know how bloody his hands are. It can be argued that groups such as The Black Panthers, who adopted many of the beliefs in "The Ballot or the Bullet," were formed due to this speech. The uses emotional appeals are featured in paragraphs 11-14. White men won't even patronize you. [10], Malcolm said that African Americans were becoming "politically mature" and recognizing that, through unity and nonalignment, they could be the swing vote in the coming elections and elect candidates who would be attentive to their concerns:[11]. Publicly, his criticisms of the system fell on mostly deaf ears. They reflect the rising racial tension in the United States as African Americans and the white man clashed in increasingly violent ways over giving African Americans the rights that should have been their birthright as United States citizens. He explains to the crowd that self-determination is the key to success. In the speech, he uses colorful language and straight talk to drive his messages surrounding voting rights, self-defense, and what he believed were worthwhile goals of the Civil Rights Movement home to his audience. Let him know that it must be the ballot or the bullet.. Black Nationalism: an ideology that African Americans should separate from white America and form their own institutions. If he waits too long he will be responsible for letting a condition develop in this country which will create a climate that will bring seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something these people never dreamed of. An analogy is a form ofcomparison through which a speaker wants to show similarities or differences between people and events. Malcolm X speech was not a success because he made the Nation of Islam a regular group, which devoted limitless acts of violence and hate, giving the federal more validation to dissociate and categorize African Americans. It was the third bombing in 11 days after Birmingham received a federal order to integrate its schools. You're nothing but Africans. They will get change one way or another. parallelism in the ballot or the bullet. He chose this speech to express cause and effect within the black community because he wants his audience to see that they are being taken advantage of. Instead of promoting peace to solve problems, Malcolm X used violence when necessary to get his points across to his audience. The speech was strong and inspiring, and because it was combined with his confident and sturdy speaking, he came off as a respectable and intelligent leader who knows what he wants, Malcolm X evokes emotion with the use of objectification, by specifying particular instances of exploitation, degradation, and oppression that the black community has faced. balanced sentence), comparision of two unlike things using "like" or as", deliberate omission of conjunctions in a series of related clauses, "My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Example: (Your, Youre\underline{\textit{You're}}Youre) surprised that I knew that Notah Begay won a PGA golf tournament in 1999. More books than SparkNotes. He came back to America with renewed purpose and a new perspective that redefined racism as an American rather than a black versus white problem. The economic philosophy of black nationalism promotes African-American control of the economy of the African-American community. Malcolm X advised African Americans to judiciously exercise their right . Antithesis refers to creating contrast between ideas, concepts, or people to maintain the audiences attention and to emphasize an idea thespeakersupports. The white supremacist system is the antagonist. In this first section of the speech, Malcolm relies on appealing to the pride of the African-American community, particularly through language centering on the emasculation of black peoples and the necessity of relying on brute force over peaceful protest. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. Let the world know the hypocrisy that's practiced over here. Therefore if these are successful, we could see 150,000 members plus in dispute by the time of the . [3][4], On March 8, 1964, Malcolm X announced his separation from the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist religious organization for which he had been the spokesman for nearly a decade. 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