Divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply to the sale or furnishing of a handgun to an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States who has received firearms training that meets or exceeds the training requirements described in division (G)(1) of section 2923.125 of the Revised Code. (C) A person who holds a concealed handgun license on a temporary emergency basis has the same right to carry a concealed handgun as a person who was issued a concealed handgun license under section 2923.125 of the Revised Code, and any exceptions to the prohibitions contained in section 1547.69 and sections 2923.12 to 2923.16 of the Revised Code for a licensee under section 2923.125 of the Revised Code apply to a licensee under this section. (M)(1) Any person who prevails in a civil action pursuant to this section has a right to any property, or the proceeds of any property, criminally forfeited to the state pursuant to section 2981.04 of the Revised Code or against which any fine under section 2923.32 of the Revised Code or civil penalty under division (H) of this section may be imposed. In the event that you're charged with violating Ohio's burglary laws, it may be a good idea to contact an experiencedcriminal defense attorney in Ohio to talk about your rights and options. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. Directly below you will find a brief overview of the legal eviction process so that you can understand the difference between it and an unlawful eviction, often called a "self help" eviction. Annotated Codes The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. (2) Possess a firearm knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that the name of the manufacturer, model, manufacturer's serial number, or other mark of identification on the firearm has been changed, altered, removed, or obliterated. No fee shall be required for filing the notice. (3) "Conspiracy," as used in division (H)(1) of this section, does not include any conspiracy that results in an attempt to commit an offense or in the commission of an offense. (B) No person, by force, stealth, or deception, shall trespass in a permanent or temporary habitation of any person when any person other than an accomplice of the offender is present or likely to be present. (3) "Restrictive firearms carrying policy" means a specific policy of a law enforcement agency or the bureau of criminal identification and investigation that prohibits all officers of the agency or all investigators of the bureau, while not acting within the scope of the officer's or investigator's duties, from doing either of the following: (a) Carrying a firearm issued or approved by the agency or bureau in any room, premises, or arena described in division (A) of this section; (b) Carrying a firearm issued or approved by the agency or bureau in premises described in division (A) of section 2923.1214 of the Revised Code. (C) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section of illegal possession of a firearm in a liquor permit premises that involves the possession of a firearm other than a handgun, that the actor was not otherwise prohibited by law from having the firearm, and that any of the following apply: (1) The firearm was carried or kept ready at hand by the actor for defensive purposes, while the actor was engaged in or was going to or from the actor's lawful business or occupation, which business or occupation was of such character or was necessarily carried on in such manner or at such a time or place as to render the actor particularly susceptible to criminal attack, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed. (1) "Evidence of imminent danger" means any of the following: (a) A statement sworn by the person seeking to carry a concealed handgun that is made under threat of perjury and that states that the person has reasonable cause to fear a criminal attack upon the person or a member of the person's family, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed; (b) A written document prepared by a governmental entity or public official describing the facts that give the person seeking to carry a concealed handgun reasonable cause to fear a criminal attack upon the person or a member of the person's family, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed. (3) "Organization" has the same meaning as in section 2901.23 of the Revised Code. (4) The competency certification described in division (B)(3)(a), (b), (c), or (e) of this section shall be dated and shall attest that the course, class, or program the applicant successfully completed met the requirements described in division (G)(1) of this section and that the applicant passed the competency examination described in division (G)(2) of this section. Except as otherwise provided in this division, designing a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance is a felony of the fourth degree. (K) Personal service of any process in a proceeding under this section may be made upon any person outside this state if the person was involved in any conduct constituting a violation of section 2923.32 of the Revised Code in this state. Complex criminal defense situations usually require a lawyer, Defense attorneys can help protect your rights, A lawyer can seek to reduce or eliminate criminal penalties. (E) No person who has been issued a concealed handgun license or who is an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States and is carrying a valid military identification card and documentation of successful completion of firearms training that meets or exceeds the training requirements described in division (G)(1) of section 2923.125 of the Revised Code, who is the driver or an occupant of a motor vehicle that is stopped as a result of a traffic stop or a stop for another law enforcement purpose or is the driver or an occupant of a commercial motor vehicle that is stopped by an employee of the motor carrier enforcement unit for the purposes defined in section 5503.34 of the Revised Code, and who is transporting or has a loaded handgun in the motor vehicle or commercial motor vehicle in any manner, shall do any of the following: (1) Before or at the time a law enforcement officer asks if the person is carrying a concealed handgun, knowingly fail to disclose that the person then possesses or has a loaded handgun in the motor vehicle, provided that it is not a violation of this division if the person fails to disclose that fact to an officer during the stop and the person already has notified another officer of that fact during the same stop; (2) Before or at the time an employee of the motor carrier enforcement unit asks if the person is carrying a concealed handgun, knowingly fail to disclose that the person then possesses or has a loaded handgun in the commercial motor vehicle, provided that it is not a violation of this division if the person fails to disclose that fact to an employee of the unit during the stop and the person already has notified another employee of the unit of that fact during the same stop; (3) Knowingly fail to remain in the motor vehicle while stopped or knowingly fail to keep the person's hands in plain sight at any time after any law enforcement officer begins approaching the person while stopped and before the law enforcement officer leaves, unless the failure is pursuant to and in accordance with directions given by a law enforcement officer; (4) Knowingly have contact with the loaded handgun by touching it with the person's hands or fingers in the motor vehicle at any time after the law enforcement officer begins approaching and before the law enforcement officer leaves, unless the person has contact with the loaded handgun pursuant to and in accordance with directions given by the law enforcement officer; (5) Knowingly disregard or fail to comply with any lawful order of any law enforcement officer given while the motor vehicle is stopped, including, but not limited to, a specific order to the person to keep the person's hands in plain sight. View Revised Code Ohio Administrative Code (5) Carrying concealed weapons in violation of division (B)(3) of this section is a felony of the fifth degree. seq., and consists of four (4) separate offenses: (1) Aggravated Burglary ( ORC 2911.11 ) A first . In determining whether the retail value of retail property equals or exceeds one thousand dollars, the value of all retail property stolen from the retail establishment or retail establishments by the same person or persons within any one-hundred-eighty-day period shall be aggregated. Code 2125.02(D) (2022) Related Articles. (G) Upon application, based on the evidence presented in the case by the plaintiff, as the interests of justice may require, the trial court may grant a defendant who prevails in a civil action brought pursuant to this section all or part of the defendant's costs, including the costs of investigation and litigation reasonably incurred, and all or part of the defendant's reasonable attorney fees, unless the court finds that special circumstances, including the relative economic position of the parties, make an award unjust. A conviction may be penalized with a fine or even with a jail sentence. The bond shall be in an amount equal to the value of the property reasonably known to be subject to the notice and conditioned on the payment of any judgment and costs ordered in an action pursuant to Chapter 2981. of the Revised Code up to the value of the bond. (H) "Personal property" means any personal property, any interest in personal property, or any right, including, but not limited to, bank accounts, debts, corporate stocks, patents, or copyrights. No way could he forget his own birthday. "Explosive" does not include "fireworks," as defined in section 3743.01 of the Revised Code, or any substance or material otherwise meeting the definition of explosive set forth in this section that is manufactured, sold, possessed, transported, stored, or used in any activity described in section 3743.80 of the Revised Code, provided the activity is conducted in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the provisions of section 3743.80 of the Revised Code and the rules of the fire marshal adopted pursuant to section 3737.82 of the Revised Code. (c) The last of those two or more offenses occurs within five years after at least one of those offenses. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. (b) A suspension under division (A)(1)(a) of this section shall be considered as beginning on the date that the licensee is arrested for or otherwise charged with an offense described in that division or on the date the appropriate court issued the protection order described in that division, irrespective of when the sheriff notifies the licensee under division (A)(3) of this section. (2) "Violent felony offense" means any of the following: (a) A violation of section 2903.01, 2903.02, 2903.03, 2903.04, 2903.11, 2903.12, 2905.01, 2905.02, 2909.02, 2909.23, 2911.01, 2911.02, or 2911.11 of the Revised Code; (b) A violation of division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2911.12 of the Revised Code; (c) A felony violation of section 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, or 2907.05 of the Revised Code; (d) A felony violation of section 2909.24 of the Revised Code or a violation of section 2919.25 of the Revised Code that is a felony of the third degree; (e) A felony violation of any existing or former ordinance or law of this state, another state, or the United States that is or was substantially equivalent to any offense listed or described in divisions (A)(2)(a) to (e) of this section; (f) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in committing, any of the offenses listed or described in divisions (A)(2)(a) to (e) of this section, if the conspiracy, attempt, or complicity is a felony of the first or second degree. If a person knowingly violates a posted prohibition of that nature and the posted land or premises primarily was a parking lot or other parking facility, the person is not guilty of criminal trespass under section 2911.21 of the Revised Code or under any other criminal law of this state or criminal law, ordinance, or resolution of a political subdivision of this state, and instead is subject only to a civil cause of action for trespass based on the violation. Chapter 2911 - Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Current through bills signed by the governor as of 7/7/2022. (E) "Automatic firearm" means any firearm designed or specially adapted to fire a succession of cartridges with a single function of the trigger. (c) A public agency of this state or of a political subdivision of this state may charge persons who retired from service as a peace officer with the agency a reasonable fee for issuing to the person a retired peace officer identification card pursuant to division (F)(2)(a) of this section. (D) Law enforcement agencies may use the information a sheriff makes available through the use of the law enforcement automated data system pursuant to division (H) of section 2923.125 or division (B)(2) or (D) of section 2923.1213 of the Revised Code for law enforcement purposes only. (A) No person, without privilege to do so, shall knowingly do any of the following: (1) Discharge a firearm at or into an occupied structure that is a permanent or temporary habitation of any individual; (2) Discharge a firearm at, in, or into a school safety zone; (3) Discharge a firearm within one thousand feet of any school building or of the boundaries of any school premises, with the intent to do any of the following: (a) Cause physical harm to another who is in the school, in the school building, or at a function or activity associated with the school; (b) Cause panic or fear of physical harm to another who is in the school, in the school building, or at a function or activity associated with the school; (c) Cause the evacuation of the school, the school building, or a function or activity associated with the school. (C) A corrupt activity lien notice shall apply only to one person and, to the extent applicable, any aliases, fictitious names, or other names, including names of corporations, partnerships, or other entities, to the extent permitted in this section. Subsection (B) states: (D) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under division (A)(1) of this section of carrying or having control of a weapon other than a handgun and other than a dangerous ordnance that the actor was not otherwise prohibited by law from having the weapon and that any of the following applies: (1) The weapon was carried or kept ready at hand by the actor for defensive purposes while the actor was engaged in or was going to or from the actor's lawful business or occupation, which business or occupation was of a character or was necessarily carried on in a manner or at a time or place as to render the actor particularly susceptible to criminal attack, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed. If the denial was as a result of the criminal records check conducted pursuant to section 311.41 of the Revised Code and if, pursuant to section 2923.127 of the Revised Code, the applicant challenges the criminal records check results using the appropriate challenge and review procedure specified in that section, the time for filing the appeal pursuant to section 119.12 of the Revised Code and this division is tolled during the pendency of the request or the challenge and review. (3) The person is under indictment for or has been convicted of any felony offense involving the illegal possession, use, sale, administration, distribution, or trafficking in any drug of abuse or has been adjudicated a delinquent child for the commission of an offense that, if committed by an adult, would have been a felony offense involving the illegal possession, use, sale, administration, distribution, or trafficking in any drug of abuse. The students scaled a fence to get into the zoo and then climbed another fence to get into the camel pit before security officials caught them, zoo officials said. (2) If the offender, at the time of the commission of the offense, was under detention in any other manner, possession of a deadly weapon while under detention is one of the following: (a) A felony of the first degree, when the most serious offense for which the person was under detention is aggravated murder or murder and regardless of when the aggravated murder or murder occurred or, if the person was under detention as an alleged or adjudicated delinquent child, when the most serious act for which the person was under detention would be aggravated murder or murder if committed by an adult and regardless of when that act occurred; (b) A felony of the second degree if any of the following applies: (i) The most serious offense for which the person was under detention is a felony of the first degree committed on or after July 1, 1996, or an aggravated felony of the first degree committed prior to July 1, 1996.