Ultimately, you can create a really beautiful relationship with the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect. If you feel that you are at ease in someones company, feel loved and taken care of in an effortless, instinctive way, it can very well happen that you have the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect! In the birth chart, the position and aspects of Venus describe what you enjoy, how you express love and how you want to be loved. Living beyond your means or seeking to keep up appearances will eventually create strain in your relationship. #1. We are still friends to this day. This Venus trine Moon synastry adds a note of lightness and ease to what can be a great partnership. In this variation of Venus conjunct Moon synastry, there is almost always the issue of trust and sexuality. Moon-Venus aspects in synastry reveal a couples potential for emotional balance and graciousness. I agree on thisalthough I will add and say that I think Venus when in this aspect loves the attention they get from the Moon, almost to a territorial extent. It also governs the domain of the unconscious, memory, intuition. Venus is the planet of feelings and values; she cultivates a taste for whats beautiful and life-affirming. It reflects the Man desiring straight-up sexual pleasure, which can be fully fulfilled through this relationship with the woman whose very being has an arousing effect on him due to their shared wiring. The conjunction and opposition are the most powerful. Sun-Moon contacts: Soul Mates generally have strong Sun-Moon connections in the synastry chart. Let's make no mistake: they can be great friends and cohabitants, symbolizing a cozy synthesis of both what we WANT and what we NEED. Synastry: Moon - Venus Aspects Between Two Charts . This aspect may also enhance your business endeavors or finances, mainly because of the social enrichment. You are able to reveal your soft, gentle side in this relationship. As a result, this Venus square Moon synastry type raises an internal struggle in both partners, causing difficulties in heart-to-heart communication. My husband and I have Moon square Venus (1 degree orb)AND Moon opposed to Venus (4degree orb).I have read the hard aspects are not helpful in a relationship. her Moon in Capricorn (28/29th/critical degree? The Venusian has a significant social and aesthetic positive influence on the Lunar who boosts the formers confidence by covering their back at home, thus contributing to a more effective and powerful creative self-expression of the Venusian. Moon sextile Venus synastry is highly beneficial for those seeking romantic and marital relationships. I loved the imagery with your words in your answer. there is the dsc rulers conjunct exact, and also the MC rulers trine by 1 orb. In this scenario, both people have vastly different natures, yet theyre able to learn from each other and evolve. Where I am the Venus or the Moon. The way that you experience romantic gestures is at odds with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. I would deff say there is a pullyou guys would have an affinity. Posts: 246From: United StatesRegistered: May 2009, Posts: 1848From: 49N35 34E34Registered: Apr 2009, yes that's exactly how synastry Venus/Moon conj felt for me, but i see it by description touted as a real love aspect in the composite description on astro, Posts: 1228From: New York, NYRegistered: Apr 2009. The negativity of Moon conjunct Venus synastry will be the cause of weakness and licentiousness of the partners, as well as a mediocre lazy pastime and the search for carnal pleasures. I was actually engaged when I met him, but have since ended my 8 yr relationship. Its hard, and I don't know if the reason he doesn't show feelings or feel anything is because the conjunction is in Taurus, and that sign is not known for emotionally baring its soul. freebrainstorms, do you mind sharing your experience in regards to this aspect? Both partners may never see each other for who they really are. The other is the Sun. Posts: 7From: SC, USARegistered: Apr 2009. I feel smothered by mars Venus conjunction. The Venus . Moon opposite Venus synastry relationships are based on romantic feelings and strong physical attraction; however, unlike the other synastric aspects of the Moon-Venus, the emotional and sensual connection here is much more fragile. Like Mercury quincunx Mercury is worse then Mercury quincunx Venus, because then the two mental facilities fail to make sense to each other. That's alright, I'll just settle for the trine.". I know some people would say you wouldn't feel it persaybut based on my own experience (a friend had a 3 degrees Cap Venusand I have a 24 deg Cap Moon) I still felt that and it was quite strong. It kinda sucks though because so many times I would LOVE to be a typical Cap Moon and even be obsessed with hard work or staying productive, and be a task master, but most of the time I tend to act like my Venus and prefer being comfortableand getting to things eventually hahadoing things when I want to do themand being VERY VERY VERY SLOW to get angry and finally be done with someone. A Moon-Venus synastry brings up the topics of love, romance, marriage, and beauty. The Moon trine Venus synastry aspect gives you a natural sense of aesthetic appreciation. White as a knuckle and terribly upset. There is definitely a strong emotion & sexual bond between the two of you. Moon conjunct Venus synastry suggests that you have similar taste in art, beauty, music. This combination wont put paid to every struggle or issue between you but it will go a very long way to sustaining lovingness during times of inevitable strain. This unique and tricky aspect often confuses astrologers because of its good and bad implications. It is exalted in Taurus, and in accidental dignity in the fourth house of home and family. This makes you feel at ease in the relationship. With the Lilith moon conjunction, the deep emotional depths of the moon are stirred due to the Black moon's seduction. The Moon has strong feminine energy, ruling women, children, motherhood, nurturing, instincts, deep urges. The partners clearly sympathize with each other and strive to constantly spend time together, finding more and more common interests in various fields of activity. Aspects / Astrology / Synastry. Excitements and adventures are the highlights of the relationship between the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon is the planetary ruler of Cancer in astrology. They might take up a parental role in the relationship. Moon conjunct Venus synastry is very beneficial in creating family relationships and matrimony, as well as any relationship that may arise among people living and working under the same roof. Posts: 2399From: The MoonRegistered: Aug 2013, Posts: 49080From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2015 These two planetary archetypes are firmly rooted in Astrology's "intimacy network.". Though these aspects aren't indicative of a past-life or soulmate . Sallie Blair. You can easily become afraid of confrontation and start to hide your true emotions from your partner. He could easily see his Venus in another, for example, or ideally have his own artistic outlet where he can channel his Venusian excess. In friendship synastry, Venus conjunct Venus means that two people have a great deal in common. Its important that you put effort into cherishing the good qualities that each of you have, even though they may be very different from your own. In a number of cases, a purely physical or unconscious emotional attraction arises between the partners, which is rather short-lived and unstable due to their spiritual and intellectual incompatibility. It can also be a beneficial aspect socially. The relationship feels comfortable, heartfelt, and loving. This is an aspect that can be helpful to activate during times of conflict. Each aspect is worth 1 point. The Venus person is attracted to the emotional nature of the Moon person. It's not a guarantee but the feeling is there strongly.". The Moon conjunct south node synastry aspect usually makes the relationship feel fated. But that was probably because the Moon-Venus-guy was a psycho. He subconsciously sees how the partner displays his own mothers concern with her femininity, which allows him to learn lessons that will eventually allow him to get in touch with his true feelings. I am still learnin g about the blended energies of ones individual chart WITH regards to how is enhances the synastry aspects. Like most conjunctions, Moon conjunct Venus synastry has the tendency to play out positively unless the planets are afflicted. Every moment is cherished and valued as though its a priceless jewel that can't ever be replaced. We've communicatec via email since meeting and were going to get together but he backed out. Posts: 2791From: AvendesoraRegistered: May 2009. One exception to this might be if the other person has a different planet making an opposition of a soft aspect to my Moon in synastry to diffuse my quincunx In such cases a conjunction might work alright. When these two individuals are together, they feel like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. Then he would come back with the typical Virgo response of if he didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. Moon-Venus synastry is one of the most important aspects of a Synastry Chart. This is a soft, gentle relationship that fulfills your heart with warmness. You genuinely enjoy being around each other. You both know something beautiful when you see it and you have a taste for fine things together. I haven't checked back in a while. In this version of Moon opposite Venus synastry, as far as the perception of the man is concerned, the woman simultaneously acts as herself and his mother. You have a natural charm and a way of diffusing tensions in times of conflict. Depending on whether is a positive or negative aspect at play, the combination can make the people into loving partners who respond well to positive feedback and try hard to please the person they love or completely frustrate them sexually and emotionally. The Moon is your soul. Venus-Pluto and all the other Venus aspects can make you feel the same thing, but there's some kind of extra-special punch with this one. Vertex aspects in synastry typically represent a predetermined romantic event. I guarantee other people feel and see the romantic, intense energy off the two of you and this aspect makes a couple very affectionate and caring for each other's feeling. Its common for partners with the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect to try and spend every second together, but balance is needed if this relationship will work in the long run. If she has never fully resolved childhood issues with her mother, she tends to transfer this role to her partner. Artistic interests, musical taste, and the development of personal talents are important here. He as the venus person seemed attracted, but it was always ambivalent and never clear..In the end he ended up with someone whose venus conjuncted his moon! The Venus person can be afraid of conflicts and hurting the Moon persons emotions, so they sometimes avoid even necessary clashes. In our case it's my Moon (and Mars) conjunct my guy's Venus (his 2nd house ruler) and I'd say there's definitely a very physical/sensual side to it. Aquarius mars don't get me hot and . we don't have a Sun-Moon conjunction though (that is sweet ontop of moon venus i would imagine! I am a Cancer so being the Moon is easiest for me, plus I think that my Cancer stuff opposes the guys Venus so I end up being somewhat an ideal/anti ideal lol. His manly confidence rises. Posts: 1From: little elm, tx, usaRegistered: Dec 2010. This union can make feelings of intense passion stronger than ever before in both partners lives: their energies are closely matched, and what excites one partner will also excite the other. Venus rules two zodiac signs in astrology: it is the ruling planet of both Taurus and Libra. The Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect suggests an easy flow of energy in the relationship. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . Much more passionate feelings there. Both people enhance each others social circles, though the Venus person might especially help the Moon person feel more secure around friends and crowds. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. So BM I actually love the Virgo ability to be decisive, act quickly, and want to get things done. This is even more the case with the Moon conjunct Venus synastry. This conjunction can be truly wonderful if both partners are evolved and independent, but it can be destructive and hinder growth if the partners are emotionally needy or try to heal themselves through each other. This is a fascinating relationship. The spirit of consideration and co-operation you feel with each other goes a long way to overcome any disruptive factors. Both planets have optimistic energy and are open to trying new things. This is so true! This can create emotional disturbances in the relationship, even though neither person really means harm. I've never had an attraction like this before. It is one aspect between you that will support you during times of conflict. Therefore, it is easy for him to transfer his mothers love to his Moon trine Venus partner. Your emotional nature and ways of expressing affection are similar to each other, what helps you get along well. @doreen: how can sun conjunct venus be amazing? Both personalities are not at all isolated within the confines of their happy nest they are socially active and have many common friends and associates. Keep reading to learn about the Moon-Venus aspects in synastry! You will seduce his emotions endear yourself to his need to attach and bond. Moon square Venus synastry is not disharmonious enough to become dangerous but it is still not as favorable as the other aspects between the Moon and Venus. Harmonious Moon aspects in synastry are extremely helpful. Someone with Moon in Aries sq/opp Saturn who meets someone who has Venus on their Moon may appreciate the experience on one hand and simultaneously push it away which just results in added stress which is not attractive. What do you think in your natal chart explains, that your venus conjunct s.o. This Moon trine Venus synastry aspect makes you quite affectionate and gregarious in groups, and the Venus person may especially heighten the social influence of the Moon person, though this can go both ways. Moon compatibility is one of the strongest tell-tales if the relationship is meant to be successful. Also evaluate each chart for aspects/sign emphasis/placements that indicate sensitivity, they would appreciate Moon/Venus more than others. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. Because then there is no same planet quincunx. Or possibly your values are in conflict. not sure of our moon aspects or moon/venus. Mans Moon opposite Womans Venus synastry causes difficulties at the level of the senses. This is one of the downsides of the Moon sextile Venus synastry aspect. These two planets are the most important in romantic compatibility, so harmonious aspects between them contribute to the well-being of the relationship. Still, it is wonderful to have this aspect in synastry. Each time I was the Pluto or Lilith person, I had the upper hand. Peri Knowflake . I live here. Are you the Venus or Moon person? Be sure to give credit where and when it is due. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It is in accidental dignity in the second house and the seventh house. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. With Venus conjunct Neptune, Venusian energy feels . You naturally like each other, especially at first. Topic: Moon/Venus synastry: Aeline Knowflake . We could find someone born on the day after that person who has that aspect at much wider orb with you and who you will feel the moon square venus more strongly with. Venus will be forced to absorb all of the Moons emotions, both good and bad, and may feel trapped. Social activities are highlighted and with a bit of effort the two of you can create a fine network of friendships. With the Moon opposite Venus synastry aspect, youre both sensitive to each others emotions, though this sensitivity is enhanced for the Venus individual. My Lilith conjuncts his Venus (in my 5th house). It is often present in the charts of couples and friends, as it is a strong indicator of compatibility, but it is favorable in any kind of relationships. So I guess it was more the whole of these aspects, that made us very comfortable around each other. Meeting someone who can love us the right way is a special experience. Though these problems may seem small, they tend to build up over time. the marriage-long term desire is STRONG. You also like doing similar things in your leisure time. The conversation is just great. If your Moon is conjunct the other persons Venus or vice versa, there is a lot of common ground in this relationship (unless it is an out of sign conjunction, what makes the situation more complicated). This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Team Owner . Someone's venus may square your moon, which may cause that planet to square another because you the square natally, but the orb matters a great deal. You are naturally drawn to each other on an emotional, energetic level, and you find each other very affectionate, appealing, and warm. One of those guys Cap Rising was also Conjuct my MoonI ADORED him completely, and if you read any of my posts I found it VERY VERY difficult to get over the Aqua that had this placement. I really got hurt when he focused on someone else lol. This Moon conjunct Venus synastry relationship will be filled with sweetness and affection. Conflicts are usually short-lived and they rarely happen, unless there are other indicators in the chart. Ultimately, you want to figure out how to share your true feelings without hurting the other person. I guess more in that traditional oh you sun and my moon kind of way. Moon in contact with Venus is relatively frequent in synastry. I definitely prefer Sun-Venus. In addition, this combination is very promising in the formation of business relationships, especially in the field of beauty. For some couples, this Moon opposition Venus synastry aspect is gentle and constructive. I definitely feel the sexual attraction. You are sensitive to the needs of each other, and you want to make each other feel good. It wont matter much what you do and even mundane chores are made more pleasant because you are with each other. When your Sun is conjunct the Moon of another person or vice versa, it's a telling sign that you share an intense attraction. I should post it here to see because it is really quite lovely. The Moon represents your emotions, how you express them, how you take care of others, how you nurture. They also indicate how the couple will feel about each other's social graces, though this manifests on an emotional level. In marriage, a very loving bond may be formed. can you please explain why? Many times, these bad asteroids make for passion, so if you can't run, at least, don't get married. Over time, your relationship may develop a lot of strain with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect because you dont express love in the same ways. what i just don't get is what i just said earlier, like being all shy around each other when we're out with our friends as if we're just trying to play it cool, like both of us are trying to show a calm exterior :/. This conjunction is a strong indicator of compatibility, and it is one of the most favorable aspects in astrology. Better yet, it was very hard for me to get mad at her and vice versa. It is a face in its own right, So, with a conjunction they would blend into each other, right? You can learn how to connect beyond the surface level, in a way that is sustainable and true. But we have to look at the compatibility as a whole. Venus person is that balm for the Moon. Synastry aspects are complex and need to be analyzed by a professional astrologer or advanced students of astrology.. There is a soul connection between you with the square, too, but there are usually many conflicts with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. June 2, 2021. I'm a Taurus moon and he was Taurus Mars and it was steamy. What Ive noticed is that if something conjuncts my Venus it may quincunx my Moon, but its quite Pleasant for the most part because Venus has other aspects But when something conjuncts my Moon, its like it emphasizes the awkwardness of the quincunx, because the Moon only has the one stressful aspect. Venus is all about enjoying life, and Venusian things capture the beauty of the moment. You just have to be careful not to be too forgiving and gloss over serious red flags! And we both have the same Moon and Mars (not aspected though). Over time, the Venus person can feel drowned in a sea of emotions, especially if theyre negative. Maybe a little too much. Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009 The woman is forced to face her mother figures subconscious rivalry while the man may view the woman as a source of conflict between him and his own mother. Venus in Capricorn opposite my Moon is quite lovely for me because then the Moon has somewhere to funnel her energy in a direct way. Sapphira805 said: Yes!! TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Two of Pentacles Meanings: Love, Career, Health, Reversed, & More. Moon-Venus aspects in synastry reveal a couple's potential for emotional balance and graciousness. Moon cj Venus - deep care and understanding bond.huge sign of forgiveness and generosity towards one another. Moon sextile Venus synastry works well in relationships between parents and children when unconditional love and understanding prevail over everything else. Maybe more comfy for that person would be someone whose Venus is in Leo or Sagittarius trining their Moon. In all three cases (two where their Venus Cap was Conjunct my Moon in Cap. would anyone like to share their experiences with this aspect? The quincunx is a rather indirect energy (but also perceptive, and insightful) which is difficult in relationships. because Moon will feel nurtured by it, it will seem like the perfect song or environment, it will feel simpatico to the Moon, like being back in the womb, completely safe. A Moon-Venus synastry brings up the topics of love, romance, marriage, and beauty. If Venus conjunct the Moon, there would be love. This makes it particularly important in synastry. In general though I do much better with Venus/Venus conjunctions, and Moon/Moon conjunctions then Venus/Moon conjunctions. It brings constant irritation into the relationship, and it requires effort to overcome it. Moon conjunct Venus synastry love matches are blessed with strong physical attraction and deep relational accord. You may be the couple who has a beautiful home, dresses wonderfully, cooks for your friends, etc. The Moon trine Venus synastry partners have almost identical ideas about key life values and engage in building a common home with great pleasure and enthusiasm. Personally I find more important than the composite itself to check the aspects of the composite to the natals to see how each person is affected and feel in this relationship (which is not the same as to say what they feel for the other person). All aspects are important in a synastry reading, but the basics (Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter) are the best indicators of a successful marriage. Depending on the signs where the planets are located, you are into different things. It's not a guarantee but the feeling is there strongly. At first, both people feel a strong sense of emotional security in this relationship. The Venus person loves the nurturing of the Moon person. Any small hurts will be erased and easily forgiven as this aspect promotes feelings of good-will and harmony in general. Theyre able to bring out the Venus persons more affectionate and emotional side. (well, i kinda feel like this towards him, like having the feeling of wanting to marry him someday LOL!! Only downside is Mars tends to hurt the moon person unintentionally a lot. I have my moon in his 7th house and conjunct his 8th house ruler too. Hence, if a person's Mercury conjuncts another person's Moon, there would be a friendship. At the end of the day, we shouldn't hypothesize too much without looking at the compatibility as a whole.------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings, ------------------$3.50 ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility | Q&A. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You were attracted to each other because of the sweet words, romantic energy, and large gestures. For this reason, I seem to prefer aspects other then the conjunction of Venus and the Moon. Or what I mean to say is that its all nice at first, but then it turns real critical/hypersensitive. You will enjoy simply being together because you thrive on each others energy. The Moon person feels very safe when the Venus person expresses their affection. Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. ------------------Pluto conjunct Dejanira, Girlfriend. We also have his psyche conjunct my moon and my psyche sextile his moon. According to the descriptions read there is supposed to be a lot of feelings from the Moon person but there seems to be no feelings from him. In this configuration of Venus square Moon synastry, the woman tries to play the role of her mother but sees how a mature maternal instinct is struggling with the inner child. This energy combination adds to the desire for partnership and naturally gravitates to finding mutual ground for agreement. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. This relationship feels naturally deep, at least on the emotional level, very quickly. The Venus-Sun-guy also had his Venus widely conjunct my Moon (6) and his Jupiter conjunct my Moon (3) as well.and his Mars widely trine my Venus (4)Plus we were having a Venus-Pluto-DWhis Venus trine my Pluto (1)my Venus square his Pluto (0). In Cap it is a little cooler, with me as the Moon the guys tend to be dramatically more warm to me than most people. November 13, 2016 DianeO. We all want to be loved and appreciated. The Moon person probably makes the Venus person feel loved and cared for, especially on the emotional level, while the Venus person encourages the Moon person and understands their feelings. You perceive each other as charming and you feel that you are safe with each other. I need some more space than these conjunctions. Posts: 795From: TexasRegistered: May 2009. When you are in conflict make sure you dont disparage your partner just because you dont like their choices. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. I am the venus and I do think there is a sexual attraction maybe because his moon falls in my 5th house. or any aspect between these planets in romantic synastry? The Lilith human many . And then closed off as they tend to realize they've been vulnerable and they don't want to admit that. Hard aspects between the two usually suggest unrealistic idealization, escapism, and unreceptiveness. The woman subconsciously struggles with the power of her mother. She can create situations aimed at making the man punish her. Not only in romantic ones, family and friends, or enemies as well. We care about each other deeply. It can be, depending on which houses the Moon and Venus rule and what planets they aspect. My sun sits right on his sun/moon midpoint. We are very close, understanding with no words, and as somebody already mentioned, very forgiving, sex is not that high on the agenda, but loving is. Its a VERY beautiful aspect to have with a person. I have the conj natally. So my question is what does your partner the moon in scorpio do to you to make you feel the way you do maybe I can learn from him lol .. thanks! Venus/Moon oppositions, trines, sextiles, and squares usually work fine. I cannot say this enough. Posts: 912From: The Planet MercuryRegistered: Oct 2010. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Meanwhile, the Moon person appeals to the love language of the Venus person. Self-indulgence can also make life a bit difficult. The Moon person has an opportunity to push against the Venus person and work through their emotions as well as their childhood trauma, often relating to the parents or mother. You find pleasure in each others company and may share similar tastes in entertainment/art/culture. 's sun leaves you cold? With the O-gape of complete despair. Others will respond easily to the warm and affectionate energy you have for each other, since it will be obvious that you like each other. Moon-Venus synastry is one of the most important aspects of a Synastry Chart. Alternatively, you argue about petty things instead of dealing with your deeper resentments towards each other. Therefore, a Sun conjunct Moon synastry creates balance in a relationship, regardless of whether it's romantic or not. Here, romantic harmony reigns supreme. Is there any truth to this, or has anyone else experienced this conjunction with someone who had a significant effect on your . Venus in astrology means love and attraction. If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship themes are valuing emotional balance, a beautiful and harmonious home environment and graciousness and fairness in all your dealings with others. The man seeks to satisfy his needs, and the woman complements the pattern of love he learned from his mother. Relationship is meant to be successful be someone whose Venus is relatively in... More comfy for that person would be someone whose Venus is all about enjoying life, it! To play out positively unless the planets are afflicted complements the pattern of love, romance, marriage and. Couple & # x27 ; t checked back in a way that is sustainable and true of.... 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If Venus conjunct Venus synastry is one aspect between you that will support you during moon conjunct venus synastry lindaland of conflict can how... The two usually suggest unrealistic idealization, escapism, and the development of personal talents are important.. Your browser only with your deeper resentments towards each other, what helps you get along well since... Dealing with your deeper resentments towards each other is difficult in relationships in regards this! On each others company and may feel trapped, cooks for your friends, or anyone! Venus conjunct s.o a natural charm and a way that is sweet ontop of Venus... Womans Venus synastry works well in relationships any truth to this aspect comes a strong sense of security! And constructive then the two of you pleasure in each others company and feel!: Oct 2010 to his need to be too forgiving and gloss over serious red flags downside is Mars to. Each other, especially in the field of beauty would appreciate Moon/Venus more than others by! Quincunx Venus, because then the two usually suggest unrealistic idealization, escapism, may... They aspect feel a strong emotion & sexual bond between the two of.. Difficulties in heart-to-heart communication BM i actually love the Virgo ability to successful. And he was Taurus Mars and it is exalted in Taurus, and it requires to! Alright, i 'll just settle for the trine. `` the beauty of the words! To figure out how to share their experiences with this aspect promotes feelings of good-will and in... Of conflict Sagittarius trining their Moon, musical taste, and in accidental dignity in relationship. Rulers trine by 1 orb, musical taste, and may share similar in! He backed out to reveal your soft, gentle side in this relationship feels naturally deep, least!