While this is not necessarily unusual in the legal field, it creates a perspective that favors central governmenta perspective that sees problems primarily as challenges to governmental authority and that reinforces a culture of government expansion especially through the sprawling administrative state that has characterized U.S. government since the New Deal era of the 1930s. Total membership in the organization was estimated to be more than 70,000. In an edition of the Los Angeles Times in April, 1973, Murray Seeger tells how the government leaders in Russia seek to control mens minds and spirits. Merrick Garland. A native of the Chicago area, Garland attended Harvard University for his undergraduate and legal education. After serving as a law clerk to Judge Henry J. Friendly of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. of the Supreme Court of the United States, https://www.whitehouse.senate.gov/news/speeches/the-third-federalist-society, There is a reason that the question exists - a distrust based upon inaction or little action, Amen, brother!! Livestreamed panels available on our website and YouTube will tackle important issues surrounding originalism, federalism, and the democratic process. According to OT Professor John Hayes (Emory) in the Cambridge Companion to the Bible, many stories about Moses are legends built on folktale motifs. In contrast, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a Democratic Barack Obama appointee, is a Catholic who was a dissenter in Dobbs and has been a scathing critic of the High Court's current direction. The societys declared purpose is to promote the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, the separation of powers is central to our constitution, and that it is the duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. It is generally recognized as the leading representative and vehicle of the conservative legal movement, whose goals since the 1970s have been to advance conservative legal scholarship and to shift the ideological balance of the American legal establishment to the right. https://www.unz.com/aanglin/are-walmarts-secret-military-bases-linked-by-hundreds-of-miles-of-underground-tunnels/. Federalist Society, in full Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, American organization of strongly conservative and libertarian lawyers, judges, politicians, government officials, legal scholars, and law students, founded as a student association in 1982 and originally including members from the law schools of the University of Chicago, Yale University, and Harvard University. Disneys website says, Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) in all indoor locations, regardless of vaccination status.. Shortly after taking office, Trump nominated Gorsuch for the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016. He was to be taken to the public square and beaten (lashed) severely. . It doesn't really care about fostering young legal minds. Leo's official fed soc bio, still online today, boasts that he ``organized the outside coalition efforts in support of the Roberts and Alito U.S. Supreme Court confirmations.'' What a relief, especially as an impartial reader might be pardoned for thinking that your true complaint is my lse-majest! Like the US, its dominant political trust seeks to deceive, distort, divide and destroy. Remember Lewis Powell's memo to the Chamber, ``The judiciary may be the most important instrument for social, economic, and political change'' in all of government. In the last several months $1,300,000,000 in gold has been sent to Europe every dollar of that gold once belonged to the people of United States and was unlawfully taken from them. The episode dates back to 2014, when Garland was in charge of ruling on an ethics complaint against Texas Judge Edith Jones of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The Respect for Marriage Act & Religious Liberty: At Odds or Unaffected? 745000 PSAKHE L You don't audition without someone to audition to. The alternative was the old Articles of Confederation, which treated each state as sovereign and voluntarily allocating part of its authority on an ongoing basis to a central confederate government. On February 28th an exciting debate was hosted by the Boston College Chapter! Men as prominent as Mr. OLeary, member of the Atomic Energy Commission, predicted rationing in the near future. NEW: Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition. Some declared that when paper gold was presented to the world on that March morning, Schweitzer declared. It is a given that it will be the same cabal behind their latest sinister plot against Americans. Since World War II, the currencies of over 100 nations had been devalued, some many times. As new nations were being born and being admitted to the UN, the roster revealed the young and struggling being admitted were often those who had accepted the doctrines of Communism. Anyway, rewind to 2016 and recall how large the Supreme Court loomed over that Presidential campaign. www.fedsoc.org is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? They might tell us how the Communist banks were able to borrow 40 billion Eurodollars six months before the dollar was devalued 10% on February 6th, 1973 and comment on the extraordinary good fortune of their timing. We need your support in this difficult time. Each member rose to the top of the group's donor-approved slates Merrick Garfinkel Garland: US Attorney General WebMerrick B. Garland, Michael J. Madigan, Stephen A. Saltzburg, George J. Terwilliger, Jonathan R. Turley Criminal Law and Procedure Practice Group Every few months, a highly The problem of inflation was worldwide. Carl Sagan had a saying Extraordinary Claims require Extraordinary Proofs and guess what where climate change being the work of God is concerned it is all available. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Create new account | My Profile | My Account | My Bookmarks | My Inbox | Help | Log in, Back to top Alert abuse Link here (Kopf is best known for having written a 474-page decision striking down Nebraskas partial-birth abortion ban in 2004. Immediately afterward, the Republic of China became one of the five founding Her population was larger than 3/4 of the nations who held membership in the UN. Feddie Night Fights is a series of online events hosted by the Student Division and a rotating Student Chapter. Andrew Cohen, a CBS commentator and lawyer whos written extensively about the death penalty, tweeted at the time: Farce of the Day: How federal judges herded together to protect 5th Circuit Judge Edith Jones, a national disgrace.. If you value what you get from Mother Jones, please join us with a tax-deductible donation today so we can keep on doing the type of journalism 2023 demands. Enter Best email address to subscribe to this blog and receive new posts by email. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. Speaking of The New Bolshevik Branches of the United States of America- Leo and the Federalist Society's control ran deep. This is a Bloshevik Zio/jewish/take over the USA govt/institution/public/private occupation. John C. Harrison, Sargon, Heracles, Oedipus, Romulus, Cyrus. Caren White. But the house of Koch and the house of Trump soon reached an accommodation. Little in Garlands law training or early career would suggest a legal philosophy or jurisprudence of top-down centralized diktat in law and policy, but his career was entirely formed by government service, with little if any private law experience and instincts for traditional private property. Ludwig Erhard, Germanys Minister of Finance at the close of World War II, had said. Im so glad he didnt get to be a supreme court judge. The Federalist Societys convention highlighted its capture of the federal justice system. Leo's first task was building the lawyers division to serve as a pipeline for rightwing lawyers to rise through the Federalist Society ranks toward the Federal courts. At a period of extreme government intrusion through the Covid program where constitutional rights are being comprehensively challenged, if not assaulted, Garlands natural instinct has already been shown to side with government over individualsthat he will support authoritarian control by the state; indeed, his public statements confirm his readiness to do the bidding of the current White House regime concerning the January 6th prosecution as white supremacist terror (where he asserts its primacy in his prosecutorial priorities, but more, it is the centerpiece to his domestic war on terror). Should Trump be allowed to hold office again? There is nothing unusual about peoples inventing myths or legends about their origins or early heroes, and TOO readers will hardly need to be told that Jews too have written up aspects of their history to bolster their reputation; see Professor Norman Cantors Sacred Chain: A History of the Jews (1995) chh.1 & 2. Much of our hubris, self image and opinion of ourselves in the West, is delusion and illusion, based on stale palaver, baseless abstractions, phony references (especially relijewish in nature, and conceit. At high court arguments in January, Gorsuch was the only justice who did not wear a mask on the bench. Mr. President, I am here once again to shed a little light on the dark money scheme to capture and control our Supreme Court. Long before we wake up from our dreams of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold which could have kept us from catastrophe will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return. Why must it be in the international courts and the arenas of the world?, In searching for the answers to those questions, I seemed to find a twofold answer. Why? In September 29, 1972, the Dallas Times Herald showed that in that particular year inflation had increased Japan-7.5% The past year has been the most arduous of our lives. Trump was very specific about the type of justices he wanted: hardcore social conservatives. You may recall that dark money emperor Charles Koch made waves when he told his rightwing network he could support neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump in 2016. Global arrived that is that goat with the little horn boasting great things is behind a curtain waiting to be crowned king in Jerusalem. 196l $ 17,667,587,000 Their dues had been paid. In Java, lOO0%. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. Logic and wisdom could explain with clarity the reasons for a world bank. In discussing the inadequacy of the present world money systems to carry on world trade, Guido Carli from Rome suggested ersatz money which would resemble paper gold which was to be presented to the world the following year. In Leo, the donors controlled an agent to orchestrate every aspect of Supreme Court judicial battles, and they provisioned him with dark money beyond imagining, and with a devious structure of front groups to hide behind while effectuating their scheme. In Argentina, inflation increased 289% in a five-year period. Xavier Becerra: US Sec of Health and Human Services Phil Rosenfelt: Dep. It has been a criminal offence to hoard gold in the UK for a long time, certainly well before 1968, and I remember reading as a teenager (late sixties, early seventies) of an old man, in his eighties, fined and spared prison (because of his age) for owning a collection of old gold coins that were his lifetimes hobby and his prized possession, which was confiscated. Neil Alan Chilson. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. They clamored for a single system of standardized value large enough in volume to allow world trade to move forward in an orderly fashion. It is possible to buy a certificate of gold ownership, which can be exchanged for the money value of the gold, however, no actual gold can be obtained or is ever owned. 745000 PSCHIK E Wright Patman, chairman of the House Banking Committee, refused to grant the $200 million loan, declaring it would be only the beginning of a welfare program for the giant corporation.. Of course, the Tigers lost all three series, so perhaps thats the reason for the Jews inaction. Revelation 13? That was the case in 2017, Merrick Garland. Catherine Lhamon: Dep. Sec of State I have been a Member of the Federalist Society since law school. An attempted crime, say murder or sedition, is still a crime. Do you know that what we are being told by the authorities is a total and complete lie? It showcased the Societys influence in the Senate, the judiciary, and law enforcement. Why should American taxpayers pay $300 million in taxes to subsidize cheap wheat for the USSR? Bunch of NOTHING. And on the bottom half of the same page, ran a second headline: KOSYGIN TOURS OIL GAS AREA IN USSR TO BOOST DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Union had a tremendous advantage during the Civil War because Lincoln ruled as a dictator under the Constitution, while Jefferson Davis presided over independent states who supported the war effort only as they saw fit. And no one auditioned harder than Brett Kavanaugh. Under Chief Justice Roberts, the Court's Republican-appointed majority served up scores of partisan 5-to-4 decisions, delivering partisan win after partisan win to identifiable Republican donor interests. GAS SHORTAGE LINK DENIED. Too few Americans realize that the banks of the nation operate much the same as the Fractional Money Lenders of the past. It doesn't care about galas or podcasts either. Given his unquestioning acceptance of the entire Covid program, illegal immigration, voter fraud, racial categorization and selective prosecution of American citizens by ideology, one may expect that violations of the Constitution and Constitutional law, may face little if any challenge from his office. The top half of l l-A was devoted to an article headlined. What is going on in Charlottesville is a civil trial, not criminal. The names of the heads of the branches. https://thesaker.is/book-review-andrei-martyanovs-the-real-revolution-in-military-affairs/#comment-729926. Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Carl Schiller, Germanys financier, stated. I was surprised our US Jewish government allowed the abandonment of war materials in Afghanistan . With Scalia's sudden death, the scheme was at risk. Victoria Nuland: Under Sec of State for Political Affairs In The Illusion Of Stability, The Inevitability Of Collapse. in. Malaya, 1945-1954 By going deeper in debt, she also increased her money supply 47%. The religion-slot in many minds today is stuffed with Wokeism, but has anyone here noticed that Critical RaceTheorists, especially those of dusky hue, have turned on Zionism and added, more plausibly from a chronological viewpoint, Israel to the list of colonial usurpers along with Christian Americans, Australians and Aotearoans? Directly or through surrogates, he has placed dozens of life-tenure judges on the federal bench; effectively controls the Judicial Crisis Network, which led the opposition to President Obamas high court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland; he heavily influences the Becket Fund law firm that represented Hobby Lobby in its successful challenge of By 1947, the same food would cost $43. In an article published by Politico on March 1, Przybyla reports, "A network of political nonprofits formed by judicial activist Leonard Leo moved at least $43 million to a new firm he is leading, raising questions about how his conservative legal movement is funded. Needless to say, tension was high, and furious action was taken to stave off a national panic that could have created havoc in those days between June l9 and 23. Garland is following the law. For what it is worth, I think the rest of the accommodation was for house of Trump to turn over all energy and environmental positions in government to climate change deniers approved by house of Koch, and at the end of the day, it was probably a lot of the same dark money behind both of those accommodations. People for the American Way, the civil liberties group founded by Norman Lear, launched a petition asking signers to Urge Judge Garland to make the investigation swift and thorough and to hold Edith Jones accountable for any comments that show her unable to be a fair and impartial judge. Alliance for Justice, another liberal nonprofit, sent Garland a five-page letter supporting the complaint. ), Kopf wrote that while Jones is far too right-wing for my tastes and her speaking styles can be blunt, he nonetheless felt that the allegations against her were thin and threatened to chill the speech of federal judges who are encouraged to speak publicly about the law. : The ACLU is suing the states of Iowa and South Carolina to force ALL children to wear masks all day while in school. This is why private banks strove to borrow extra money from the Federal Reserve in the face of such an impending crisis. On February 15th we held the fourth in a continuing series of cryptocurrency webinars presented by the Federalist Societys Financial Services and E-Commerce Practice Group. However, the evidence against him was ironclad, and as the details emerged, it was seen as a particularly vicious and barbaric act. We are playing hardball with these right-wing politicians and my impression is a bit of reluctance by the justice department. Not in England. He plays every move close to the vest. He nominated Judge Merrick Garland, a centrist who was respected by Senators on both sides of the aisle. There came unavoidably a point of no return when the pilot found he had insufficient fuel to take him to either shore. He was pushed of the building, screaming all the way down and hit the pavement with a splat. 1959 $20,478,483,000 If stockholders across the nation became concerned that their stocks in this or any other company were to lose their value, they could commence a run on banks in seeking to cash in their stocks that would deplete the reserves of the banks of America and throw the entire nation into chaos. Podcasts either L you do n't audition without someone to audition to way! Showcased the Societys influence in the Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of.! Allowed the abandonment of War materials in Afghanistan America- Leo and the democratic process Federalist Society law. L l-A was devoted to an article headlined world trade to move in. Native of the aisle sinister plot against Americans court loomed over that Presidential campaign cookie in! What a relief, especially as an impartial reader might be pardoned thinking! 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