MacArthur Lane weighed 220 lbs (99 kg) when playing. You'll see what happens to MacArthur. He and Brock in the same backfield in 72 were absolutely unstoppable until the skins found a way. A ballad sung to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" called him "Dugout Doug". The dead were so thick in spots we tumbled over them. [205] Having committed all available Australian troops, MacArthur decided to send American forces. I identified the insignia of six of the best German divisions. Up to 1945, the Emperor had been a remote, mysterious figure to his people, rarely seen in public and always silent, whose photographs were always taken from a certain angle to make him look taller and more impressive than he really was. [21] At the time it was customary for the top-ranking cadets to be commissioned into the United States Army Corps of Engineers, therefore, MacArthur was commissioned as a second lieutenant in that corps. [253] To spare the civilian population, MacArthur prohibited the use of air strikes,[254] but thousands of civilians died in the crossfire or Japanese massacres. One of my heroes. Several actors have portrayed MacArthur on screen. [335] Visiting the battlefield on 17 September, MacArthur surveyed six T-34 tanks that had been knocked out by Marines, ignoring sniper fire around him, except to note that the North Korean marksmen were poorly trained. MacArthur ignored members of the House Un-American Activities Committee and the FBI who believed that Baldwin was a Soviet-loving communist. With President Roosevelt's approval, MacArthur accepted the assignment. [302], In 1947 MacArthur invited the founder and first executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Roger Nash Baldwin, to teach the Japanese government and people about civil rights and civil liberties. During his time with the Packers, Lane ran for 1,711 yards and 7 touchdowns. [75], Instead of the traditional summer camp at Fort Clinton, MacArthur had the cadets trained to use modern weapons by regular army sergeants at Fort Dix; they then marched back to West Point with full packs. 1 pick by the Cardinals in 1968 when he was 26 years old, Lane played 11 years in the NFL and finished with 4,656 rushing yards. He ordered the release of all political prisoners of the Imperial Japanese era, including communist prisoners. I admired his style because he didnt back down from anybody, delivered as much punishment as he received. [373] Truman and Acheson agreed that MacArthur was insubordinate, but the Joint Chiefs avoided any suggestion of this. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Willoughby estimated, correctly as it turned out, that the island had only about 1,000 Japanese defenders. [57], Summerall nominated MacArthur for the Medal of Honor and promotion to major general, but he received neither. [122] MacArthur's requests for equipment fell on deaf ears, although MacArthur and his naval adviser, Lieutenant Colonel Sidney L. Huff, persuaded the Navy to initiate the development of the PT boat. The quote used was about him being "proud to have protected American freedoms, like the freedom to boo the umpire". The constitution also enfranchised women, guaranteed fundamental human rights, outlawed racial discrimination, strengthened the powers of Parliament and the Cabinet, and decentralized the police and local government. It concluded that "the removal of General MacArthur was within the constitutional powers of the President but the circumstances were a shock to national pride".[382]. "[374] Truman ordered MacArthur's relief by Ridgway, and the order went out on 10 April with Bradley's signature.[376]. [264], After the Battle of Manila, MacArthur turned his attention to Yamashita, who had retreated into the mountains of central and northern Luzon. Australian newspapers were restricted to what was reported in the daily GHQ communiqu. "[181], On 18 April 1942, MacArthur was appointed Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA). [30], On 21 April 1914, President Woodrow Wilson ordered the occupation of Veracruz. In 1925, he became the Army's youngest major general. The. [324], MacArthur handed over power to the Japanese government in 1949, but remained in Japan until relieved by President Harry S. Truman on 11 April 1951. [3] Under new head coach Bart Starr in 1975, Lane was traded to Kansas City in July for a future draft pick. A soldier destroys in order to build; the father only builds, never destroys. [147], MacArthur attempted to slow the Japanese advance with an initial defense against the Japanese landings. [38] The Silver Star Medal was not instituted until 8 August 1932, but small Silver Citation Stars were authorized to be worn on the campaign ribbons of those cited in orders for gallantry, similar to the British mention in despatches. [4] He died on May 4, 2019, aged 77. Also, the extended royal family, called ke and shinnke, was abolished and stripped of all rights and privileges, transforming into commoners immediately. I hope you don't pull a MacArthur on me. There was a German officer's horse saddled and equipped standing in a barn, a battery of guns complete in every detail, and the entire administration and music of a regimental band. The following browsers are supported: Chrome, Edge (v80 and later), Firefox and Safari. [167] On the night of 12 March 1942, MacArthur and a select group that included his wife Jean, son Arthur, Arthur's Cantonese amah, Ah Cheu, and other members of his staff, including Sutherland, Richard Marshall and Huff, left Corregidor. In the first-ever air raid on Corregidor on 29 December, Japanese airplanes bombed all the buildings on Topside including MacArthur's house and the barracks. He regarded the possibility of Soviet intervention as a more serious threat. [411][412][413], In 1960, the mayor of Norfolk had proposed using funds raised by public contribution to remodel the old Norfolk City Hall as a memorial to General MacArthur and as a repository for his papers, decorations, and mementos he had accepted. Some blamed Roosevelt and MacArthur for their predicament. [75] Most of MacArthur's West Point reforms were soon discarded but, in the ensuing years, his ideas became accepted and his innovations were gradually restored.[78]. lol he really does. Id like to see some computer figure out what position takes the most foot-pounds of energy on impact per play. Menoher recommended MacArthur for a Silver Star, which he later received. He ensured that detailed plans were drawn up for its employment and decentralized its administration to the corps areas, which became an important factor in the program's success. The gas canisters started a number of fires, causing the only death during the riots. The moans and cries of wounded men sounded everywhere. [364], Under Ridgway's command, the Eighth Army pressed north again in January. [224] For a time, MacArthur, who had long seen himself as a potential president, was in the words of the U.S historian Gerhard Weinberg "very interested" in running as the Republican candidate in 1944. At 05:30, the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General George Marshall, ordered MacArthur to execute the existing war plan, Rainbow Five. [110], In spite of such exchanges, MacArthur was extended an extra year as chief of staff, and ended his tour in October 1935. MacArthur accompanied a company of the 168th Infantry. [6][7] Teamed in the backfield with John Brockington, the Packers won the division and returned to the playoffs for the first time since 1967. There was controversy over whether U.S. troops should cross the 38th parallel with only the approval from the U.S. government because the original UN resolution only called for the restoration of South Korea below the 38th parallel. We have come dedicated and committed to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy control over your daily lives, and of restoring upon a foundation of indestructible strength, the liberties of your people. Adverse weather and tough Japanese resistance slowed the American advance, resulting in a protracted campaign. RIP. And on very rare occasion hed throw a HB option pass (for a TD)! As the symbol of the forces resisting the Japanese, MacArthur received many other accolades. In the end, MacArthur endorsed Taft and was keynote speaker at the convention. Former Packers and Chiefs RB MacArthur Lane Passes Away at 77 Max Scoli 06 May 2019 The . The troops advanced with bayonets and sabers drawn under a shower of bricks and rocks, but no shots were fired. He ceased to represent the U.S. as military adviser to the government, but remained as Quezon's adviser in a civilian capacity. MacArthur provided the chief of staff, General J. Lawton Collins, with a series of nine successive withdrawal lines. [402][403][404], In 1963, President Kennedy asked MacArthur to help mediate a dispute between the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Amateur Athletic Union over control of amateur sports in the country. While returning to GHQ in Manila, he visited Davao, where he told Eichelberger that no more than 4,000 Japanese remained alive on Mindanao. He recorded 144 yards rushing on October 1, 1978 in a 13-28 loss to the Buffalo Bills at age 36 years 199 days, a record that still stands for the oldest player with 100+ yards rushing in an NFL game. The greatest weapon of war is the blockade, MacArthur advised Kennedy after a long conversation about how to deal with the Soviets and Chinese. But in the evening of my memory, always I come back to West Point. [2] "Jimmy Mac was an extraordinary man who led an extraordinary life. That he lasted 11 NFL seasons came as a surprise to Lane himself, who told Sports Illustrated during his third season that he didnt think his body could withstand that many years. [296], As Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) in Japan, MacArthur and his staff helped Japan rebuild itself, eradicate militarism and ultra-nationalism, promote political civil liberties, institute democratic government, and chart a new course that ultimately made Japan one of the world's leading industrial powers. Usually our knowledge doesn't go beyond the premise or people retelling the big reveal scene with Carla and Sadie in the hallway. The one has the potentialities of death; the other embodies creation and life. MacArthur's unarmed airplane was subject to attack by enemy aircraft known to be based at Sinuiju. [250] On 25 January 1945, he moved his advanced headquarters forward to Hacienda Luisita, closer to the front than Krueger's. [86] MacArthur felt "that a senior officer should not be silenced for being at variance with his superiors in rank and with accepted doctrine". MacArthur was forced to settle out of court, secretly paying Pearson $15,000. ", "If he took you as a friend, you were his friend for life. [87] A few months later, he assumed command of the III Corps area, based at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland, which allowed MacArthur and Louise to move to her Rainbow Hill estate near Garrison, Maryland. [168][169] His speech, in which he said, "I came through and I shall return", was first made on Terowie railway station in South Australia, on 20 March. Hearing reports that the enemy had withdrawn, MacArthur went forward on 2 August to see for himself. MacArthur's speech to the cadets in accepting the award had as its theme "Duty, Honor, Country": The shadows are lengthening for me. Although predominantly Australian and American, MacArthur's command also included small numbers of personnel from the Netherlands East Indies, the United Kingdom, and other countries. I see from soapcentral that the Victor Lord that I watched was played byErnest Graves? No Packers punter would rank higher until Craig Hentrich in 1997. [207][208], MacArthur moved the advanced echelon of GHQ to Port Moresby on 6 November 1942. Two days later, Menoher relieved Brigadier General Robert A. This use of the country's second highest award aroused resentment, because while some, like Eichelberger and George Alan Vasey, had fought in the field, others, like Sutherland and Willoughby, had not. [22], MacArthur spent his graduation furlough with his parents at Fort Mason, California, where his father, now a major general, was serving as commander of the Department of the Pacific. MacArthur was extremely critical of the military advice given to Kennedy, and cautioned the young president to avoid a U.S. military build-up in Vietnam, pointing out that domestic problems should be given a much greater priority. [32] The board questioned "the advisability of this enterprise having been undertaken without the knowledge of the commanding general on the ground". In March 1942, MacArthur, his family and his staff left nearby Corregidor Island in PT boats and escaped to Australia, where MacArthur became supreme commander, Southwest Pacific Area. [356] Instead, they decided that the nuclear strike force would report to the Strategic Air Command. On 20 October 1944, troops of Krueger's Sixth Army landed on Leyte, while MacArthur watched from the light cruiser USSNashville. This made him along with his father Arthur MacArthur Jr. the first father and son to be awarded the medal. If the Chinese were actually in heavy force, I decided I would withdraw our troops and abandon any attempt to move north. A few months later, six times that number surrendered. MacArthur was the youngest of the thirteen judges, none of whom had aviation experience. [160], On 1 January 1942, MacArthur accepted $500,000 from President Quezon of the Philippines as payment for his pre-war service. North Korean attacks on the perimeter had tapered off. [377], The relief of the famous general by the unpopular politician created a storm of public controversy. Sad news. At MacArthur's request, this commission was in the infantry rather than the engineers. No Japanese photographer would have taken such a photo of the Emperor being overshadowed by MacArthur. [282], At the same time, MacArthur undermined the imperial mystique when his staff released a picture of his first meeting with the Emperor, the impact of which on the Japanese public was electric as the Japanese people for the first time saw the Emperor as a mere man overshadowed by the much taller MacArthur instead of the living god he had always been portrayed as. [241], MacArthur's next move was the invasion of Mindoro, where there were good potential airfield sites. [186] MacArthur had little confidence in Brett's abilities as commander of Allied Air Forces,[182][187][188] and in August 1942 selected Major General George C. Kenney to replace him. He was 84 years old. MacArthur's staff members also received payments: $75,000 for Sutherland, $45,000 for Richard Marshall, and $20,000 for Huff. MacArthur authorized daring rescue raids at numerous prison camps like Cabanatuan,[262] Los Baos,[263] and Santo Tomas. [158] The troops on Bataan knew that they had been written off but continued to fight. [384] MacArthur ended the address saying: I am closing my 52 years of military service. Their memory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears, and coaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday. [346], China's decision to intervene in the Korean War was based in part on MacArthur's public statements that he wanted to extend the war into China and return the Kuomintang regime to power. MacArthur was senior to all but Marshall. Where else do you have so much contact on every play? MacArthur's family ran into the air raid shelter while MacArthur went outside to the garden of the house with some soldiers to observe and count the number of bombers involved in the raid when bombs destroyed the home. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be." (Douglas MacArthur) " "The world is in a constant conspiracy against . She seems happy enough with her exit. His last marriage, to Jean MacArthur, lasted from 1937 until his death. [86] However, this relocation also led to what he later described as "one of the most distasteful orders I ever received":[88] a direction to serve on the court-martial of Brigadier General Billy Mitchell. 2. pg. The Packers placed Widby on injured reserve before the start of the 1974 season with a back injury and then released him before camp opened a year later. In Military Art classes, the study of the campaigns of the American Civil War was replaced with the study of those of World War I. [236][237], By the end of December, Krueger's headquarters estimated that 5,000 Japanese remained on Leyte, and on 26 December MacArthur issued a communiqu announcing that "the campaign can now be regarded as closed except for minor mopping up". [54], The 42nd Division's participation in the MeuseArgonne offensive began on 14 October when it attacked with both brigades. Finding plenty of railroad cars in Veracruz but no locomotives, MacArthur set out to verify a report that there were a number of locomotives in Alvarado, Veracruz. MacArthur confirmed that the emperor's abdication would not be necessary. The San Francisco Peace Treaty, signed on 8 September 1951, marked the end of the Allied occupation, and when it went into effect on 28 April 1952, Japan was once again an independent state. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Lane died the afternoon of. In a cable sent to General Dwight Eisenhower in February 1946 MacArthur said executing or imprisoning the emperor would require the use of one million occupation soldiers to keep the peace. The award is designed to encourage cadets to emulate the leadership qualities shown by General Douglas MacArthur, as a student at West Texas Military Institute and the U.S. Military Academy. This guy was a football player thru and thru. The Packers acquired lane in 1972 by trading Donny Anderson. MacArthur Lane was born in Oakland, CA. Congress subsequently outlawed acts "of a harassing, tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting or humiliating nature", although hazing continued. He found it pompous and rather ridiculous to be the field marshal of a virtually nonexisting army. Eisenhower learned later on that the field-marshalship had not been (as he had assumed) Quezon's idea. While the surface fleet was obsolete and was safely evacuated to try to defend the Dutch East Indies, there were over two dozen modern submarines assigned to Manila Hart's strongest fighting force. [159] However, most clung to the belief that somehow MacArthur "would reach down and pull something out of his hat". However, following the release on 5 April by Representative Martin of MacArthur's letter, Truman concluded he could relieve MacArthur of his commands without incurring unacceptable political damage. [4], Lane was the 13th overall selection of the 1968 NFL/AFL Draft, taken by the St. Louis Cardinals. James was reluctant to follow in his family's footsteps, but he did. An outstanding punter and basketball player at the University of Tennessee, Widby also played a year of professional basketball with the New Orleans Buccaneers of the American Basketball Association in 1967. He also participated on the school tennis team and played quarterback on the school football team and shortstop on its baseball team. Andrews. Douglas MacArthur, (born January 26, 1880, Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.died April 5, 1964, Washington, D.C.), U.S. general who commanded the Southwest Pacific Theatre in World War II, administered postwar Japan during the Allied occupation that followed, and led United Nations forces during the first nine months of the Korean War. [320] MacArthur's supporters made a major effort to win the Wisconsin Republican primary held on 6 April 1948. [330] All South Korean forces were placed under his command. [79] More recently, Richard B. Frank has written that Pershing and Brooks had already "severed" their relationship by the time of MacArthur's transfer; Brooks was, however, "informal[ly]" engaged to a close aide of Pershing's (she broke off the relationship in order to accept MacArthur's proposal). The first of three meetings was held shortly after the Bay of Pigs invasion. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Is MacArthur Lane in the Hall of Fame? The resulting compromise called for a three-stage advance. [331] By the end of August, the crisis subsided. Quezon and MacArthur had been personal friends since the latter's father had been Governor-General of the Philippines, 35 years earlier. [29], In August 1907, MacArthur was sent to the engineer district office in Milwaukee, where his parents were living. The 32nd Infantry Division, a poorly trained National Guard division, was selected. "[288][289], MacArthur's attempts to shield the Emperor from indictment and to have all the blame taken by Tojo were successful, which as Bix commented, "had a lasting and profoundly distorting impact on the Japanese understanding of the lost war". 28K views 1 year ago James Gordon MacArthur (December 8, 1937 - October 28, 2010) was an American actor best known for the role of Danny "Danno" Williams, the reliable second-in-command of the. "[27] They inspected Japanese military bases at Nagasaki, Kobe and Kyoto, then headed to India via Shanghai, Hong Kong, Java and Singapore, reaching Calcutta in January 1906. As of 2023[update], that remains the lowest Gallup Poll approval rating recorded by any serving president. 5 COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2020, with an estimated 345 323 deaths, and was largely responsible for the . [293], MacArthur recommended that Shiro Ishii and other members of Unit 731 be granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for germ warfare data based on human experimentation. MacArthur Lane was 6-1 (185 cm) tall. After four seasons in St. Louis, Lane was traded to Green Bay in February 1972 for Donny Anderson. [91] This time, the general travelled alone. [340] The president awarded MacArthur his fifth Distinguished Service Medal. ", This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 18:05. Carrier aircraft proved to be no substitute for land-based aircraft, and the lack of air cover permitted the Japanese to pour troops into Leyte. MacArthur offered to resign, but Roosevelt refused his request, and MacArthur then staggered out of the White House and vomited on the front steps. To protect the Emperor from being indicted, MacArthur had one of his staff, Brigadier General Bonner Fellers, tell the genr Admiral Mitsumasa Yonai on 6 March 1946: To counter this situation, it would be most convenient if the Japanese side could prove to us that the Emperor is completely blameless. [209] After Buna finally fell on 3 January 1943,[210] MacArthur awarded the Distinguished Service Cross to twelve officers for "precise execution of operations". External causes are those not caused by an internal or an infectious agent. That day, MacArthur flew to Walker's headquarters and he later wrote: For five hours I toured the front lines. MacArthur appeared in 12 of the series' 13 years on television. The dispute threatened to derail the participation of the United States in the 1964 Summer Olympics. "General MacArthur and the Presidential Election of 1944. [426], MacArthur remains a controversial and enigmatic figure. This action by MacArthur and the writers of the constitution helped transform Japan drastically by abolishing all of the old extended royal family class and the nobility class. [353][354][355], In April 1951, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drafted orders for MacArthur authorizing nuclear attacks on Manchuria and the Shandong Peninsula if the Chinese launched airstrikes originating from there against his forces. After 1976, due to being busy in life, I watched only sporadically. Air Medal. In a visit to the United States in December 1950, the British prime minister, Clement Attlee, had raised the fears of the British and other European governments that "General MacArthur was running the show". He was often out of step with his contemporaries, such as in 1941 when he contended that Nazi Germany could not defeat the Soviet Union, when he argued that North Korea and China were no mere Soviet puppets, and throughout his career in his insistence that the future lay in the Far East. I didn't fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that's not against the law for generals. Lane died on Saturday in Oakland, where he was born and raised, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. [219], In early November, MacArthur's plan for a westward advance along the coast of New Guinea to the Philippines was incorporated into plans for the war against Japan. [34] However the board feared that "to bestow the award recommended might encourage any other staff officer, under similar conditions, to ignore the local commander, possibly interfering with the latter's plans"; consequently, MacArthur received no award at all. [71] While not as violent as other anti-riot operations, it was nevertheless a public relations disaster. MacArthur was the third son of Arthur MacArthur, later the . The award is based on a combination of the performance by the school and its ROTC's commanding officers to support the program, its cadets' performance and standing on the command's National Order of Merit List, and its cadet retention rate. [36], The 42nd Division was assembled in August and September 1917 at Camp Mills, New York, where its training emphasized open-field combat rather than trench warfare. [15] He later passed the examination for an appointment from Congressman Theobald Otjen,[12] scoring 93.3 on the test. [272] The invasion was pre-empted by the surrender of Japan in August 1945. He wanted a civil liberties expert to quickly introduce western-style civil rights to the Japanese and thought conservatives would take too long. [318] In late 1947 and early 1948, MacArthur received several Republican grandees in Tokyo. [273] In recognition of his role as a maritime strategist, the U.S. Navy awarded him the Navy Distinguished Service Medal. MacArthur carried out a speaking tour in 195152 attacking the Truman administration for "appeasement in Asia" and for mismanaging the economy. [33] This was Brigadier General Frederick Funston, a Medal of Honor recipient himself, who considered awarding the medal to MacArthur "entirely appropriate and justifiable". Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 - 5 April 1964) was an American military leader who served as General of the Army for the United States, as well as a field marshal to the Philippine Army. [442] However, because of several complications which would arise if such a promotion were to take place, the bill was withdrawn. Silver Star (7) Distinguished Flying Cross. Despite MacArthur's claim that he had voted to acquit, Mitchell was found guilty as charged and convicted. This is the very opposite of what is termed "island hopping" which is the gradual pushing back of the enemy by direct frontal pressure with the consequent heavy casualties which will certainly be involved. In talking to a group of officers I told them of General Bradley's desire and hope to have two divisions home by Christmas What I had seen at the front line worried me greatly. Command in the Pacific therefore remained divided. Three of them, including Summerall, the president of the court, were removed when defense challenges revealed bias against Mitchell. Held shortly after the Bay of Pigs invasion thru and thru or an infectious agent took as. A shower of bricks and rocks, but he did enigmatic figure not been ( as he had voted acquit... 147 ], Lane was traded to Green Bay in February 1972 Donny! Freedoms, like the freedom to boo the umpire '' [ 71 ] while not as as!, in August 1945 tyrannical, abusive, shameful, insulting or humiliating nature '', although continued... Pass ( for a TD ) Battle Hymn of the Republic '' called him `` Dugout Doug '',... [ 377 ], the 42nd Division 's participation in the infantry rather than the engineers the U.S. as adviser. 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