He felt a smile breaking across his face, and did nothing to hide it. Since he had already known the precise date of their invasion, the day before he had actually withdrawn as many of his defenders upon the beaches as he could manage without drawing suspicion. Especially if he found an alarm of some sort. Gothams grand hall was crowded to the bone with the rich. It doesnt work.. Got me in the leg, Sarge, he told them in a pained voice. Gunfire rattled around him until he heard Easy Company covering him with their own guns. For now though, they were preparing to destroy a factory complex which was heavily defended against aerial bombing. Are we prepared to deal with them?". You age gracefully, said the green man with a touch of surprise. The Blackhawks would follow up to bomb the place to kingdom come. Comfortable in his lab, Vandal waited for his guest to wake up. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. And especially since from what we saw, unlike us the Straw Hats have proven capable of their own teamwork! Injustice for All Part 1 It is the bone-deep awareness of this fundamental truth which forced the groaning members of the Justice League to raise themselves off the hard ground. Hey, we did pretty fine, all things considered, protested Flash. Literally, since in the end they had been forced to tip over the wheel tank. Given the precision, he estimated the lines were done by a laser, and a computer did the colouring. Well have to move up the invasion! "Okay!" . I wonder . They could have been killed and left him alone again. However, while the heroes had always won, it had been pretty close at times. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. said Andr, holding up a fist. Instead she had picked up something arguably even better for the situation. .. Beardy was actually Wildman, and for reasons John did not want to know, the last and youngest was named Ice Cream Soldier. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. Her response was silent agreement as she accelerated into the fray. . Despite this, they still had a mission to complete. She is homeless in Gotham City where shes more likely to be caught up the crossfire of the many maniacs that roam the city, and end up dead (or worse), than she is to live to a point where she can leave. As the jet started to rise, John stood up on his racing motorcycle and leapt up to grab onto a wheel while it retracted, and pulled himself aboard. Sitting within his command chair, Vandal felt his flagship begin to shake, and recognized the changed hum of the engines to mean something was wrong with them. Injustice for All Part 3 Whered you learn that move? asked the man with a beard, putting a hand on Johns shoulder. No, his grim mood was because of other concerns, and not just the time travel. No more than Batman, he warned. Indeed, their first time together had been to fight the Imperium when they had invaded, which had ended with the aliens extermination. Or, Tim, Kon and Bart probably should have thought of their vacation planning needs before they got themselves banned from pretty much every square inch of the globe. felt like magic. Its a long way to America, he stepped back, flexing metal fingers, even with these new jets.. 13. Filled with drama and different challenges, they will have to juggle a camera crew that likes to stick their noses where they don't belong, the fickle public, and being superheroes! He had learnt about it from an Allied spy he and Wonder Woman had met, who had his own mission to follow a lead which would allow them to tap into the enemys encrypted communications, and learn about an invasion of their own the Nazis were planning. And it's not like he would have anyone to bring! When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. Only then did his war wheels swoop in, performing to perfection. Unlike others, he did believe there were still heroes in war, except he also knew the whole concept was a horrible thing. What if hes a spy?, Back off, Bulldozer, a fourth said, and the three soldiers looked to see a man with a sergeants rank on his helmet, and a scruffy face. We think the spy took it. He noted the lead pilot snapping Hawkgirl a salute. Hes crazy, Sarge! he heard Bulldozer say. With almost physical exertion, she pushed that thought aside, and turned her attention to finally properly inspecting her new weapon. Although maybe I can finally indulge in a warning, now that we are this close to the endgame. As a bonus, she might be able to keep it too. Running to a motorcycle from the escort, John got it going, and raced to keep up with the lead jet. A warning that even without taking into account the superheroes, time travel, etc., this episode is not historically accurate in many respects. . Five men opened fire with everything they had. Why did the regime even build the time machine like that if it was so unstable? The regular troops could handle the mop-up. Face hardening, Savage stood up and said, Very well. They would only weigh him down. Andr's from France, Hendrickson from Holland, Olaf comes from Norway, and I'm Blackhawk, from Poland.". She was done with the mythical world, all she wanted was peace. . Wildman! yelled Sergeant Rock, running to help, while John spotted the enemy sniper up in the trees on their flank. Something his gut agreed with. The man, in the midst of conducting surgery to save lives, had gone on to explain how in hell you would find only sinners; those who deserved to be there. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). but the pirates? The commando dodged a back-handed slap, and grabbed his forearm where the glove did not cover, wrenching it up so Vandals own face was shocked by it. Let them worry there were more to watch out for. "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. ), tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (21), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (10), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, "Gotham city morgue, you stab 'em we slab 'em, how can I direct your call?". So while Hawkgirl and Superman dealt with the turrets and guards, he ran into the factory planning to get everybody out. . Lantern! she yelled, reaching out with a desperate hand for him. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. For some reason Hawkgirl was carrying Green Lantern, who while in uniform, seemed to have let his Ring run out of power. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. Who, for some reason, looked exactly the same. Would have been a much shorter story, including with how after the tanks are handled, all the Justice League converging on Berlin and handling Savage.Except the truth is that this is surprisingly important for later plot points, particularly the Justice Lords. While he would hardly question himself, Vandal had had the misfortune of having actually met Hitler, and fully concurred. Oh, and Wonder Woman had gone with Jonn too, refusing to let him go into enemy territory alone. A god doesnt grovel, boasted the madman. "Haa~ It'd be like a mini vacation, we can just stay in and sleep," Marinette smiled at the thought. As soon as the words slipped free, he knew he had gone too far, and looked away from her. Hmm, and from what he knew of that golden armour, enchanted by Merlin himself, then magical attacks should not have beaten it so easily. But what they don't know that her evil twin sister,vidia, dressed as her in order to win Ba. Engines ignited on cue, and the massive aircraft began to advance, with the remaining Nazi soldiers running out of the way, and the car crushed underneath. The man in charge was Sergeant Rock, whose name fit his personality. Shortly after the others had disappeared, the instruments had detected it in Metropolis, and he had tracked them to this secret facility to figure out the purpose of this place. Its time to start adding to the Justice League membership list, and Wally has the perfect candidate in mind: Nightwing. With that he was off, leaving a trail of smoke behind him as he headed back to the town. His tone was casual, yet Martian Manhunter caught the slight hint it was forced, and believed it genuine. This was not his first time in one either. ", "Not anymore," said John, holding it up so they could all get a better look at it. . His sister the stress-relieving part of D An Alternate Universe where Superman had a daughter when was 21. If it was so hard in the Second World War, how could they possibly do it during the present day?This has consequences down the line. ". 15. Not always though. As best as he could figure from these instruments though, it was going to collapse in a few minutes. Down from the clouds swept Blackhawk Squadron, having finally caught up. "WHOO! Hes always so grumpy and gloomy! The Justice League had faced all manner of powerful opponents in the past: bloodthirsty killers, insane tyrants, vengeful gods, and more. Say your prayers, Savage! A right hook stunned the would-be conqueror. Her partner rolled over, taking his spot and pulled the cover while she took off the lights and soon enough they were both on the bed in a heavenly silence. Still, best to let them think he was worse off than he was. Because yeah, no explanation was ever given on how they got back home to the proper timeline. Can you use their communicator to send a warning?, Im not sure the signal is strong enough!, Weve got to alert the Allies, keep trying., "It's not too late," said Wonder Woman decisively. . That is if they were even willing to do so in the first place, given their general ego games, selfishness, mistrust, and host of other issues holding them back. Halloween . Casualties that were already terrible before he had run off searching in vain. I dont think well need to, said Superman with a small, proud grin. ., Irritated at the tone, he showed some of his temper as he turned around to say a tad sharply, Why not? Then more calmly, convincingly, Under my enlightened leadership I can build a new world order.". Showing no sign of offense, Blackhawk continued. And this was being repeated all across the massive complex, with at least a dozen more of those oversized jet planes being loaded up. Good thing too, as Jonn had barely had time to yell what that scary looking portal would do before they were all throwing themselves into it. Which was personally disappointing, since I did enjoy that part of the story. Thanks for helping us out up there, said Hawkgirl, speaking for the three of them. Their only real concern was whether there were any further surprises. "Wildman, d'you think you can put a grenade into that rat hole? An explosion answered her, as three more of the super-tanks appeared, firing their artillery. Some kind of secret weapon? Little does he, and the rest of the league, know that this will lead to a lot more than they bargained for surprising reveals, heart-aching pasts, strengthening friendships, loving families, and unfortunately being targets for pranks. Crime Alley, born and raised, Jason Todd's childhood best friend, has seen it all, from her best friend's adoption to his murder and return. It was that brush with death which made her instinctively grab that gun and fire it, despite the persona she had cultivated here on Earth. Theyre invading America!, After a moment of shock, Steve snapped into action. It was true what they said about knowledge being power after all. They did not ask questions, they did not take offense, they just silently accepted the help of their saviours. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. Or, Bruce attempts to show Damian and Tim what a functional sibling team looks like during missions. Agent Grays family decided they need to visit his workplace, chaos ensues! Because while they had been fighting with pirates, he had been scouting ahead figuring out what was so crucial about the lab, and how it worked. That was irrelevant. 8. . And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Youre upset about Batman, arent you?, Yes. Overhead Superman carried a truck laden with supplies which had been left behind, with people running up to unload it. You saved all those workers. He himself had also made sure the guards had gotten away from the bombing as well, while the speedster had scared the people inside into running. Now though . Im in no hurry. From under his uniform he pulled out a metal glove and put it on. Circumstances lead to them finding and losing one another, but now it's her turn to fight back for the city that has given and taken so much from her. Well, time to get to work, he grimly knew. The soldiers . He cut it down to a single S.. Of more interest was how the bottom part was left blank, except for a message in language he could not recognize carved into it. Even the wars he had helped the Justice League with on other planets had been solved without anybody dying once they had arrived to help settle things. Thankfully, instead of taking offense, Bulldozers squad appeared more impressed than offended. Allied warships were in the ocean below, and tracer fire from their cannons clearly visible. He was better at covert infiltrations anyways. Not feeling home in Paris, Marinette moves to Gotham to fulfill her guardian Then, the Fates flash in. However they also said it was unstable. We shouldnt have just left him there! None of them had managed to hold in screams of horror and fear at the sensation of that trip. I I did not expect to see you today. 16. Silence was the only answer John would give. What do they say? said Steve, leaning forward. The least we can do is respect his silence", "For the last time, I didn't kill anyone!" Fortunately for the incompetent, a few hours later they had confirmation it had been destroyed, and could advance. General Hoffman. Personally that description of a 'spitball' was slightly concerning, and the man clearly enjoyed it. Superman's scars are permanent! Until he figured by now Savage was far enough away. They opened fire, but he was too fast and got in close. "This hill isn't even on it. A casual arrogance where he aimed to dominate those around him by his sheer presence. Handsome behind the mask, a justice league fanfic | FanFiction Batman didn't like these events, but Bruce Wayne had too. Back at a burning town, Nazi troops and tanks secured the reclaimed area, while lines of supply trucks drove by unhindered. Take evasive action! ordered Vandal, voicing the obvious to prod his people into doing their jobs while they stared slack jawed at the sight of another transport falling towards the waters below. After a few more blows, the space cop gave another fist to the gut to make Bulldozer bend over and finished it with a blow to the back of the neck. It was almost gratitude he felt for Bulldozer interrupting that line of thought with, "Yer so smart, why don't ya go find a runway with yer magic ring? . Why does Brucie Wayne smell like blood? Usually though the powers of himself and his fellow members of the Justice League were enough to stop the conflict entirely without any further lives lost. A guy in a red suit yelling at you and pointing to the exit should be universal. He had not been part of the fight against the Straw Hats, trying to discover what he could from the lab and scientists, yet he had seen the results. Injustice for All Part 2 This would change his whole world. said the biggest, with his jacket open to show his muscular chest, sleeves ripped off, extra-large gun (an automatic? Honestly, he could have adjusted his plans to launch his own invasion already if he had wanted to, instead choosing to maximize the destruction of their hope. To be perfectly fair, figuring out how and where these impossible weapons were coming from was the highest priority. Before he forgot though, he faked a pained scream in case of eavesdroppers. Well then, lets start with more immediate concerns. Hawkgirl! Carefully they edged forward, and beheld line after line of hard-faced, Nazi soldiers lined up, all carrying machine guns and wearing parachutes. "I'll never betray them," swore Martian Manhunter. Unfortunately for everyone though, it did not look like he would have much choice. Accelerating, fist before him, Martian Manhunter went straight through the roof of one, and out through its belly. He grabbed John's head to shove him back, only for the bigger man to receive a punch to the face in exchange. Between Vandals official and personal agents, he would have long been alerted if the Allies had such tricks up their sleeves. Where are we? groaned Flash, the first to stand. What!?. I will be, she said, looking a strange mixture of fury and regret. Flash was carrying soldiers out of the way of those massive, one-wheel tanks, while Superman was carrying an entire truck loaded with men. Most likely to die. Most of the time, the real threats they had to handles were like when Hades tried to escape; a solo-act with too much power and ego. Diana couldnt help but chuckle when she saw the Flashs nephew speed ahead of everyone, only to turn back around when he noticed he left everyone behind. If not for his fear and anger about his best friend, she knew Flash would never be so insensitive. On Johns shoulder these instruments though, it was not for his guest to wake up has perfect!, since in the ocean below, and his fate was unknown gone too far, and Wonder Woman gone... We did pretty fine, all things considered, protested Flash its a long way to America he! And Wally has the perfect candidate in mind: Nightwing, his grim mood because... His personality their cannons clearly visible did nothing to hide it Superman with a beard, putting hand! Was carrying green Lantern, who while in uniform, seemed to have let his Ring run out of.. 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