The sudden weight on your lap got you distracted from the book you were reading and when your eyes moved away from the words, they focussed on the man laying beneath you. Well.. at first it was but we just got a mail from him telling us it was okay to hand it in the day after tomorrow. You sighed out in relief, as much as you could because having to write a 6 page essay the old fashion way for thursday was still an impossible task to do but who doesnt try wont know. Im here for you in the foggy days, in the rainy days and the stormy days. The once busy and lively It was cold, you noticed. And he was right, today you managed to walk against the door while you two were ready to eat some dinner. You didnt voice the question, did not look his way yet it was still an answer. Isnt that the easiest part of uni. Once he noticed he wasnthidden anymore, he looked up. You were taken aback, mouth dropping in disbelief. I love you like army loves bts. A sudden soft breeze brushed against your exposing skin, making you shiver in delight. Wooohooo! A stain! Here are 8 times BTS protected each other from stage accidents and other dangerous situations. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. "No, no, no. Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. That you would throw yourself into his arms? Browse . Youre like that little star in the sky surrounded by all the big ones. You frowned. Giving you a tiny smile back, he grabbed the glass from your hands, placed it down on the table and laced his fingers with yours. The phone stopped and you sighed but the screen lighted up again, Jimin was still trying to reach you. So please if you ever think youre not good enough, please talk to me. he chuckled embarrassed. You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Not wanting to hear those words again. Its okay though.. Oh dont get it wrong. Shaking his head he motioned for you to open your mouth and fed you the unfamiliar dish. He saw how your eyes widened and how you bit your lip, instantly regretting what you did and before he could say something you were gone. He wouldnt want to see anyone that he felt stressed or sad or any negative emotion in that matter but its you were talking about. It wasnt the one he saw almost everyday. Whats up. you asked her when you picked up, walking out of the livingroom, the noise the three of them produced making it unable to hear what she was saying on the other end of the line. 4 hours and 48 minutes later you were laying on his bed, staring at the stars on the ceiling you begged him to put on. Yoongi rose an eyebrow at you when the sound reached his ears, stopping beside you and pulled out the chair to sit down, his gaze not wavering from your face. I mean I can kind of understand where youre coming from. He didnt know why you were saying those things, where you got it from. Taehyung tackled you to the ground after his feet touched the sand and kissed you. I doing what I love to do with my most precious friends. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. I wouldnt be that guy that could cuddle you to sleep every night. Ive been messing it for months but well it seems like it hates me. I am calm baby, now give them to me. That you were a failure, that he should leave you since you werent getting anywhere and he shouldnt be stuck with a dumbass like you. BTS Jealous Boyfriends (!!) He saw you sitting on the couch, staring at the tv which wasnt on at all, your hands turning white from the tight grip you had on the glass of water. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. Mafia BTS reacting to you protecting them. You were flabbergasted. You really tried to think of something else. Babe please dont overwork yourself. It just stays there, not moving at all. Its one of the reasons why you went in the shower, not having to explain why your eyes and why your skin were looking so bloated and red. He would just sigh as you once again fell over the bathtub. Hmmm is that so? Ass! you shouted after him. Me? Youre so selfless it hurts me. But hey, who could blame you. Its okay sweety. The blank page clearly showing how you felt. Dont I deserve an explanation or something? With arms crossed over your chest and with one foot tapping unpatiently against the floor you eyed the back of his head. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. I should do that kind of stuff with you and not suddenly mister overfriendly! the chair flew back against the desk from the sudden and abrupt movement he made to stand up. The couple of steps to the livingroom felt like meters to him except he never expected to see you there sitting near the window, rubbing the back of your head as you sobbed out words he couldnt understand due to your crying. I will catch you. The muffled sobs got louder when you pulled him away from your shirt. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. You didnt like to show that sight of you. He looked up at you smirking and before you knew it you were trying to get away from him, laughing so hard you had trouble breathing. You got no answer, alarm bells instantly going off. But today you wanted some company and so you texted the only person you knew would be free at this time and got yourself ready as you got your answer. Why.. are you jealous or something? you laughed because this situation was just weird to you. Scoffing you turned back to your laptop, jacket throwing on the ground and continued with what you were doing, furiously typing away. Taking steps closer he stood right beside you, his hand landing on your ankle, you didnt react. He entered the living room and tackled you in a hug. Closing your eyes, you started to breathe in and out but to no avail, black spots appeared when you looked around, the room still spinning, the space feeling much more smaller than you imagined, the heavy air pressing down onto your heart making it difficult to breathe as you wobbled towards the door, desperately wanting to get out of here but before you could reach for the knob, you stumbled backwards, losing your balance and fell the floor when the door suddenly swung open. I probably will fix them the next morning. But the moment his broken voice called out to you, you snapped back to reality and held him in your arms. Gosh sometimes I dont even know how you can be this clumsy. this ladies and gentlemen is also a perfect example of jumping to conclusions. He answered you that he was standing in the corner behind the rack of clothes. Alright? you suddenly smiled at him. Tilting your face towards the heavens you welcomed the cool air gently touching your skin, only the barestripped trees witnessing the blisfull look on your face. Done with the dishes, you wiped your hands dry and walked to the bathroom, leaving him behind to dry the pans. No, no that cant be it either. Yoongi shook his head in denial. You were talking with Yoongi. He would always try to understand your point of view or any other. He stopped infront of you, eyes sparkling with unshed tears in the moonlight looking so painfully beautiful, you opened you arms wide, smiling tearfully at the man infront of you and with a flash he was back in your arms, both crying the hurt out, his arms tightening around your back afraid you would suddenly vanish into thin air. Youre still lazy. A man chuckled, blocking the sunlight once he came closer. The comforter ripped from his body, the cold not bothering him at all once his feet landed on the ground as he stumbled his way out of the room, his breathing quickened, his heart racing. You should go on date with me only if you want it yourself, I am not puppy Namjoon I dont need to be rewarded. you had told him. So this book is going to be BTS Reactions. I have to work hard while others arent even doing their best and can get a higher grade than me. Still cant believe we have to use pen and paper.she whined, the rustling sound of papers moving around proving her point. But one thing you two seemed to talk about the most was children. We should go home, put on dry clothes after we take a shower before we can talk about what happened this afternoon. he sighed, his heart still clenching at the thought. Mafia BTS meeting you for the first time on the job. He saw you kicking everything that got in your way and it seemed like everything got in your way. Do you want something to drink? On the day those words spilled from your hands, wasnt good enough the following morning, watching how it became a blank canvas once again as the words quickly but slowly for you vanished from the screen. He had gone on a work related trip on the other side of the earth. Well you better look for her because 4 minutes hyung, 4 minutes. He pointed a finger to the wall on the clock. He looked down at his jeanpocket and that was the moment you grabbed the books out of his arms however Hoseok was quick to look up and slap them out of your hands, grabbing them and threw them across the hallway into the bathroom. Dont ever ever think that crying is a sign of weakness. You instantly regretted your outburst, stuttering apologies. And I thought they knew aswell not to stand to close. he smirked, pushing him away with a light push. His eyes fluttered close, feeling his breath caressing your lips, you gently pressed your mouth on his , his soft lips warmed your heart as you moved yours tenderly, hoping he could feel the immense love you have for him, that you never meant to hurt him, never meant to push him away. Why?. What if he started to yell at you too, calling you a cheater, a horrible girlfriend? What? was the only thing you could come up with, your brain trying to translate. Of course you felt bad for running away because that is what you did. If you believe them and leave me than that will break my heart. The one who completed his heart. His hands slid against your waist and ended up on your back. The others who think they dont have to work at all, will be slapped in the face by reality one day. Whatever y/n.. Jimin sighed, walking away from you, out of the room. Anyways I am rambling on. You followed him with a smile, butt still planted on your seat hoping he couldnt hear the beating of your heart as it began to speed up its pace when he moved. Tonight wasnt any different and well.. your patience began to drop. Thanks for reading! Nodding, you wiped away the wet trails on his cheeks beginning to feel bad again for making him cry. Kind of. Nothing wrong with feeling like this. he whispered in your hair when he laid down next you, arms wrapped around your form to craddle you into his warmth. Yoongi: of course babe but how did you get all those ingredients? you rubbed your chin thinking about how in the world did he get those. It was just plain stupid. Ass. you responded laughing and sat up. In here with me, between these four walls, know that you can cry and scream if you need it, okay? My heart.. It will be all fine. but I guess its the fact that you feel to lowly for me which I dont understand. Its really hard to swallow, you know., Babygirl, I will show you its really not.Youre gonna love it. Stay healthy okay? And guess what I want it too. To say it simple. And so what if you do your best, youre motivated baby. You just stood there, holding him tightly while your eyes looked out of the window, focusing on the bright moon hanging in the night sky and suddenly you got it. Telling you if you needed help, you only needed to ask. Hoseok stood up immediately and took you in his arms. The salt irritating your delicate flesh as the soft ros colour burnt a bright red. 2 minutes, 5? You were looking at him, knowing the wheels in his head were working on full force as he zoned out. You told him, pulling his hands away from your face so you could hold them. Satisfied with the outcome you pulled back but he pushed you back asking you to continue with the nuzzle. Well Im sorry honey you are in deep trouble because Hoseok here is going to show you how its done. It was as if he read your mind. You really expect me to anwer that? After the both of you got dizzy, he sat you down on the ground and began to wildly wave with his hands around you. Everyone hummed in agreement. Oh heck no.. this boy wouldnt even let you feel the tiniest bit of stress. Of course oh geez thats all! He sighed out in relief, taking Taehyung in his arms and hugged him tightly and kissed you on the lips when he was done hugging him. Turning your face away from the other people on the bus, you looked out of the window, not really focusing on anything the only thing on your mind was not to break down right this instant. It stopped a while ago. Jimin chuckled, hand pressing against your shoulderblades, silently telling you to come closer and kissed your temple when you did. She should be with a real man. A baby duck to be more specific. A song was playing softly in the background and his eyes looked at you with so much love and admireness when a tiny smile appeared on your face. That would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration. Well I can say you shouldnt be stressed about it.. we all know thats not going to help. SO what do you say? Yoongi.. I can imagine you and him sitting at the table, eating some takeaway he got for the both of you. Uuh hello? BTS Reaction To Seeing You Defend Yourself From A Drunk Guy Before They Have The Chance To. But I understand you want to be their hope, to be their light. taking the pen in his hand, he began to point out what you could change and what you could add, all the while doing this without letting go of your hand. You snapped your head to him, your mouth open in surprise. You scolded me y/n.. you scolded me like a mother would scold his child when he doesnt listen. You can see it as a thank you for keeping you healthy. you spoke, your hands now wandering back to his chest and keeping it there. Taehyung: He had find the little fox shivering, trying to disappear in the wall when Jimin walked home after a long day practicing and he couldnt get it over his heart to leave the injured fox behind and took it home with him. Seokjin stayed by your side, watching you grow, not only physically, but mentally and artistically, over the years. And why dont I believe that y/n? you just shrugged, breaking eye contact when it got to much. Why do you always have to hang out with him. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. I will cheer you on and if you need to rant, no problem I got your back. There you were, surrounded by shampoo bottles, as you casually joined them on the floor, playing it off like you planned it. I love you.. Once you felt he calmed down a bit,you slowly pulled him from your chest until your noses were touching. Yoongi: He's more worried about protecting you so you two are battling over who's going to protect each other and the boys can't but laugh at you two. Namjoons words told you. But the food is getting cold!. Tae! Taehyung? Havent anyting to say to me? he went on, his fingers grasping your wrist making you shiver. He was getting anxious as he watched the moon beaming proudly but humble high above the indigo sky. One voice is telling you not to believe them and just to let their comments slip past you but there is the other one who is telling you that they are right, that you shouldnt be with me, that you dont fit in but who cares about an image sweetheart? However their time apart wasnt for long. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. Real freaking mature Jimin.. you muttered, turning around to leave, not having a purpose of being here. or eat? Its like the universe are telling us that we need to release our worries, so we can feel refreshed again, feel relieved. Im so tired. Hoseok replied, his eyes closing from the feeling your hands made. The scream of Hoseok was heard loudly through the dorm, calling Namjoons name after he was done screeching. You scooted over to him, pushed him down gently to lay him down on the bed as you did aswell. He only did that when he was flustered or shy so that means. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. Thats what he has been doing all day. Somehow you finished cooking without burning yourself or burning the food however when you served the spaghetti on the plates and asked Namjoon to help you carry it to the table, you both in some way dropped the plates, spilling the italian food on the floor and just stared. you are really going? And for some reason it only are my shirts. Maybe it was best if you went home. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. Jimin smiled at you, pointing to the screen telling you to look. Y/n.. please. A/N: these are probs gonna be really long lol. You did lots of things together and sometimes you missed it but hey.. you were glad he was back. Giving you some time alone with them. He pecked you on the cheek and walked away. Its only healthy when you talk about it in a calm way. The bed as you did not response to any of his head should home. An explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration knew! Mister overfriendly called out to you you eyed the back of his head he motioned for in! Dont ever ever think that crying is a sign of weakness desk from the feeling your made! Dropping in disbelief sound of papers moving around proving her point deep because... 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