Your youth is shown by Ascendant (your birth, early life, outlook on life), 2nd house (formation of your values) and 12th house (your hopes, dreams and emotions). Alternatively, if you have the Moon conjunct your MC, women may feature quite significantly when it comes to your career, or your career may appeal largely to women. This also shows in how I think and communicate too since my mind is preoccupied with these things (3rd house). They can feel very isolated and alienated and the infamouscharming awkwardness Pisces can have definitely comes from this feeling of being thelocal weirdo lol. 12TH DEGREE OF ARIES. Sometimes its difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. It also represents the area of life in which we will be able to heal others, once we have healed ourselves. I have not had my first Saturn return yet, but I have had Saturn transiting an angle in my chart. Youre likely to share some 3H,4H and 9H synastry with some of your closest friends! However, lets take someone like the Queen (Elizabeth) for example. This can also indicate a relationship where you complement each other's strengths and weaknesses. Remember that degrees manifest differently for everyone. Please do not repost my work on any other social media platform . astrology observations pt.1 Scorpio Moons may feel as children less loved by their mother than one specific sibling (sometimes the closest sibling they have out of all the siblings they have) but something I have noticed is that when they grow up it reverses and they are the ones who become their mother's favorite children. Sagittarius degrees- 9, 21: college, border, foreigner, foreign country, travel, street name, horses, arrow, archery, a plan, to find, gamble, professor, abundance, expansion, wisdom, and to explore. Note: it might be a little different from other theories, but this is how I usually do it. For me, my Mercury is in the 19 in the 8th house at 10. In astrology, Venus is regarded as one of the two "benefic" planets (the other one being Jupiter), meaning that it brings . 1)Houses: Areas of life. However, there has been a correlation between having this conjunction in the 5th house, and winning lottery money. In synastry, North Node connections are often intended to teach us important life lessons. They also dont give second chances if cheating occurs. They might even hurt someone, because of being jealous. Alternatively, you might find that your mother always attracted a lot of attention. I was also frequently getting into altercations (verbal not physical) with people, which convinced the people around me that I was the problem. Libra risings are also often very quiet, but I think this one depends. They have a lot of placements in Libra (a sign that represents commitment and partnerships) Libra rules the 7th house, thus its no surprise that this couple has been married for about 10 years. In many instances I also found myself being very offended at the things they would say to me. THE LIBRA DEGREES (7,19): Spouses or things related to your spouse Weddings (including wedding rings) Trials (Court) Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc) Politicians Round shapes (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. *** If you get paranoid easily, be careful reading this because it discusses some dark stuff. Nikola has claimed that throughout his research, he has found that people with planets, houses, lunar nodes, vertex, the 4 cardinal points (AC, IC, DC, MC), and aspects have all been linked to making remarkable achievements and were highly respected. Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1. I have always been fascinated at why some deaths are more publicized than others, and if astrology can explain this. Remember that Neptune dissolves. Most of the time I see them support a bunch of pacs if ur interested. HOWEVER, I have noticed that people typically experience the benefits of a Jupiter Return about a year after it has occurred. , I keep wanting to say Cancer Sun, but I think its more like Pisces Sun, Pisces Rising and Gemini Moon , Libra sun in the 6th, moon in the 4th in Leo and Taurus rising . One real life famous example is Amber Heard (Gemini Chiron) and Johnny Depp (Gemini Sun). Aries degrees- 1, 13, 25: taking action and control over your life, ab*se, struggles, leadership, battle, beginning, struggling, "fast", the color red, sports/athletes, the police, and bravery. Neptune in the 2nd house, sometimes Pisces in the 2nd house indicates you might end up in a coodependent relationship, have a toxic partner, someone who abuses alcohol/drugs, because you didnt have a healthy image of your parents relationship. Alternatively, you may work with your spouse, or work as a marriage counselor. You may work frequently with large groups of people, or it could be that social media plays a large role in your career. You also want to look at auspicious transits to the 5th house to find days when youre likely to win a small cash prize! Fame at the local degree! Hey everyone! I remember I was in an ab*sive relationship, and after I left my face looked quite different and I changed my appearance a lot. This is especially true if you have planets such as the Sun, Moon, Jupiter/Neptune (ruler of Ascendant) in your Solar return 5th house. With this being in the 8th house at 10 I could likely use this ability through dealing with the deeper/darker aspects of life furthermore in a potential career. He stated himself that this is one of the best degrees to have as it is all about enjoying life and having fun. Its simply not my preference though. 23: This is the degree thats used more for divorce, now I will say that Ive seen this degree in the charts of divorced people. Now, couples that I often see that are unexpected couples, but doesnt really work that great after years (especially if theres lack of effort as well) were Sagittarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Aries Sun-Virgo Sun, Aquarius Sun-Cancer Sun, Taurus Sun-Leo Sun. This is a humanitarian situation and a natural disaster it's not political. Discover more posts about astrology-observations. Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26: wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. CAPRICORN risings okay hear me out, I have observed that they are quite adventurous, but in a very refined way. However, I would have appreciated it if you would have let your astrology posts stay up. They would also befriend the new friend that their ex is interested in. In regards to my anger, Im very dramatic when Im angry LMFAO. Originally posted by rosesofthetwilight. Your origin is shown by 3rd, 4th and 5th house. They have such a quiet authority and power and can be very dainty in their mannerisms and everything. Personally, I know people with this degree, and theyve never shown an indication that they would do something like that. They are much more private about their curious nature (can result to getting background info about you from friends or/and social media). Its connected to beauty, and charm. This is especially true if you have planets in the house that is being activated. When it comes to family synastry, if you have 2nd our 8th house overlays with a family member it can suggest that you help them out financially or perhaps they help YOU out financially. what would you say are some indicators in the birth chart of being attracted to younger people? Hi dear, I would love match you with Cancer or Virgo Rising, Libra Moon and Cancer Sun. It kinda feels like you withhold words of wisdom from anyone interested in astrology. . Ive seen this manifest as people all of a sudden paying close attention to you, or they may be idealizing/glamorizing you in some way. CANCER risings, Ive noticed are super sweet and kind, but because of their extreme sensitivity and vulnerability tend to be very taken aback if you do anything to make them feel out of their comfort zone or like their safety has been threatened. Side note, Ive also had Saturn transiting my ascendant! People who have their luminaries, or Venus sign in Libra often prefer sweet over savory. Astrology observations Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion You will notice Aries Moon still has feelings, if they constantly pop in their ex's life. For example, mercury conjunct north node synastry, is intended to teach us about our communication styles , in relationships and how we may improve that. Your 7th house is a good representation how you boyfriend/girlfriend/partner sees you. As for health issues, I think where you have it can indicate where youre prone to get health issues. I actually think they are very similar to those who have their Venus in Capricorn. I actually think its quite similar to having someones moon falling in your 12th. Part of Body: Second rib Sabian Symbol: Two people talking in a foreign language in a crowd. Most of the land is Jordan. So for me, my Mercury being in the 19 means that I'm very good at mediating arguments and disputes, which is very true. During this transit, I lost almost every single friend I had, and people were adamant that I was a horrible person. Don't burn yourself with those games and thank you for spicing up astro tumblr a bit! Our composite Ascendant is in Scorpio, and our composite Venus is in the 12th house! So for me, my Saturn is in the 25 and falls in the 6th house at 18. They tend to attract people who have strong personalities and sometimes they may feel like their partners become overly competitive with them and they seem as if they want to outshine them. Long story short, the person I was before this transit, is not the person I am today. Anyway Its a huge help that is coming from you and the world will surely appreciate it. I also added EROS PERSONA chart interpretation to types of charts available for interpretations. Hi dear! When your progressed moon makes a conjunction to any of the angles (1,4,7,10th houses) expect to see major changes in your life. Her Taurus midheaven is ruled by Venus a sign that represents beauty, possessions, values, and grace. degrees for the Ascendant, degrees through the houses), but for now heres just a general idea of how I do it! They just divorce or move on like you never exsisted. So, I honestly feel as if this transit was my spiritual awakening as I became deeply spiritual after it. They can be very caring but their attention span isnt very long so their sympathies can be kinda blunt in nature. I would love match you with Taurus Sun, Pisces or Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising! However, nobody should bind themselves to a difficult placement. For example, people with a Taurus IC , feel safe in environments that are familiar to them. She may have also had to go through a lot to make sure that you were taken care of. However, they are not these scary and life altering occurrences that people like to make them out to be. Jews paid for Israel, both the Ottoman landowners and the people living on the land itself. However, what I will say is they wont go out looking for a confrontation unprovoked, but they certainly are not these crybabies people have stereotyped them to be. There was such beauty in your astrology posts and they were so unique. So, when you have your Jupiter return at the age of 23/24, it is usually in the middle of your 12th house profection year if you are 23. Please note that Im not referring to the planets in your 4th house, Im just referring to the sign on your 4th house cusp. If you have a Leo moon, you may have experienced your mother as someone who was very competitive with you (and everyone else lol). You may also see Saturn sextile Ascendant or Venus trine Saturn synastry aspects in some of your long-term friendships! Sad to hear about your announcement. Sagittarius Venus & Mars individuals are very experimental when it comes to sex. You are free to do and decide whatever you want. Take princess Diana for example, she had a Libra midheaven and she is someone who most people still speak very highly of. This was just a very short compilation of the transits that I felt were significant to me and my life. They may also be drawn to partners who have distinct Aquarian traits. Sometimes it could just mean that these two enjoy traveling together, and other people see them as a very open-minded and free-spirited couple. If its Saturn, these people may feel a sense of restriction when it comes to their romantic relationships or business partners. If your dominant planet is Jupiter, you may be a deeply spiritual or religious person. However, Ive seen these relationships play out Im ways where both people are very hurt/drained by the relationship. The degree of yours Mars shows who you may either hate / attracted to to an immense level & also who you may argue with a lot. They are often super creative but their creativity always has purpose- like making a bookmark to use for the book theyre reading, or doing an artwork with the clear intention of giving it to someone, or putting it in a certain place on the wall they want to fill. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. A solar return year in which you have your solar return ascendant in the same sign as your natal 7th house, could be a year in which you are focusing on your intimate relationships . Hi everyone, this is another compilation of random Astro observations! But, In synastry, I believe that both people will feel certain house activations. If you had both parents, your mothers influence and role in the household was the more prominent energy. And this is only because the other countries are afraid of destroying their connections!!! (Whether this is true or not, this is how people perceive your childhood). - if your midheaven is at a leo degree (5, 17, 29) . Astrology should be used as a guide, that helps us evolve, and grow as people! I can never escape it. In terms of romance, you are likely to have many suitors this year! Alternatively, you may work as a doctor, lawyer, or anything that is respected or considered prestige. Rising Sign Observations. So take this one with a grain of salt. So for me, my Pluto is in the 10 in the 1st house at 7. So for me, I have Mars in the 5 in the 7th house in the 7. Mars: Your degree here shows your motivations and where theyre centered as well as how you are when youre angry. Its important to learn to channel focus, love into people that actually benefit them and their mood. He has Saturn in the 10th, and he has been playing football for a little over 20 years. Example someone having a Sagittarius mars in a libra degree may be a little more shy and less confrontational way they may think through it more. So I like to say that it manifests more as themes, rather than personality traits! Due to an unforeseen expense, I have decided to extend my chart readings! So correct, like do you guys really not read history? Im not even exaggerating when I say this. This can also be used for helping others perhaps in a future job (work habits). I will always stand on the fact that this is one of the more difficult transits. Theres something about them that you cant miss- could relate to how in Vedic, most of the Virgo risings will be Leos. Aries Moon, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio/Aries Ascendant, Scorpio MC/North Node, Aries MC/North Node can have similar intense gaze, intense, darker eyes. (Adam Levine actually has the ruler of his 5th in the 12th)!!! I felt quite dejected, and unmotivated. However, this wont apply to everyone, like other degrees we discussed they all manifest differently. The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase. She likely taught you that confidence is what gets you far in life. And whatever Leonardo DiCaprio has in his chart. Ive actually seen this happening a few times! SO, I find that anyone who has their Venus in my 8th house tends to get my attention. Pluto: Your degree here shows the themes of your transformations throughout life as well as your fears and obsessions. I have also experience Saturn making easy aspects to my luminaries, this usually occurs after youve experienced a difficult Saturn transits, and its bliss. For a more specific overview, you can look at your Suns degree and the degree of the house it falls into. Declinations in synastry (parallels and contra parallels) can also tell you a lot about your relationship. They might find it addictive and do it on a daily basis or many times per day. Oh also they dislike the concept of mukbang, not really keen on crunching and chewing sounds. I also became very interested in fitness as a way to relieve stress, and thus I noticed a significant change in my physical appearance when Saturn transited my 1st house. They are the type to never really give their ex calm peace of mind. This is debated however, Nikola Stojanovic (the main creator of the degree theory) believes that this degree is benefic. Taurus degrees- 2, 14, 26:wealth, the voice, singing, money, the color green, luxuries, the earth. Excessive and constant comments about your appearance especially in childhood are also a common manifestation of having hard Venus/Pluto aspects. Ive honestly seen this play out as unrequited love. Grandparents took care of them or they stayed at home with their mum. He won the Academy Award for Best Actor when he was only 29. The people are dying and because of the American and European sanctions => cargo airplanes refuse to land on Syrian airports so there's no equipmens to save the Syrian. I unfortunately do not at this time, doing chart readings takes a lot of time and energy. Alternatively, you may be the eternal student. You really relate at first, but as time goes on you (Chiron person) starts to get hurt more and more by the Sun person. Smart cookies O_o. As for the house it falls in, it can tell you the best way for you to make money. Alternatively, you may work in a career that involves investigation, psychology, spirituality/the occult, or anything that allows you to transform the lives of others.If you have Saturn conjunct your MC, you may work in a career that thrusts you into a position of authority. astrology thoughts/observations of the week. If you have Mars conjunct your MC you may work in the military, or anything that requires you to use your physical body. Trust me it wasnt an impulsive decision since Im not feeling guilty and not missing those posts right now maybe because I already have those information living in my mind but I understand your point I cant compare between the maker which is me having all this information as a part of me and you the accepter needing to know them so yeah maybe you are right maybe I should have linked them for learning purposes. a lot of virgo moons are so awkward that they accidentally come off rude but it's really . Celebrities & public figures who have Saturn in the 10th house, tend to be in the limelight for quite a long time. For example volleyball on sand ground, badminton or simply throwing frisbee. Ive also seen this placement in the charts of people who were international students in foreign countries. This is the area of life that will feature prominently throughout your life. Where this shows in the chart could show an area where someone is jealous or if the person is the type to want to seek revenge. How do you and your future spouse handle fights ? They often discuss what they like or dont like ahead of time. As in, they were the ones who seemed to be obsessed with me, and i did not reciprocate that energy. This is especially true if their Sun, Mars, and Mercury were in my 12th house. For me, my Mercury is in the 19 in the 8th house at 10. But this coming back is ONLY when Aries Moon still has feelings. I often associate spiritual awakenings with eclipses happening in the 12th house. A few people have asked me why dominant planet calculators give them different answers. Some people believe that having Uranus in the 8th house may indicate a sudden or an unpredictable death such as a freak accident. When the moon transits your 12th house, you may feel very introspective over those 2.5 days (give or take) You may even experience feelings of sadness and isolation during this transit. In a composite chart, a Pisces Rising can show a very creative and spiritual couple. I also have had it squaring, sextiling, and trining my luminaries, and my mercury & venus. However, I ultimately believe the house person will always feel it more. The two times that Mars hit this 8 degree point was 4 September 2022 and 12 January 2023. I have found that people who have mars conjunct their North Node often become quite well known after their deaths or for their deaths. I cant stress this enough. How would this play out. (This can be in a positive or a negative way). It also tells you whats likely to unfold. They also buy a lot of face masks. So, in my last post, I spoke about how I felt as if Jupiter transits were kind of overrated. Alternatively, you may work as a professor or some kind of teacher! I also date with the intention to marry in the future, which I know is a little old-fashioned but I dont date just to date. I really liked your astrology posts. Your mature years are shown by 9th, 10th and 11th house. Having your Sun opposite Saturn may indicate maturing, or receiving major responsibilities later than your peers! Again, these are just my opinions! You have Aquarius over the 3rd house and your father is Aquarius Rising. A lot of the poetry I write, has been centered around my experiences in love (the 7th house and the 7 degree). Your IC (4th house cusp) can also show you the environments in which you feel safe in, or emotionally nurtured in! Not EVERY water mercury is going to be sensitive, but they tend to favor emotion/intuition over rationality and logic most of the time. Thus, exs are likely to be more introspective during this time, they may also start reading old texts, and ways in which they communicated in the past, this rethinking is what is likely going to prompt an ex to reach out. Most people hear this term and start to panic instantly. Virgo MC might always feel like there is something lacking in their professional life. My take is: sometimes even AQUARIUS VENUS and AQUARIUS MARS. It reveals our repressed sexuality, together with what makes us feel most vulnerable; it expresses the dark side of one's personality, buried deep in the subconscious realms of our psyche. They forgive, but they also collect all of the things that have happened and emotionally hold onto them. Please do know that if your chart ruler is Saturn, things will get a lot easier for you, after your first Saturn return! Once the affects of the transit settles, and both parties have had time to think, they may conclude that the miscommunication is not worth ending an entire relationship. I usually do this to hide and avoid how I really feel. The difference between Praying, Manifesting and Meditating. I'm a capricorn mercury and I hated the way a dude talked until I found out that he had a capricorn mercury but in 0 degree. Astrologically speaking, Mercury is never more than one sign away from the Sun since it never travels more than 28 degrees from the Sun. However, they come to realize that they do in fact have feelings for the North Node person, but by the time they realize this, the North Node person is completely over it, or feels as if they are 2nd best etc.. so the cycle continues. You knew she loved you unconditionally, but you did not want to get on her bad side. Their relationships with the Authority figures in their lives (bosses, fathers, mentors) are also very unpredictable and constantly changing. - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING. - Im not afraid of reaching out to you. - To me, you are easy to approach. - I think you are a really friendly person. - Im not sure if I can reach out to you. - You seem a little distant from others. - I feel like you would not really like me. - Im afraid of reaching out to you. - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you. - I am very intimidated by you. Don't you think they have a right to exist as part of your old self? She had a natal Scorpio midheaven, which would explain why some people loved her intensely whilst others disliked her very strongly. Lastly, if we take a look into Marilyn Monroes chart for example, she had a Taurus midheaven till this day she is seen as the embodiment of femininity as she is widely known to have been a sex symbol. You get two options, because your major 3s are all over the place. BTW, the earthquake there was north of Tel Aviv, not in Gaza, so it wasn't Palestinian. For example, lets say the composite rising sign is Scorpio, and one of the people have a Scorpio Moon, Venus, & Mars. 7: Can indicate affairs while married if it is on the 5th house cusp. Neither is the composite. Whereas, the 12th is more of a mental thing, as in my mental health tends to take a dip during this transit. Whilst 12th house profection years are not all doom and gloom, they can feel really lonely and isolating. They just completely move on. Like actor Adrien Brody, who starred in Roman Polanskis movie The Pianist (2002). This is because they are often attracted to partners who are eccentric and unconventional. Let me get to the point >>>>> In astrology, 1 degree is Aries, so is 13 and 25, but let's take a closer look at these numbers. Disclaimer: degrees just add a value, a sign's energy to a planet, but are not to be considered as a second sign to that placement. Also, I use these darker aspects of life in my creative hobbies such as writing and drawing (19). However, I believe that Astrology should be used in a way that enables us to get a holistic understanding of ourselves. They are usually more detached with affection as well, much more expressive through acts of service and words of affirmation. An Aquarius Rising in a composite chart can indicate two people who met online, or met through mutual friends. Its not the worst, and if other factors support the idea of a healthy and long-term relationship between two people, it can actually be a good thing. Its not uncommon to adopt an entirely new aesthetic/make drastic changes to your personality during a 1st house profection year. Some celebrities/ public figures who have (or had) Saturn in the 10th are: Kim kardashian, Michael Jackson, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Albert Einstein, JFK are some examples. Speaking of having a sweet tooth! They may feel as if they are just two different people, with two very different approaches & temperaments in life. JUPITER. Since Blake is a Leo rising, most of Ryans placements fall into her 3rd house. not to drag all the capricorns that are not..i apologize.. but why are so many caps trumpies plz tell me?. Like other posts Ive seen here on Tumblr, I agree that it can refer to more of a figurative death (@astrroloaries ). The inconveniences they cause can be very frustrating, but you will be okay! For example, they may have gotten their license, first job, or first home later than most! I am on medications for mental illness and hope to come off of them forever and never have any problems or worries ever again, hello dear thank you for your wishes and i pray that you overcome what you re going throug, believe in your self and have faith and if you ever want to talk to someone im ready to listen. This definitely rings true for me because my depression has caused a lot of transformations for me. I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. These people often need to work on healing their inner child, as they fear being judged and ridiculed by others. Interestingly, I have often seen similarities between the angles in parent-child synastry! They also made progress very slow when it came to work, and just moving ahead in life. You might find that your emails are not sending, or people are delaying sending important documents etc.. you may also find that you have problems with your internet (especially if its occurring in Aquarius), cellphone, computer or any other technology. 4)Degrees: Are the expression of the Planet/Asteroid (s) in that area of life/in general. I was once romantically seeing someone who I have many mutual friends with. I also become very motivated when it comes to being a leader or being in charge of something; as soon as Im in charge I strive to be the best. if you have Aquarius Mercury in 0, you embody that placement.