Celebrating diversity in culture, myth and history, Informed Consent Statement for Closed Bereavement Study, Baron von Steuben, Washingtons Gay General and Friend. In 2007, Trudi and her brother return one last time before disappearing from the narrative. When Anns boy friend gets suspicious, the police intervene, one of the officers fatally shot in the process. 1967 Financial consultant Preston Palmer secretly romances both Ann and Katherine. A character was kidnapped, but why and how were never shown, and the consequences were only hinted at. Abbeys oldest friend who lives outside of San Francisco and owns a winery with her brother, Keith. One of his inventions has garnered the interest of a pair of crooks. In 1973, Betsy Fremont stays with the Parkers. Or, people who have all sorts of problems (con men/women, gambling problems, etc). One of them, insanely jealous of her, kills an associate named Otto who wondered if she was incapable of love and almost kills Randy. She toys with a department store executive but sets her sights on marrying Judge Parker who sees through her various schemes. In 1956, Randy is ready to elope with Cindy Brooks, whose mother has set up the romance to seek revenge on Judge Parker. The Phantom writer Tony DePaul confirmed that Bret is the artist today on his blog: More Dixie Julep stories, less stories about Neddy and her drama with Godiva. Needing to get away from the cloud overhanging her family, Neddy flees with Hank to Alaska. He is charmed by the appearance on their doorstep of young Jeep Carson, who harbors a crush on him for some time after. Casandra charms many a male acolyte, called brothers, including a youthful and still nave Randy Parker. Shelby Shore. Abbey considers adopting Lili Benson. Sheila Pace. His court was unique in the fact that he had jurisdiction over all of Indian Territory, covering over 74,000 square miles. This according to Judge Parker himself, when Sam Driver asks. Willson Spencer. Evasive about his past, which also includes a failed marriage, the other Spencer Farms employees begin to harass him, making up stories about him, and expressing fears about working with him. A twisted plot is gradually uncovered, but not before Georgia is falsely suspected of murdering her own ex-husband and being insane. Sandra Deere tries to snag the Judge. And today, they also led to some stiff. In 2017, she and Alan separate over Alan not keeping her in the loop with matters regarding Randys wife and child, as well as Alan working out his issues with her in an early draft of his next novel. Randy ultimately graduates from college, and attends law school like his father, though none of this is portrayed contemporaneously. A particularly beautiful old friend of Sams, Georgia is due to interit a fortune when her 70-year old husband, Julian Kingston, dies. In 2017, April returns in the custody of the CIA, revealing that they have a daughter Charlotte who not long after is delivered to Randys car. 11/66-2/67. Highly successful cosmetics business woman who hires Sam to represent her in her divorce from Hank, her alcoholic husband. She often finds herself in trouble, and has poor taste in men. Whose people and history does this iconic symbol represent? Ultimately her disguise is discovered by Sam Driver, including her true target, Katherine Parker. Rachel lives on Cabot Island, near Puget Sound, and dominates affairs in the upper class community nestled there. A behind the scenes figure in his first appearance in the narrative, Mr. B is revealed to be Henry Balsom, an owner of a department store and a outstanding citizen who moved into town ten years ago. Anywayfantastic work, and a great resource. Sam and Abbey engage in a long dating relationship, and the two often have dinner with Alan and Katherine Parker. Comments on The Phantom page suggest that Sunday Phantom artist Jeff Weigel is now doing the dailies. Justin admits hes just been released from a mental hospital after two years. Thereafter, Cory is mostly shown helping Abbeys female guests on horseback or updating Neddy on his sons romantic foibles. Slick if short New York gangster who has considerable success charming the ladies, despite an obvious lack of breeding. Enter Rocky and Godiva. [1] The strip's look and content were influenced by the work of Allen Saunders and Ken Ernst on Mary Worth. D. B. smokes cigarillos, knows karate, and is very compassionate. Muscle beaches on the West Coast were a common cruising spot for male homosexuals and the often straight men who serviced them for a price during the fifties and sixties. Younger sister of Neddy, Sophie initially walks with a crutch due to injury that bankrupted her grandfather, Ezra. Decorated war hero and attorney who lost both his legs in Afghanistan but is able to walk with prosthetics. 1972 One of Abbeys dearest friends, Lynn Burdan, has partial amnesia. Or perhaps Dallis was growing tired of the characters. If you think I might be reading too much into his name consider that his overweight narcotics smuggler possessed a whole raft of affectations. More on that shortly. Alan B. Parker. Hugo snaps at Jasper, telling him, I can find a thousand muscle boys like you at a dime a dozen! Unfortunately he has a girl friend, a snooty and aggressive bad girl named Honey Ballenger. Jeeps first is given as Joan in this final appearance in the narrative. While generally demanding, Passmore is taken by D. B. Clarks assertiveness and seeks her legal representation when his men get in trouble. Subsequently, David learns he has inherited a huge sum of money from fathera inveterate gambler who had finally hit it big without Davids knowledge. Sam Driver. Helmuth Doubleday. Orphaned Neddy and Sophie Barton were taken under Abbeys wings and essentially adopted. Ive only been reading JP since mid 2015, so I appreciate learning about past storylines. April tells a tale. Palmer disappears not long after, declaring, I always know when to leave a place before Im thrown out. 10/89-5/90. Sams old college buddy who excelled at basketball shows up at Spencer Farms and trouble related to an unresolved gambling debt follows. When Alan marries Katherine Cory in 1969, he is gradually seen less and less in the narrative. There have been assassins, secret double agents. Since Mary Red ORiley as Sam knew her and Rusty as she is known now has become unscrupulous. In private, though, the rather short Balsom is prone to malicious eye rolls and sinister expressions. When last seen, Raju is managing the diets of collegiate wrestlers. A scheming would-be actress and trouble-making niece of Martha Carson, Sandra blows into town deciding to model as a break. Clearly some powerful literary archetypes were at play. Gloria Sanchez, an unspecified worker there, shows Sam the ropes. Dennis the Squirrel Passmore. Galonksa, Julie, and Eric Leonard. By the 1980s, Judge Parker is rarely even mentioned in the narrative. Mr. Hugo. Attorney for Caesar, Rusty butts head with Sam Driver over a scheme to buy to a winery which, unknown to its owners, siblings Keith and Trudi St. James, rest on top of a vast water table. Sophie is kidnapped and missing for months. Not long after their debut, Dallis even established something of a pre-teen triangle with the appearance of Bumps brainy cousin, Wellington Marks. The trend had started way back in the early forties, when the melodramatic Apple Mary strip morphed into the Mary Worth feature known today. She involves Sam Driver in a case at a time when she is using the estate as a residence for homeless artists. Keno. 1/92-6/92, 1/96-4/96, 5/04-10/14, 6/07-11/07. Giving up his business partnership with Sam Driver after his election victory, Randy is sworn in by his father during Alans retirement party in February, 2009. Abbey, at least, was capable of a smart retort. She readily accepts her aunts romance with Judge Parker and is excited that the Judge will now officially be her father. 1965 Mr. B and henchman Swish, then Maxine Deverows female cons vex Sam. Yelich is handsome with prematurely gray hair and appears to be in his forties. Luckily Judge Parker has checked out his record, learning he has two priors for assault and battery. It soon emerges that Neddy and Sophie are actually wealthy in their own right, having trust funds that were hidden from them by their often manipulative aunt, Rachel Cabot. what happened to sophie in judge parker. Another character started a business and was wiped out by a calamity, fell into depression . 3/67-8/67, 11/67-1/68. 1952 Ann Parker, the Judges daughter, gets dangerously involved in one his cases. The guitar playing nephew of Abby Spencers recently departed childhood governess, Johnny at 28 is aimless but seemingly charming, having earned Abbys good feelings for having taken good care of Aunt Martha. It emerges that Kane embezzeled $200,000 from his aunt and kill Abbeys maid, Marie, to keep that quiet. To be fair, to do so would surely have led to a massive cancellation of newspapers subscribing to the strip. Rocky is referenced, but not seen in 5/12 noting his seeking representation for a book he has written regarding his life with Godiva. Returns to visit Abbey, who he knew when he was 12 and she was 4. Ann rightfully declares that Preston is incapable of loving any woman when Dave Williams helps her realize his deceptions. Katherine loves Jeep and hopes to become her permanent guardian. Pretending to want to provide a home for disadvantaged kids to love and pursue an education, Baroot seeks to buy Spencer Farms from Abbey. Sophie's father Michael and his wife Kourtney sat down with DailyMail.com for an exclusive interview before the judge's decision where they said they are wracked with guilt over the alleged abuse Seriously, get out of here and come back when you've seen Joker and can understand how perfect this reference . 1957 Wellington Marks starts high school. Nicholas Dallis was generally very progressive in his choice of storylines, often trying to shed light on relevant social issues such as alcoholism and mental illness. Randy is not seen in the narrative from 1969 until 1993, when he introduces his parents to Mimi Doubleday, his new fiance. Ann is seen only briefly at her fathers wedding to Katherine Cory and is never seen thereafter. Driver once again intervenes, this time to save his friend. Former exotic dancer with severe anger management problems. In 1993 Katherine is happy to welcome her stepson Randy back into town, recently graduated from law school. Martha reappears in the narrative in 1962 with the arrival of her scheming niece, Sandra Deere. Wellington appears one more time in 1961, reunited with Jeep. And this leads to a day where everything happens at once. B. Baron to take over the winery in 1992. His campaign is ultimately undone by his vicious, alcoholic wife. When Randy is having a home built for himself in 1996, a body is discovered buried in the lot and a mystery unfolds. 10/15/16-11/16, 1/17-4/17, (referenced 5/17-6/17). Marla Dorens son who quickly becomes Jeep Carsons constant companion. In retirement, Alan Parker is increasingly a curmudgeon and expresses cynicism about marriage despite an attractive and attentive younger wife. 4/24/86-12/1/86. When Camille shows interest in Sam, he becomes suspicious and learns that Rus has been giving Carl Winters deadly medication. She is attractive and intelligent, capable of putting the often charmingly arrogant Driver in his place. Paul Planchard. I thought it would help some of my people to know that they can escape the ghetto, if they dont lose hope, and are willing to work hard.. With 2009, readers might have assumed with a more youthful and dynamic Judge Parker now on the job, the focus might have turned even more to Randy. His first novel, The Chambers Affair, was popular enough to be considered for development as a motion picture. But, in 2016, when Hank decides to follow a spectacular career opportunity to Alaska, sparks of a different kind fly. Cal enlists Judge Parkers aid in stemming the tide of human trafficking, which led to the judge getting kidnapped by the General. 9/00-1/01. It doesnt help he is involved in a UFO abductee cult headed up by the mysterious Seth. He can be over protective of his older sister, due to her poor choice in men, though he is more than capable of making impetuous choices all his own. While he is ultimately found guilty, the jury advises that there be no death penality. Katherine Cory, Jeeps aunt, writes Judge Parker with the news and states that Jeep wants to see Parker. 1982 D.B. Judge Parker should be more realistic. 1976 Aging acting legend, Shelby Shore, is infatuated with Abbey and alcohol. 5/09-2/10, 8/14-9/14, 12/14-6/15, 9/15-10/15, 5/16, 9/16. When Randy does decide to run a year later, Horace is disappointed when the younger Parker doesnt ask him to run his campaign but helps him behind the scenes nonetheless. Lu Ann of Apartment 3-G was sweet and naive, in some ways like Abbey in Judge Parker. Cory has a youthful second wife named Viki who disappears from the narrative after 1991. 6/63-12/63. We are deeply saddened by what has happened in Turkey and Syria, where devastating earthquakes have killed thousands of people, and left many thousands in By 2016, Marie has a steady boy friend with the unlikely name of Roy Rogers. 1960 Jeep is afraid of housekeeper Nadja who tries to destroy Dori Carsons marriage. Nicholas DallisEarly Sam Driver and Abbey Spencer Era. Judge Parker was only featured as a character in two storylines in the seventies. (Neither character is given a first name.) No, not that one. Lorenzo Longshot Bowman. Another reoccurring character, Horace Riley, was an eccentric client of Randy Parkers. Courts must judge the reasonableness of an officer's conduct by taking into account the "'tense, uncertain, and rapidly evolving . She blithely states that age is irrelevant until her father becomes infatuated with Ames daughter. The Judge has been largely supplanted by cocksure attorney Sam Driver and his beautiful girl friend/now wife Abbey Spencer. 12/65-5/66. Shannon is also quickly drawn to Sams sympathetic secretary, Gloria Sanchez, and she to him. Luke Largo. The original Judge Parker, a fit widower in his middle forties, as the narrative begins. 2011 Sophie clashes with Honey Ballenger over guitarist Derek Wilcox. Seth serves as the debriefer, retrieving lost memories of the abductions through hypnosis. 2/11-8/11, 6/13. 11/92-8/16, 12/16-6/17. 2/77-6/77. Dallis chose to explore the legal profession and the courts in his new strip in contrast to the world of doctors and diseases in his first one. Young shoe designer with whom Neddy falls in love in Paris and out of love once they return to the States. Intern turned publisher representative from Cheatam Publishing. Neddy has had two significant romances, one with Mark Duncan, the son of one of Abbeys ranch hands, and later Bob Willard, the doorman at Rachel Cabots exclusive club. Neddy has a happy visit with him in 2000 and fends off a romantic rival named Helen Spike Pointer. Is April Parker lurking around her (ex) husband's house, and if so, why? Judge Parker declares his attention to retire after being held hostage in 2000-01 but doesnt actually do so until 2009. Former army Major General of Special Operations, Gordon Blair is the mastermind behind a human trafficking operation. He does return from his third year of college that summer with girl friend Sheila Pace along. On February 14th, we meet Sam Driver for the first time. 1992 Abbey invests in Trudi St. James. Enter Sam Driver. There was almost always a criminal element, though. 4/1/15-9/19/75. Decides in the end that fellow child genius Sophie might be more his speed. Abbeys father was an old friend of Alan Parkers, but the Judge hadnt seen her since she was a teenager until she begins seeing Sam Driver. In 1971, she comes home from boarding school from Switzerhad, at the age of 17 in love with a handsome skiing star named Eric Stedman. Paula Slade runs an adoption scam. In 2008, Gloria gradually falls in love with Drivers new law partner, Steve Shannon, whom she has plans to marry in 2016. While things are looking up as 2017 draws to a close, the sense that Sam, Abbey and their kin live perfect lives has been successfully shattered. He is romantically interested in Ann Parker and is willing to work pro bono on cases he believes in. Jeep, though, would serve a most important role in Judge Parkers life. 2/10/91-7/30/91, 12/92-5/93, 8/93-10/93, 4/94-3/95, 5/97-6/97, 8/99, 1/00-8/00, 4/03-5/03, (referenced 9/03, 12/05-1/06), 6/10-9/10, (referenced 3/13), 10/14-1/15, 6/15-7/15. 2 granted new trials and later discharged. Senna Lewiston. 1980 Conwoman Jeannie Kelso and her brother hide out at Spencer Farms. Randy got engaged to Mimi Doubleday, but newsflash, she was involved with a cult. Founder of the United Planets, a bogus advocacy group for supposed alien abductees. A financial consultant, Pres soon shifts his focus on Katherine Cory, when he learns of her oversight of Jeeps quarter million trust fund. 3/28/82-12/3/82. Fully recovered, Jeep and Wellington undo the schemes of a criminal gang in 1961. That is the classic comic strip created in 1952 that follows the life of small-town Judge Alan Parker and his family.. Not only does the Judge rarely take center stage thereafter, Drivers Legal Aid job is soon forgotten. Marks father who first enlists Sams service to help his son whos been arrested Cory used to be a horse trainer but gave it up when his first wife and Marks mother died in a car accident. Rex Morgans nurse, June Gale was even more long-suffering than Abbey Spencer in terms of putting up with far more than they should have to from their male romantic interests. The more assertive of the girls in Apartment 3-G, Margo McGee was also the most ill-tempered and foolish. Jeannie Kelso and her twin brother Tim seek work at Spencer Farms, but her twin is actually Tim Rushland, and the two are hiding cash from an armored car heist. Randy disappears from the narrative shortly after his fathers marriage to Katherine Cory in 1968. New York: Comet Press Books, 1959. Rachel Cabot. Last week it was revealed that Bret Blevins is the guest artist spelling Mike Manley on The Phantom comic strip while Mike fights his own battle with an undisclosed illness. Blxckie's incredible rise to fame started during the 2020 COVID . 12/55-4/56. 8/84-3/85. One complaint readers had made in the Wilson era was that the characters of the comic strip all seemed to live charmed lives of unrecognized privilege. One questionIve yet to track down the 1956 Argo reprint of Judge Parkerthe one issue release that you include a photo of on this site. As you mention, he has tried to make the characters more down to earth, which I think is a good idea, but Im not too keen on his execution. In doing so, however, she will continue to work with her husband-to-be but disappears from the narrative. Police lieutenant who is often called in to arrest individuals Sam Driver has been investigating or to head a violent police intervention when necessary. 0:00. 1978 Georgia Kingston, the estate of her dead husband in question, seeks Sams help. 2012 Avery Blackstone plans to film the movie adaptation of Alans novel. LAS VEGAS (KTNV) In the years since 13 Investigates began looking into abuse of Nevada's guardianship system, changes have been made to the law. Contact Her machinations allow Sparrow to escape an attempted murder charge but she ultimately cant avoid the consequences of her involvement in a fur heist. Trudi once tried to kiss Sam despite her friendship with Abbey. Horace comes out of the encounter unscathed, unless you count him getting to married to one of the cult devotees, Alpha. Willson also defies the shady and dangerous owner of the Platinum Pussycat Lounge, where he becomes infatuated with beautiful belly dancer Donna Laval. 1959 Enter fey narcotics smuggler, Mr. Lavendare, followed by boxer Johnny Dove. 1969 Luke Largo tries to seduce Katherine. 1963 Sandra Deere returns, entangled with gangster Max Sparrow. In 2004, she interferes with Neddys romance with Bob Willard, the son of a former business partner who she likely cheated. Abbeys wealthy next door neighbor, Susan Adams47wants to further Davids career. Unfortunately, Lili is being used by a crooked boy friend named Rusty Dowell who involves her in a scheme to rob Spencer Farms. Parker lurking around her ( ex ) husband & # x27 ; s house, and dominates in. Upper class community nestled there referenced, but not seen in the upper class community nestled there that Rus been... New York gangster who has considerable success charming the ladies, despite an obvious lack of.... 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