Some barons, seeing the defeats of the Angevins, decided to surrender to the king, as did Giovanni Caracciolo, Duke of Melfi, among other things.[12][29]. After having enriched himself and enriched the state with the ruin of the barons, to keep the kingdom safe and therefore to keep the greatest condottieri of that century at his service, such as Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, the two Prospero and Fabrizio Colonna, Niccol di Pitigliano and many others, he began to fortify the fortresses of the capital again, without receiving a minimum of disturbance from these voluntary and pleasant operations. Alfonso on 9 September 1438 created Ferrante a knight on the Maddaloni field where Ren of Anjou-Valois, challenged to battle, did not appear. He was the illegitimate son of Alfonso V of Aragon, who, after establishing himself as king of Naples in 1442, had Ferdinand legitimized and recognized as his heir. Ariadeno therefore, wishing to continue the conquests, thought of occupying Brindisi and laying siege to other cities. Then Onorato Caetani, with the consent of all, kneeling before the king, he begged him to create Duke of Calabria and his future successor Don Ferrante, and the King with a cheerful face made him answer these words by the secretary:[12], The Most Serene Majesty of the King thanks you infinitely Distinguished, Respectable and Magnificent Barons for the petition made in favor of the Illustrious Lord Don Ferrante, his dearest son, and to satisfy your request he entitled him from this moment, and declares him Duke of Calabria, immediate heir and successor of this Kingdom, be happy and swear homage to him from the present day, After this, Don Ferrante Duke of Calabria and successor of the kingdom was shouted with great joy and, on March 3, 1443, the king, accompanied by his son and baronage, went to the Monastery of the Nuns of San Ligoro, where the mass was celebrated with public solemnity and, where Alfonso gave the sword in Ferrante's right hand, the flag in his left hand and placing the ducal circle over his head, ordered everyone to call him Duke of Calabria.[12]. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. [12][65], This sovereign was adorned with many letters and well versed in law, and he considered this science more necessary than any other for the rulers of peoples. [33], Meanwhile, Lorenzo and Ferrante were negotiating in Naples, still in 1480, Mohammed II, followed by a powerful fleet, began to threaten the Kingdom of Naples. He then moved the Duke of Calabria with a flowery army in favor of Duke Ercole, but his having denied passage to the March of Ancona by the papal men at arms, turned to plague the lands of the Church and besieged by the favor of the Colonna and Savelli the same city of Rome; but Virginio Orsini, Count of Tagliacozzo and Albe, seeing that Rome was in the thick of things, wanting to show himself religious and loving towards the Papal State, left this enterprise in the pay of the Duke of Calabria and courageously set out to defend the city. He left Naples on 18 March 1465 with 320 riders and learned while en route on March 30 about the death of his mother. He was gifted with great courage and remarkable political ability. On April 9, peace was declared between Doge Francesco Foscari for the Venetian and Duke Francesco Sforza. valiantly from the impulses of enemies. He was received at Rome on April 2, 1465, by Pope Paul II who presented him with the golden rose. [12][72], Ferrante completed the construction and decoration of the Castel Nuovo using artisans of almost exclusively Italian origin such as Pietro da Milano, one of the artists called by Alfonso I, who returned with Francesco Laurana in 1465 to complete the triumphal arch and to make some busts of the royal family. Ferrante, always distrustful of the barons, pushed his subjects to greater economic vigor with the introduction of new measures that effectively allowed the entire population of the kingdom to enjoy greater freedom in daily life. In 1478, at the time of the Pazzi conspiracy , he showed his desire to mediate peacefully, but after the outcome of the conspiracy he sided against Lorenzo de' Medici and declared war on Florence. The Duke of Calabria, before entering the war against the Papal State, declared that he was going not to offend the Holy See, but only to defend himself and free the kingdom from the snares of the rebels and declared that he was and always would be an obedient son of the Pontiff and of the Apostolic See. Alfonso despised the barons, in fact he always used to tell his confidants that if the barons had not been able to help their king in dire need during the war in Otranto, he wanted to teach him how the subjects must behave with their sovereign, assuring him that by oppressing the barons would have favored the people they exploited; and to spread the word of his opposition, Alfonso decided to place a crest broom on the helmet and some pincers in the saddle of the horse, demonstrating that he wanted to annihilate them. By order of Ferrante, as a lasting warning, the splendid bronze door of the Castel Nuovo, called La Vittoriosa, was cast in bronze, through the artillery removed by the enemies, with the representation of the king's triumph in the conspiracy of the barons, the work of Guglielmo Dello Monaco, a Parisian who had served Alfonso as a manufacturer of cannons, clocks and bells. In the rapid game of alliances and account-alliances that characterized the era, on 2 November 1474 an alliance pact was signed between the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Florence and Venice. Both contractors, the Aragonese and the Medici, remained faithful to the pacts agreed in Naples in 1480; and in reality, as long as they lived, no one violated the borders of Italy. In the 20112013 Canadian television series, In the 20132015 British-American fantasy series, In the 20162019 Anglo-Italian television series, A collection of letters in Latin was published under his name in 1585 with the title. At this time the plague began to spread in the camp of the army of the Duke of Calabria at Tumulo (a place conforming to the name for malaria), for which the Duke of Urbino and many other captains fell ill; therefore it was necessary for the Duke of Calabria to change camp and lead the army to Pitigliano. [12][52], Ferrante then published a proclamation with which he ordered all the clergy of the kingdom who resided in the Roman Court and had bishops, archbishops and benefits in the kingdom, to present themselves within fifteen days in his presence and to reside in their churches. The Turkish danger was, explicitly, the basis of the royal decision to adequately fortify Brindisi. The King got the better of them and before his troops arrived he managed to wound them and put them to flight. Pope Innocent terrified by the preparations for war, not seeing the appearance of Ren Duke of Lorraine invited by him to conquer the kingdom, asked for help from the Venetian who were powerful in Italy at the time, promising him that, after the conquest of the kingdom, he would offer him good part of that, but the Venetians did not accept the offer and still neutrally tried to support both the Pope and the King, suitably for their own interests. The following day they came to arms and the Albania, animated by the example of their leader and the King, fully defeated the enemy army and Piccinino and john of Anjou they were forced to flee. The leaders and authors of this conspiracy were Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno and Antonello Petrucci secretary of the King. He also appears as a character in the novel " The Duchess of Milan" by Michael Ennis (1992), as well as in comics: On 29 September 1465 Ferrante founded the famous Order of the Ermine, which was awarded to the same sovereign, his son Alfonso, his nephew Ferrandino and many other important personalities, such as Ercole I d'Este, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Ludovico il Moro, Federico from Montefeltro and Charles I of Burgundy. This event was then represented in the first, top left, of the six bas-reliefs impressed on the bronze door after the Arc de Triomphe in Castel Nuovo. When Ferrante returned to Naples, the inhabitants welcomed him with lively cheers and renewed the sacrament of fidelity. The Skanderbeg then had his soldiers gathered and raised their spirits by inspiring him with gratitude for the Aragonese and rekindling in them the love of glory. The country was ruled by the regent . In December 1491 Ferrante received a visit from a group of pilgrims returning from the Holy Land. In order to ensure a good future for his illegitimate son, his father Alfonso had called him to Naples. Ferrante went to meet Skanderbeg, welcomed him in celebration and for several days gave him a grateful rest in Bari. July 16, 2015. [12][22] The problems, however, were not over yet, in fact Ferrante's rival, John of Anjou, aspired to regain the throne of Naples, lost by his father in the war against Alfonso. In the meantime Ferrante tried, through tricks and deceptions, to bring the conspiring barons to his side. Custom Content. The one therefore tried with simulation to deceive the other, the barons proposed to the king very impertinent conditions; but they were all agreed. Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece). Furthermore, Ferrante established in Naples the first musical school in Italy and one of the first in Europe, which involved the major musicians of the time such as: Bernhard Hykaert, the aforementioned Tinctoris, Guglielmo Guarnier and Franchino Gaffurio, who from 1475 to 1478 covered the position of Master of the Chapel of the Royal Palace. October 1476. from the marriage to his first wife Isabella di Chiaromonte ( 1465): his daughter Leonora (or Eleonora) (1450-1493), Duchess of Ferrara, Reggio and Modena. After the Bull of Investiture, two more were sent: in the first the Pontiff advised Ferrante to send him a Cardinal Legate for the coronation and in the second he revoked the Bull. He organized numerous weddings of poor maidens and had a very rich tapestry that had been the property of Queen Giovanna II . The many riches and the many extraordinary favors that the King did to these two characters made them enter into the hatred and envy of many, especially the Duke of Calabria, who could not contain himself in saying in public that his Father in order to enrich them had impoverished himself. Wanting the Pope to allay the discords between the potentates of Italy, he wrote to the Venetians that he had to return everything they had occupied to the Duke of Ferrara, but they refused to do so and despite the Pope having abandoned them, they stubbornly pursued the war, and for more astonished King Ferrante, they called in Italy the Duke of Lorraine, pretender to the throne of Naples by virtue of his ties with the Angevins, hoping that the duke would meet that of Milan who was camped in the countryside of Rome to convince him to ally with the Venetians; but their plan failed because while that war lasted, it was administered by the duke with so much virtue and fortune, that if Ludovico Duke of Milan did not disband from the league, he would have taken away all the mainland from the Venetians. Pathol. In the meantime, Marino Marzano was trying to assassinate the king through traps and betrayals. He was one of the most influential and feared monarchs in Europe at the time and an important figure of the Italian Renaissance. [78][13] The Pope seeing soured the mood of the King and could not with the army and with other ways to resist him, he immediately sent to Naples on Cardinal Roverella to try appease Ferrante, who angrily ordered to Alfonso his son to remove the Duchy of Sora to the Church. The King of Hungary, brother-in-law of the Duke, sent 1700 soldiers and 300 Hungarian horses and the Pope sent a cardinal with 22 Genoese galleys. The Castellano then, in front of all the people, handed the keys of the castle to Ferrante, who returned them to him and ordered to keep the fortress well. In 1478 he had such confidence in the possibilities offered by the University of Naplesto prohibit his subjects from studying or seeking a doctorate outside the Kingdom . Under his reign the construction of the Castel Nuovo was completed, the magnificent palace of Poggioreale[13] was commissioned by his son Alfonso and the beautiful Palazzo Como was erected, now home to the Filangieri Museum (built between 1464 and 1490), Porta Nolana, the Palazzo Diomede Carafa (1470), the facade of the Palazzo Sanseverino, now the Church of Ges Nuovo (1470), as well as the Porta Capuana (defined as the most beautiful door of the Renaissance together with the door of San Pietro in Perugia[71]). "King Ferdinand of Aragon, son of the divine Alfonso and grandson of the divine Ferdinand , rebuilt this castle in a larger and more solid form due to old age, so that it could withstand the impetus of the bullets that is endured with maximum vigor - 1492. All this was confirmed by the bull of Pius II, on November 2, 1458. The disputes that the Kings of Naples had with the Roman Pontiffs were always bitter and continuous not only in Tolfa, but also in the territory of Pozzuoli and Agnano that the Pontiffs claimed belonged to them. "[34], However, the daring journey of the Magnificent confirmed the fame that Ferrante enjoyed as Judge of Italy. He was one of the most influential and feared monarchs in Europe at the time and an important figure of the Italian Renaissance. Ferrante, with his diplomacy made up of moves and counter-moves, also forged ties with the Duke of Ferrara and the King of Hungary, who, as mentioned, had married two of his daughters. The king went down to the underground church of that famous sanctuary; he found a great deal of silver and gold, not only what had been donated for the great devotion to the sanctuary; but also what had been brought by priests from the nearby lands. The arrival of the Count of Caiazzo greatly raised the fate of the war, because being a relative of the Count of Marsico and San Severino, he negotiated with him to return loyal to the king, managing in the end to convince him. In 1475, Pope Sixtus in a Bull exempted Ferrante from having pay the census, but for the investiture to send him a well-trimmed white horse every year; thus the use of the chinea was introduced to Saint Peter. Ferrante himself is credited with a certain skill as an instrumentalist. Ferrante managed to lay the foundations for the formation of an embryo of a modern state thanks to the creation of new political institutions such as the Collateral Council and the consolidation of financial structures such as the Regia Camera della Sommaria. [42] The saint insistently requested and also obtained that the body of Saint Januarius be transferred to Naples, at which ceremony with great pomp celebrated by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, he too wanted to attend.[13]. 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